Results 381 to 400 of 1110 for stemmed:suggest

NotP Chapter 9: Session 792, January 24, 1977 events shared cellular network rose

I am going to suggest a series of exercises. [...]

[...] Some of the exercises I will suggest will put you in touch with the way events are formed.

[...] The exercises I will suggest have to do with games “that anybody can play,” then — with the natural joyful manipulation of the imagination that children employ.

TSM Chapter Eleven Sally Jon Ann Jim Lindens

Seth also said that he would outline a program designed to change Sally’s own expectations, and also suggested treatment by an accredited hypnotist who could instill positive suggestions to rouse her will to live.

[...] She and her husband were distraught, she said, and a friend of theirs, Ray Van Over, a parapsychologist in New York, had suggested she call me.

He suggested that Jim stay out of the acting field, because in his case it led to a confusion as to the nature of his own identity. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 12: Session 940, February 3, 1982 center homey doorstep prepackaged stand

[...] After supper tonight she suggested that I get the session notebook ready, although when I joined her in the living room at 8:30 she said she didn’t feel Seth around at all.

I have not given you a multitude of methods or suggestions, telling you how to decipher or understand your own dreams, though I have mentioned such topics often in this book and others.

TPS5 Deleted Session September 13, 1978 Carter God Jews Arabs men

(9:59.) One comment: have Ruburt discuss his new suggestions with you. [...]

(Jane has mentioned her idea for new suggestions to me, but I haven’t seen them yet. [...]

TES2 Session 63 June 17, 1964 antimatter perspective ball interval Philip

I suggest a positive break.

I suggest your break. [...]

I suggest your regular break, as after it I want to continue along the lines of this discussion.

TPS3 Session 786 (Deleted Portion) August 16, 1976 implanted muscles soreness Frank accustom

[...] Add this that way to your suggestions.

TES1 Session 31 March 2, 1964 camouflage creation killing plane entities

I suggest a brief break, and let me congratulate you my dear Joseph upon your latest manipulation of camouflage pattern in terms of your entryway. [...] It will however mark the end of my suggestions. [...]

I suggest a break.

I suggest a brief break.

TPS2 Deleted Session October 1, 1973 improvements tomatoes badminton tendons mobility

He has done well following my suggestions, particularly going outside. [...]

[...] The suggestions given last week, plus the badminton or pillow-beating to be continued, and the squatting.

[...] Everything as given last week to be continued then, with the added suggestions. [...]

UR1 Section 3: Session 704 June 17, 1974 oracle physician predict disease psyche

I am aware that some of this sounds “retrogressive,” for I am even suggesting a situation in which politicians or statesmen would learn to “dream wisely” — and become aware of the psyche, the mass psyche, of their people, and tune into the “private oracle.”

I am simply suggesting that you become more natural. [...]

[...] It seems the worst kind of idiocy to suggest that the individual has any kind of effective protection against illness or disease. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session July 12, 1978 Emir Eleanor conservative weight truth

[...] Ruburt’s mental attitude is highly important, and the suggestions you are giving are helping. [...] Relaxing in the moment and enjoying the beauties of the day, as per your suggestions, is vital in that regard.

[...] For Ruburt in a way it was an expression of daring, partially the result of your suggestions, and his growing understanding that he had become not too spontaneous, but too conservative. [...]

TES9 Session 442 October 14, 1968 circle triangle vortex spirals Freudenberger

[...] In the simplest of terms I have tried to suggest through analogy the multidimensional aspects of a basic self.

(Pause at 10:31.) Ruburt may be invited to go somewhere or do something, on a Wednesday shortly, and I suggest that he not do so. [...]

[...] The situation could arise (underline could) when others here suggest you go somewhere. [...]

TES3 Session 87 September 14, 1964 enclosure cancer comprehension capsule gates

I suggest your first break.

I suggest your break.

[...] I suggest you keep track of your dreams, Joseph, when possible; and that copies of dreams for which you would like analysis be left on the table before sessions.

TES2 Session 50 May 4, 1964 condensed molecules creation combination diffusion

I suggest your break, and we will go into this more deeply.

I suggest you take your break. [...]

I suggest your break and hope you are following me, and I will try to get to other matters that concern you later in the discussion. [...]

TES4 Session 168 July 7, 1965 fate accent Lorraine sensation Jesuit

Whenever it is possible, I would suggest that our gentleman with the ulcer read our last sessions. [...]

I will suggest your break, and we will then at least briefly continue. [...]

You can also be of aid, both of you, as far as your brother Bill is concerned, Joseph, and I suggest that you take steps to speak with him, and if necessary we will hold a session, if the circumstances are correct for our purposes.

WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 7, 1984 body negative priceless Dana knower

[...] I massaged her toes as Seth had recently suggested, which got good results, then after I’d turned her, I gently worked her right leg back and forth as Seth had suggested. [...]

TPS5 Session 886 (Deleted Portion) December 3, 1979 impulses zounds grist imposed ve

[...] Now whenever I sense a conflict arising, I do as I’d figured out—and as Seth himself suggested recently: I ask the advice of the first man; what would he do in these situations? [...]

(My own activities, then, have aroused in Jane the urge to try the same approach, and I’ve suggested she think of her own women numbers 1 and 2. It seems that she confronts the same basic challenges I do, I told her, so she could delineate the two opposing portions of her personality well enough to understand that many of her cultural beliefs have been imposed upon her natural, spontaneous, free, creative self, and to such an extent that the acquired beliefs have turned into detriments rather than aids, that she envisioned as helping her obtain what she wants in life. [...]

TES7 Session 314 January 25, 1967 restraint err ailments pendulum discipline

[...] I suggest, however, for this evening that you hold your pendulum session now and then return here for my comments. [...]

I suggest for this material that you take a break and then I shall continue.

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 9, 1984 circulatory temperature fever mucous blotchy

[...] Ruburt did well with his attitude — especially since the hospital help are so prone themselves to negative suggestion. [...]

The process of clearing the body out began when Ruburt started his Day 1, but with the great frequency of negative hospital suggestions, and general false beliefs connected with fever, the beneficial aspects indeed had to be taken on faith as largely (underlined) they were (louder).

TES5 Session 213 December 1, 1965 Ormond test season envelope postmark

[...] Jane, very amused, commented every so often that she received little “messages” from a certain party, expressing approval of our actions, and merely suggesting that we do get to the session at least a few minutes before the Instream material was due.

[...] When we begin our dream experiments with the recorder, we will also keep a daily weather record, again as suggested by Seth.

I suggest your break.

TES9 Session 461 January 29, 1969 intellectually mistletoe superiority meaningful Tam

[...] I do not suggest that he do such writing (automatic writing) more than twice a week for now at the most, however. [...]

[...] Give yourself the suggestion before you sleep that you will remember what happens, and that even while sleeping you will be alert to my presence, and ready to follow my directions. [...]

(As instructed, I gave myself suggestions for dream-projection recall, though I was tired. [...]

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