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ECS1 ESP Class Session, June 3, 1969 Theodore health Brad secure vocational

(At this point, Theodore said; “I am in good shape tonight, Seth, I’m ready.”)

([Theodore:] “Because now we have time to do it.”)

([Theodore:] “But between the time of thinking about it now and the time it becomes a reality, other thoughts can come to bear on that idea and change it before it becomes a reality. Is that so?”)

([Theodore:] “I see, and form a compromise—composite.”)

ECS1 May 22, 1968 [Wednesday—Notes by Jane Roberts] Notes on Class Events of May 21, 1968 aura Sally Theodore Rose ectoplasm

Present were Florence, Rose, Rachel, Sally, Theodore, Vera. [...] (Theodore saw something with hand, but didn’t know what.)

[...] Here Theodore said that he thought [he] saw a filmy whitish something move out from me in the same direction. In here also I concentrated on a ectoplastic arm without telling anyone and Theodore again reported without any suggestion from me that he thought he noticed a change in the same arm, and once thought it was about to rise. [...]

[...] Vera and Theodore were then able to see it; and Sally, everyone but Florence, I believe. [...]

[...] I personally then was able to see auras on Rachel, Theodore and Sally. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, December 15, 1970 Theodore sensitivity pious badger mask

(Theodore had been discussing the trouble he was having in psy-time.)

For now (to Theodore) accept the thoughts as a spontaneous part of the moment. [...]

See (to Theodore) how that makes you spontaneous. [...]

And (to Theodore) you have been so sensitive over there in the corner. [...]

ECS1 Session 494, ESP Class Session, July 15, 1969 Bega Theodore Ned portrait Brad

(The data re the paintings—Bega—Theodore M., was interesting, etc. On July 17, Theodore purchased the painting of Bega as designated by Seth. [...]

Now, I will tell you (Theodore) something. [...] (Theodore commented that one was “too much Hebrew.”)

[...] It is a portion that can understand your (Theodore) being overwhelmed with work; it is a portion that can understand your being full with child (Sue); it is a portion that can understand the times when you wanted to leave physical reality (Ned); it is a portion that can understand the part of you (Sally) that wanted to be a star; it is a portion that can understand the part of you that wanted to conquer and is afraid to conquer (Brad); it is a portion that can understand the guilt you (Rose) feel for no reason. [...] It is a part that can understand why you let your aspirations go (Theodore). [...]

([Theodore:] “That is what I’m doing.”)

ECS1 Jane’s Impressions: Theodore Muldoon, April 8, 1969 Syracuse thatthere figurehead muldoon ninety

[...] I get, Theodore, that anything involving Syracuse would, with you directly up there I guess, be definitely more confining than down here no matter what it looked like ahead of time. [...]


ECS1 ESP Class Session, June 4, 1968 sic Theodore spare immortalized shortcuts

([Theodore:] “Thank you.”)

Now there have been several developments here in class with these two (Vera and Theodore) and there are other developments which should come in this class. [...]

([Theodore:] “That goes double” [to Rachel]; “Spare me” [to Seth].)

(As Jane threw her glasses on the floor, going into her third trance of the evening, Theodore said, “I’m going to catch that some day.”)

ECS4 ESP Class Session, May 25, 1971 Ron Brady evil pope Theodore

[...] Theodore made a remark about a friend.)

(A discussion of Brady’s impressions of Theodore. [...]

([Theodore:] “Shall we kiss your ring?”)

(To Theodore.) Active peace in your direction over there and be glad that you aroused the sort of response in our friend here (Brady) that you did. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, January 14, 1969 Rachel Daniel Florence intellects Theodore

Now (to Theodore), you will have a session when the time is ripe. [...]

You (to Theodore) see a composite personality. [...]

([Theodore:] “Now is that the primrose path?”)

(Goodnights around and Theodore added, “Amen.”)

ECS2 ESP Class Session, March 17, 1970 Brad Theodore God Margo learn

[...] Theodore observed it would be good to hear about it straight from the “horse’s mouth. [...]

([Theodore:] “I have been reading Revelations for twenty years and don’t know any more now than the first time I read it. [...]

([Theodore:] “It smarts!”)

[...] And you are beginning to accept them (to Theodore). [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, January 6, 1970 kinship Rachel Vera incapacitating Theodore

[...] I certainly expect our “Dean” (Theodore) to continue with his own development. [...]

([Theodore:] “How about Vera’s work?”)

([Theodore:] “Thank you and you started the new year fine.”)

ECS2 ESP Class Session, February 3, 1970 Brad misconceptions solve Theodore interjected

([Theodore:] “Where is the genesis of this changed thought? Is it in Theodore’s brain or back in the entity or whole self?”)

([Theodore:] “Because then it would seem like a cause-and-effect chain which could not be broken.”)

([Theodore:] “But do it in joy.”)

[...] I am aware, as Ruburt keeps reminding me, of your (Theodore) question. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, September 17, 1968 dog door taskmaster yaps fear

([Theodore:] “Crack the whip!”)

Someone (Theodore) over there seems too anxious. [...]

[...] It is fine and well for me to come here and talk to you, but you are not taking time from your daily activities to develop your own abilities, not to look inward, and you (Theodore) need not be included here. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, February 4, 1969 truth intellectually intellect win cracks

(To Rachel, Sally and Theodore:) Now, you also fulfill a purpose in the group, and still in coming to the group you also pursue your own purposes. [...] (To Theodore?)

[...] Our friend over here (Theodore) has Ruburt’s back. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, January 5, 1971 nonintervals nonmoments Arnold spices Rachel

[...] Also Theodore Muldoon told of returning to his Great Hall, of the new tapestry and the new pulsating sensation of feeling.)

(To Theodore) And sometime, for example, you will be able to travel through your tapestry and realize they are illustrations, as indeed you do, but realize it more vividly so you can experience the reality behind them. [...]

(Theodore  described to Jane the painting of a woman he felt Rob would paint.)

(To Theodore) You were correct about the woman. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, July 21, 1970 negative Brad vinegar cruddy thoughts

([Theodore:] “In the back of your mind you think a negative thought, then say, ‘Oops, this is wrong’ and try to change it. [...]

([Theodore:] “But the expressions need not necessarily be to the party you are concerned about.”)

([Theodore:] “I wrote a guy two days ago to go to hell.”)

(To Theodore.) Now, our Dean is also doing well and given what you have and what you are doing, you can do better. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, March 9, 1971 secrets Valerie Maggie clouds agony

(Following a discussion of last week’s session, Theodore M. stated he wasn’t sure he would acknowledge his inner secrets to himself, much less reveal them in class.)

([Theodore M:] “How far would the ego accept it and wouldn’t it be dangerous?”)

([Theodore M:] “In part.”)

([Theodore M:] “In part, I don’t get you because I am still reflecting on something you have just previously said.”)

ECS2 ESP Class Session, December 8, 1970 Florence puritan umbrella guts violence

(To Theodore.) It was your own exuberant energy and not my own, your group energy, that played the tricks with the fire. [...]

(To Theodore.) Now, I simply came to let you know that I was in on your conversation, and because I did not want to have you think that I played your little trick and rob you of the pleasure of realizing that you did it for yourselves. [...]

(To Theodore.) I have a remark for our dean and it is this. [...]

([Theodore:] “If I have a thought some person has wronged me in some way, and I would like to slug him, am I doing that person harm in this reality or in another, and if so, how do I handle this responsibility?”)

ECS3 ESP Class Session, April 6, 1971 listen labor Alpha gloss platitudes

(To Theodore.) Now do not escape through platitudes. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, October 8, 1968 bell task Lafinda ring brandy

(To Theodore) We know of course this Bega—and he is trained to do a fairly decent job with you and you are a fairly good student. [...]

[...] I may indeed take care of you (to Theodore). [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, April 8, 1969 courage Florence Lo Brad flower

[...] You have seen our dweller in the hall here (Theodore) use his abilities—and he does not need to look for wonders because he is experiencing reality. [...]

[...] I have not the heart to light into you, because you are also giving him (Theodore) strength and you represent a foundation of which he is sure. [...]

[...] If I had gold stars, I would paste one on his (Theodore’s) forehead—but then he would be the one who would have to go to the bank and explain the strange star and not I.

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