Results 41 to 60 of 106 for stemmed:sumari

TPS3 Session 700 (Deleted Portion) May 29, 1974 elation Seven upswing nutriments accomplished

[...] Now: Seven can be counted upon, as Ruburt knows; and Sumari physicians are assisting. [...]

TPS3 Jane’s Notes Thanksgiving Morning 1975 cosmos boldness library supercautious heroic

[...] I’d say that I could use my abilities far more fully even in those areas already being explored—Seth, the library, Sumari, etc., even if I wanted to leave other areas alone (seances, etc.). [...]

TPS3 Session 684 (Deleted Portion) February 20, 1974 paperback Seven worry optimum alone

[...] In our sessions he lets himself alone, and in class and with Sumari, and with poetry. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 16: Session 660, May 2, 1973 foods vitamins overweight eat diet

(During class, Seth commented that this latest Sumari development would help her decipher the very ancient — and largely oral — Speaker “manuscripts” that she mentions in her Introduction. [...] For more notes on the Speakers, and Sumari, see the 623rd session in Chapter Five.)

(Jane was very active in ESP class last night, and especially so while speaking and singing in Sumari. [...]

TPS2 Session 603 January 10, 1972 Rembrandt varnish compromises pigment Italy

[...] I would like you to have several Sumari sessions together. [...]

Your own discussions, and the improvement in your relationship as I told you, in one way is responsible for your latest developments in our sessions, and I include the Sumari—the songs, and the statement. [...]

[...] I expect that you will play some strong part here on your own, if you want to; this having to do with the reception of Sumari art. [...]

TPS3 Session 781 (Deleted Portion) June 28, 1976 ligaments improvements Gladston muscles circulation

[...] He does have the help of a Sumari physician. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session December 27, 1971 attitudes de ne ra vacation

[...] At 9:11, as Jane and I sat talking and waiting, I wrote the following lines in Sumari:

(There follows the translation of the Sumari quoted at the beginning of the session:

[...] It’s very interesting to note that even though I wrote the original in Sumari, she is the one who makes it available in English. [...]

UR2 Section 6: Session 738 February 19, 1975 hill Foster house Avenue privacy

[...] Both houses have Sumari characteristics, but in different combinations. [...]

[...] The “natural earth parents” [the Borledim] and the Sumari, for instance, are very close, and yet have great difficulty in merging, because one considers the family itself as art, and the other subordinates the family for a different kind of art. [...]

TPS3 Session 702 (Deleted Session) June 10, 1974 physician improper muscles softened mistrust

[...] Actually at these other levels, a Sumari physician was helping him. [...]

DEaVF1 Essay 4 Saturday, April 17, 1982 chimes dirgelike irrepressible prologue escapades

[...] Once again, however, she shied away from translating any more of that dirgelike Sumari song she’d sung to herself, and recorded, shortly before going into the hospital. [...]

DEaVF1 Essay 1 Thursday, April 1, 1982 hospital Mandali backside thyroid arthritis

That evocative, prophetic line is from a Sumari song that Jane sang to herself a few days before she went into an Elmira, New York, hospital on February 26, 1982. Sumari is a “language” she can speak or sing while in trance, and which she can translate into English if and when she wants to. [...]

[...] For now, though, I present what I have to work with from the saddest, most mournful Sumari song she’s ever created and sung. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session January 7, 1981 festivals Salvador orientation magical celebration

[...] The dream (last night) reflected and updated old Sumari traditions that honored God as a god of festivals, of celebration, traditions, that built upon the idea of life itself as a celebration. [...]

TPS3 Session 703 (Deleted Portion) June 12, 1974 dynamics inward Herschaft overrode stages

He should now be able to perceive the Sumari physicians, and to become more aware of inward dynamics that ordinarily escape notice. [...]

WTH Epilogue by Robert F. Butts epilogue unfinished Yale eulogy gravesite

[...] It also happens with the audio tapes from Jane’s ESP class, as she speaks for Seth, or as herself in exchanges with students, or as she speaks and sings in her trance language, Sumari. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session October 31, 1983 moved bedsores grunting foot Acuto

The word Sumari carries within itself the essence of playful creativity, and delights indeed in so-called miraculous healings, enjoying surprises and a sense of pure fun. [...]

UR1 Epilogue by Robert F. Butts Section Volume holes Unknown counterparts

[...] The Sumari family that Jane and I choose to be allied with is one of these. [...]

TPS3 Session 755 (Deleted Portion) September 8, 1975 recovery wisdom subsidiary craftsmanship gradually

There are also other areas with Sumari, and other developments that will follow. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session November 9, 1981 solutions spelled Frank uncovering faith

A note: the spelling of the names follows Sumari interpretation. [...]

TPS6 Jane’s Notes July 17-19, 1981 pleasure prowling fans Longwell phone

[...] Was it somehow already translated Sumari? [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session September 10, 1973 hours work nonconventional creativity inspiration

[...] Yet creativity kept escaping the work definition—in my books, Seven and Sumari; and he even felt guilty about Sumari poetry in work hours, for it might not fulfill work’s requirements, produce money and so forth.

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