Results 181 to 200 of 1110 for stemmed:suggest

TES9 Session 485 June 2, 1969 rent landlady raised Leonard resentment

[...] He is sending constructive telepathic suggestions to the landlady, and they are being received. She is highly suggestible.

[...] She is highly suggestible. [...]

She was very sensitive therefore to telepathic suggestions sent her way by tenants, and felt that they did not like her, highly resented her as the new landlord. [...]

TPS1 Session 369 (Deleted) October 4, 1967 conscientious overly spontaneous self deeply

The poverty angle reaches in here for you both, but I intend to give you my own ideas and suggestions in the very near future. [...]

I do suggest that you get some enjoyment away from your apartment when you can.

(“Just the one; what do you think of the suggestions Jane wrote out the day after the 387th Session, and which she has been reading to herself several times daily since?”

TPS4 Deleted Session June 7, 1978 creative mystical reorganized encounter reinterpretation

[...] The pendulum suggestions are, as you supposed, too bulky (in the morning), and Ruburt should reorganize and cut them to some degree. [...]

[...] The evening suggestions have been shorter and to the point—and to some extent took effect almost immediately. [...]

[...] Continue your program, and when the suggestions have been pared down into a clearer kind of statement, then Ruburt should indeed—alone this time—read that material after lunch.

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: July 4, 1984 Jeff subverted doesn death cheeks

[...] I laughed — my first of the day, I said — and told her that she was only saying that because I wanted her to read more — not because she’d suggested that she do so on her own. Later, she did suggest I bring in some reading matter. [...]

[...] Jeff doesn’t suggest antibiotics at this time, but told me that the ulcers on Jane’s right knee and left hand won’t heal themselves, and that the new swelling on the top of her right shoulder may turn into another such area. [...]

(Jeff suggested that we do nothing at the moment, while he monitors Jane’s condition. [...]

TES2 Session 66 June 29, 1964 construction overlapping continuums glass Voghler

I do suggest merely that your friend and landlord look at it, but merely because this will set your own feelings; and that is all.

I have certainly given you good preliminary data to build upon, and I suggest when you find time, that you reread the last four sessions, excluding last night’s session.

I suggest your break.

TPS3 Deleted Session April 29, 1975 Castaneda advertising reputable publishing healer

[...] Your own fear, Joseph, sometimes—but not always—pushes you to exaggerate what you think of as Ruburt’s suggestibility on the phone. For a while, simply to aid in Ruburt’s recovery, and for present operational procedure, I suggest that you have the final word—that if you feel a firm “no” is not given, you give it.

I will make suggestions pertaining to class, but suggestions only. [...]

[...] The healer is usually equipped with his or her own beliefs, to which the patient is highly suggestible, because this is the area of conflict.

TES1 Session 18 January 22, 1964 tree bark Burrell Miami Mr

I would suggest that you keep up a closer correspondence with your younger brother on a personal basis, and I suggest this rather strongly. I would also suggest that you visit your younger brother much more frequently than you have in the past, and indeed that you do not let more than two months go by before you visit him for a weekend. [...]

[...] When I suggested that you dissociate I didn’t mean that you should break up in pieces.

[...] This is why I suggested that you begin these exercises now. [...]

TES5 Session 232 February 9, 1966 photo Ezra twisted table envelope

[...] You should give yourself the suggestions that I mentioned earlier, consistently. Do you recall the suggestions?

(For the record: In the 227th and 228th sessions Seth discussed the book of poetry Jane produced so quickly by using suggestions for abundant energy, and told us the book would be published. [...]

[...] I wanted to make these comments, and do suggest that at least a portion of a session a month be concerned with the state of your psychic and physical circumstances, for there are possibilities here from which you are not yet fully benefiting.

TES2 Session 64 June 24, 1964 bug construction hose cat insect

[...] 6/25, 8:30 PM: I achieved my usual thrilling sensation as I suggested to myself that I felt light. Once I had attained the desired state I am now used to, I then suggested to myself that I would enter a deeper, secondary state. [...]

I suggest your break.

I suggest your second break.

TES2 Session 82 August 27, 1964 Provincetown cottage keg Gary Larry

My suggestion will be, therefore, that Ruburt do his own work in the mornings. [...] Afternoons, instead of working at the gallery, I would suggest that he busy himself with my book. [...]

[...] It is, indeed, time that such a book be compiled, and I do suggest that when it is compiled you ask Mr. Wollheim to write an introduction. [...]

I speak not because I think that either of you will allow yourselves to follow my suggestions in this particular matter, but merely to tell you what could be done to, or for, all of our benefits.

TES6 Session 247 April 2, 1966 Marian tumor shrink ovarian Spaziani

(Should she not be able to master the use of suggestion and positive religious faith quickly enough, Seth reassured Marian that the operation would then take care of the tumor, and that Marian had no worries here. Seth also included suggestions for Marian regarding therapeutic dreams; at breaks Jane and I explained what we could, but left feeling there was much we didn’t have time to include. [...]

[...] Since Marian is a deeply religious person also, Seth tied his ideas on positive thinking and suggestion in with the religious theme, stressing the positive use of faith. [...]

TSM Chapter Fourteen dream waking clerks locations Turkish

[...] Suggestions would be given that the individual involved would experience, say, aggressiveness, within a dream. It would also be suggested to him that he learn to understand his aggressions by watching himself while he was dreaming [watching the dream as he would a play]. [...]

[...] But Seth suggests the following exercise as a dream therapy: before sleep, suggest to yourself that you will have a pleasant or joyful dream that will completely restore your good spirits and vitality. [...]

[...] On Seth’s suggestion, I told myself before sleep that I would have a dream that would give me further information about my own reincarnational past. [...] Then I gave myself the suggestion several times and fell asleep.

TES4 Session 157 May 24, 1965 resistance bunch unbalanced pendulum smooth

I would also suggest for the present that you deal with other matters than your health; then you may return to the subject, and I will be glad to further elaborate upon what information you receive. My further suggestions are that you return to painting or sketching, and you will find that your energies will now be allowed much more freedom.

I suggest your first break.

[...] I would indeed suggest however that this half- hour schedule not include your weekends.

TPS3 Deleted Session January 28, 1974 writer personhood success artist inhibit

I suggest you read the session I gave concerning the importance of the person from which the artist or writer springs. I suggest also that Ruburt read it especially. [...]

When they do emerge, those impulses, he is the one who, after having conquered the earlier fears, finally, hesitantly trying to test his courage, suggests such an endeavor. In the meantime, you (strongly) have never made such a suggestion, nor attempted to arouse him. [...]

When such an improvement of attitude does occur on Ruburt’s part, it takes considerable courage for him to take or initiate that first step—and you do not ease the way, but in the meantime go along until he makes such a suggestion first. [...]

TES7 Session 316 February 1, 1967 mother identification Saratoga sensitivity attack

[...] I told him to use positive suggestion concerning his mother before her letters. Positive suggestion should be used, a practice he began and discontinued.

[...] This gives rise to a suggestibility that should be taken into consideration in any visits of his own.

Because of the temporary mother identification, he was open to the suggestion he had concerning his publisher, as the father of his book, you see. [...]

TES5 Session 210 November 22, 1965 Helen test envelope husband primary

I now suggest your break.

If this seems to involve you in a problem with morality, then let me add here that such information, on its own, unless handled with utmost care, would immediately involve the negative suggestion that could lead easily to the very condition that we hope she avoids.

I suggest your break.

NoPR Part One: Chapter 2: Session 615, September 18, 1972 false mind beliefs stained examine

[...] Seth-Jane, deep in thought, paused.) Much has been written about the nature and importance of suggestion. One of the current ideas in vogue holds that you are constantly at the mercy of suggestion. Your own conscious beliefs are the most important suggestions that you receive. All other ideas are rejected or accepted according to whether or not you believe they are true, in line with the steady conscious chattering that goes on within your mind most of the day — the suggestions given to you by yourself.

You will accept a suggestion given by another only if it fits in with your own ideas about the nature of reality in general, and your concepts about yourself in particular.

[...] What suggestions and ideas are you giving yourself? [...]

TES2 Session 56 May 25, 1964 Callahan weather discharge female nonidentity

I would suggest even, as you did Joseph, a vacation air. [...] I would also suggest that he return to the back exercises. [...]

I suggest now your first break.

[...] At her suggestion I also reread the material; while [...]

NoME Part One: Chapter 2: Session 805, May 16, 1977 cancer disease mastectomies breast women

2. As Jane wrote for this note: “We think that the dangers of negative suggestion are as real as the physical ones that are connected with the overuse of X-rays, say. [...] There’s no way of knowing, though, what part negative suggestion might have played in their diseased conditions to begin with.

(Long pause at 10:20.) While in this book I will point out some of the unfortunate areas of private and mass experience, I will also provide some suggestions for effective solutions. [...]

[...] There are many methods and schools of thought here, but a highly suggestive state of mind results, in which spiritual, mental, and physical goals are sought. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session October 12, 1983 Blount drugs prescription treatment MacDuffie

[...] Then this morning Dr. Tihansky called me from Schuylkill Haven, PA, to offer his sensible-seeming suggestions for Jane’s care. [...]

[...] I don’t think I have the nerve to give her prescription drugs on the sly, in the hospital, as Dr. Blount had suggested I do. [...]

(Long pause.) He has indeed done well enough, considering the negative suggestions of such an institution as a hospital. [...]

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