Results 421 to 440 of 1110 for stemmed:suggest

WTH Part One: Chapter 5: April 18, 1984 diseases bedridden tape vein coping

[...] She suggested trying dream suggestion to get clues as to the root causes of her fears, and I said that that was a good approach.

WTH Part Two: Chapter 11: June 12, 1984 cancer patients garbage disease unconscious

Doctors might suggest that a patient relax and then ask himself or herself what kind of inner fantasy would best serve the healing process. [...]

These exercises may suggest others of your own. [...]

TES8 Session 390 January 8, 1968 Blanche contact Anne unpleasant Baltimore

[...] Jane then suggested that I speak to Seth, since I was used to doing so; her hope being that by going into trance on her own she might contact a survival personality—namely, Blanche Price.

[...] The suggestions seemed to be good ones. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session December 17, 1983 spasms Christina bladder itchy itch

[...] Her hair and scalp itch—I suggested it was caused by the medicated water in hydro, but she said no. [...]

[...] I stressed that it was a very important step, and that maybe soon I could take apart Personal Reality, as I had suggested doing some weeks ago, so that she could read it page by page. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session October 18, 1978 safety fest tyrant unpredictability illustrated

(Jane didn’t know whether she wanted a session tonight or not, but I suggested she have at least a short one, so Seth could say something about her moving ability.)

[...] I suggested she read it daily for a while along with the others she reviews.

TES3 Session 114 December 14, 1964 units particles system interrelationship transformation

I suggest your break.

I suggest your break.

[...] I would suggest here that our hardheaded friend, Ruburt, refresh himself tomorrow by loosening his schedule somewhat, and gaining new reservoirs of creative energy, through perhaps an aimless walk, or quiet contemplation.

TES4 Session 156 May 19, 1965 ego action emotion functions rejects

(Seth suggested Jane leave the gallery job in the 82nd session, August 27,1964, and she soon did so. [...]

I suggest your first break.

I suggest your break.

TMA Session Five August 20, 1980 George Laurel target magical rational

As Seth suggests, through even a five-minute exercise, in which we sit quietly and look about, we can become aware that the present is the point of power. [...] Next, we relax, to give our fresh suggestions time to begin working within us. [...]

There is no separate field that combines all of that information, or applies the facts of one discipline to the facts of another discipline, so overall, science, with its brand of rational thought, can offer no even, suggestive, hypothetical, comprehensive ideas of what reality is. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session April 26, 1978 scorn impulses cleansing unfair prerogative

[...] Almost immediately after your chair suggestion, and with the work you are both doing, Ruburt’s mind and body began to respond. [...]

[...] I do suggest the pillow pounding, for it encourages the expression of normally aggressive feelings through bodily release, rather than repression through bodily tension.

[...] Do not forget Framework 2. Ruburt need not go abroad in the world to promote our ideas, nor have I ever suggested it. [...]

TES9 Session 510 January 19 1970 Simmons Tomoski chapter Hartley Pete

[...] Suggestion will remove it. [...]

[...] She hadn’t been using suggestion in an effort to get this material tonight.

[...] (Long pause.) I suggest you equip yourself with some good pens. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, March 16, 1971 Eva Alpha press loyalty grandfather

[...] And now I suggest that you all take a break. [...]

Now I suggest, not a class break, but a Seth break. [...]

([Joel:] “Is it good to continue with the suggestion when he’s asleep?”)

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 17: Session 661, May 7, 1973 Dineen evil territory ill severest

[...] He suggested that Dineen find herself a job, stop seeing psychics, and assert her own individuality and her own responsibility for action. [...] If someone frowned at her, this was the result of hypnotic suggestion. [...]

She felt that certain rituals or foods warded off this evil hypnotic suggestion. [...]

Ruburt also suggested a counselor, but until Dineen is ready to exchange the beliefs she has for others that will allow her to fulfill her own abilities, she will still be in difficulty.

TES9 Session 502 September 22, 1969 dog inactivity failure comfort yourself

I do not suggest that this be kept up for any length of time, at a steady rate. [...]

Now, I want to give you some practical suggestions before the session is through, so I will speak of the most important ones. [...]

I suggest however that you freely express both bitterness and discontent when you feel them, whenever possible. [...]

TES7 Session 281 August 29, 1966 Barbara Dick Andreano wedding poem

[...] As negative suggestions play their part, so do positive suggestions, and both in terms of symbols.

[...] Recently I have been using suggestion rather successfully on hay fever, following Seth’s ideas. [...]

They will neutralize the original suggestions. [...]

TES5 Session 199 October 18, 1965 appointment Colucci Jersey radio sneezing

[...] She believes that at least one of these dreams is a therapeutic dream, resulting from suggestions she gave herself following Seth’s material on therapeutic dreams in the last session.

The second dream is an excellent example of a therapeutic dream that results from self-suggestion. [...]

I suggest a short break. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session July 12, 1979 science Greg Carson Colorado fiction

(But at about 9 PM this evening Jane surprised me by suggesting a brief session. [...]

(9:36.) This is the reason why some scientists who either write or read science fiction, are the most incensed over any suggestion that some such ideas represent a quite valid alternate conception of reality. [...]

TES7 Session 307 December 7, 1966 drugs chemical psychedelic drugless nuts

I suggest your break.

These are very simple suggestions. [...]

TES8 Session 389 January 3, 1968 Blanche Healy Anne Baltimore dining

[...] (Pause.) I will make what suggestions I think helpful as we go along.

I suggest then, that we end, and let our friend quiet down. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 2, 1984 Jake Bantam shaky staff barber

The Bantam cover in its own way offers in the most positive of ways, despite your natural objections to it … It suggests the most unfortunate sensationalism, of course, yet people attracted to it for that reason are precisely the people it is important to reach. [...]

It will take some time to discuss the staff’s opinion of you both, so I suggest that we leave that for another time of your choosing.

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: August 5, 1984 funeral breakfast eating chucks uneven

(At one time during breakfast when she became upset and panicky again, I repeated my use of suggestion/mild hypnosis as I had the other day. [...]

[...] In view of all of those early enjoyable events she’d had, I suggested she try focusing on them in times of stress, instead of the negative ones we usually talk about. [...]

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