Results 301 to 320 of 1110 for stemmed:suggest

TES6 Session 241 March 14, 1966 grave holly Ezra Gottesman leaf

(Last night Peggy Gallagher told us that she is following the suggestions given by Seth in the unscheduled 238th session, but hasn’t noticed any improvement yet in the “bursitis” in her neck and left shoulder and arm. She is continuing to follow the suggestions however. [...]

Now I suggest your first break.

Now I suggest your break.

TSM Chapter Ten doorway Bill Mark apparition sketch

“I would not be surprised if you wondered about the part that suggestion might play in such a demonstration. … Generally speaking, however, no physical object can be constructed, and no action can occur, without what you are pleased to call suggestion. [...] Behind every action and every construction there is indeed suggestion.

“There is no more truth and no more falsehood in saying that my appearance in the doorway was caused by suggestion than to say that this room and everything in it is caused by suggestion. [...]

“I suggest your break. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 11: June 11, 1984 disease presto sprinkler prey die

[...] Jane suggested I get a checking account. [...]

[...] This may be necessary — even vital — to my own well-being, although I must be careful about giving myself negative suggestions over it.

TPS6 Deleted Session November 12, 1981 safe supported clued gritty nitty

Unfortunately, in your society you need every good suggestion you can get, to offset fears and negative conditioning. Ruburt needs time to give himself a few suggestions in the morning, to start up his journal again, even to paint if he wants in a framework in which he allows himself that much freedom. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 16: Session 659, April 25, 1973 hypnotist doctors witch hypnosis quacks

[...] If he tells you that there is a pink elephant in front of you, then you will see it and believe it is there, and act according to the suggestions given. [...]

In many instances, therefore, modern physicians are inadequate witch doctors who have forgotten their craft — hypnotists who no longer believe in the power of healing, and whose suggestions bring about other diseases which are diagnosed in advance.

They constantly surround themselves with negative suggestions. [...]

TES5 Session 227 January 26, 1966 event poems January perceive Willy

(Wednesday and Thursday nights, January 19 & 20, Jane gave herself suggestions that she would have a great abundance of energy. She usually uses suggestion each night, but this time she wanted a little something extra.

I suggest a break before our Instream material.

[...] It grew out of earlier suggestions, and I would say the end result represented a fine example of spontaneous creative power at its best. [...]

TES8 Session 350 July 6, 1967 jealousy Catherine temperas oils lingering

[...] I strongly suggested a vacation, and it is because prior conditions were still operating that the two of you did not overcome your obstacles and leave.

The change of bedroom color is highly important, and this is why I suggested it. [...]

[...] I would (underlined) suggest a change in the kitchen if any were remotely possible. [...]

TES9 Session 457 January 13, 1969 revelationary fiction mission hypocrisy committed

(Here Seth refers to a painting I began yesterday, in line with approach two of the suggestions he gave me in the last, 456th session, I am following his suggestions and they are working well.)

I do not want to make any suggestions now, for what I am thinking of will come from you.

You suggested that Ruburt put his records in one place for quite sound intuitive reasons. [...]

TES9 Session 462 February 3, 1969 mathematical perception clairvoyant medium pessimistic

[...] In a low mood any individual is much more likely to react to pessimistic suggestions, and to interpret data in the same manner. [...]

[...] Do you recall the suggestions I gave you?

[...] Other suggestions: tell yourself that a portion of you will remain alert while your body sleeps.

ECS2 ESP Class Session, December 22, 1970 onion Gert Cato Natalie church

[...] You have our Lady of Florence to thank that there are classes here, for Ruburt would not think of them in the beginning, and it was our friend, who you think is too intellectual and not intuitional, who suggested the classes in the first place to Ruburt and opened his mind so that he would follow my suggestions. [...]

Now, I suggest that you all take your break. [...]

[...] You are all remiss in one point here in that you give our Lady of Florence further negative suggestions that reinforce her own distrust of her intuitive self; so let us see that attitude suspended, and I will suspend the session. [...]

TES4 Session 193 September 27, 1965 label Lorraine Lake test Seneca

I suggest your break.

[...] (Pause.) R. B. And another, and the impression of a road or a path, or of lines suggesting a road or a path.

[...] The label bears parallel oval lines which can suggest a road or a path.

TES9 Session 437 September 18, 1968 notime painting blaring foreground segments

[...] This is not a specific suggestion but an example of what I mean.

[...] I suggest in your case therefore an approach using imagery, although there will be several ways of trying to get given information, as you see.

Many sessions ago I gave you some information concerning painting the viewpoint, and suggestions also as to how to approach a natural object, to become it. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session February 24, 1972 repression conscientious February etc job

(Jane’s suggestion that she can consciously know whatever she needs to know is a good one. [...] Last night after the suggestion, she received a good insight, and was able to examine it instead of repressing it. [...]

(Jane today revived what is evidently an excellent suggestion—to the effect that “Whatever I need to know will rise to my consciousness.” She used this suggestion as she lay down for a nap. [...]

[...] He felt therefore that he caused your illness, that in a way you were punishing him for the frivolousness that made him suggest you leave a conventional background and your parents, and go with his father in Florida.

TPS1 Session 562 (Deleted) November 30, 1970 noncontact divorce secrecy both sexual

[...] You tell him to use suggestion, which is a mental tool, and evade the physical contact which to him is proof of the physical divorce, and a reassertion of the mental being valued and the physical denied.

Now I suggested that we move our sessions back here for the reasons given, but also because I knew that to Ruburt this meant an implied greater sense of togetherness on your parts, and of secrecy. [...]

[...] I suggested frequently the up and down movements and the running, because he must set those legs into activity. [...]

TES1 Session 32 March 4, 1964 Jews starlings gulping killing reverence

I will go into this in a few moments, and suggest a brief break.

The Middle Ages represented such a break, and I also suggest a break.

I suggest a brief break.

TES1 Session 36 March 18, 1964 distortions choice arrived ache meddling

[...] Jane lay down for a rest, and gave herself positive suggestions concerning the session. [...]

[...] I am even, and this is quite unusual for me, hesitant at bringing him to discipline here, since he is usually so concerned about subconscious distortion that I do not want to imprint the suggestion in his mind.

I suggest a brief break, as I have a feeling that you are already past the breaking point.

TES7 Jane’s Handwritten Note, Relating to Seth’s Comments in Session 313 Mossman McGraw Schaefer February Doubleday

On February 1, 1968, I sent Dreams to Doubleday on suggestion of Reverend Crosson. [...]

SS Part One: Chapter 3: Session 520, March 25, 1970 permanent form environment constant thought

I suggest your break.

I will, then, end our session with my heartiest regards to you both; and may I remind Ruburt again of the suggestion I made concerning his bed.

(11:05 P.M. See the 519th session, in which Seth suggests that Jane try turning our bed to a north-south position. [...]

TES3 Session 147 April 19, 1965 habit action smoking insulation exhausted

[...] I heartily suggest that he seriously begin to tackle the smoking problem, for his health in many small but significant ways will benefit.

I here suggest your first break.

I am here going to suggest another brief break, and then we will continue.

TPS5 Deleted Session January 5, 1979 moral conscientious typeface judgment pedantic

[...] I suggested some changes. [...] You suggested going to Sayre. [...]

[...] You are to concentrate upon the creative suggestions I have given you, and not upon the difficulties.

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