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UR1 Section 2: Session 692 April 24, 1974 double barrack simultaneous dream Sue

[...] The first person I talked to was our friend Sue Watkins, who has attended ESP class almost from the time Jane started it in 1967. I was more than a little surprised when Sue said that she’d enjoyed such events several times. Jane and I have known Sue since 1965, yet as far as any of us could remember [and for whatever reasons], the subject of double dreaming had never been discussed among us.

Sue Watkins is gifted psychically and as a writer. (See the material she wrote for the 594th session, in the Appendix of Seth Speaks. She also appears in Chapter 5 of Jane’s Adventures.) In the opening notes for this session I mentioned a multiple dream experience of Sue’s, and promised to present something here from her description of it. Rather than material on the dreams themselves, I chose the first paragraphs in which Sue outlines the subjective framework of the whole dream event:

(But not only had she done it more than once, Sue said: She could recall portions of the simultaneous dreams she’d had on some of those occasions, which was a lot more than I could claim. [...] See Note 2 for any other information on double dreams that I may assemble, as well as for an excerpt from the description Sue wrote [at my request] of a multiple-dream happening of her own.

2. A note added a month later: My surprise over the double-dream phenomenon continues, for by now I know of nine people (including Sue Watkins and myself), who have experienced either the same thing or closely related versions of it. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, February 23, 1971 hooded Wally Arnold tribute hungry

That (Camp) is a relative of yours and the two of you (Sue and Bette) are connected, but not in this reality in a probable reality; and for a woman that this Camp might have married but did not. [...] Now the relationship that did not take place in this reality took place in another and in that reality the two of you are connected and this accounts for the feelings that you have had toward our friend here (Sue). [...]

(Sue told of Seth appearing to her in a dream and told her how to fix her sore shoulder.)

(To Sue.) Now for our friend, Ruburt’s edification I was indeed, old Dr. Seth speaking to you in your dream. [...]

(Bette related her dream and the strong feeling towards Sue.)

ECS4 ESP Class Session, June 1, 1971 Joel Bette Indians kids didn

(Jane asked Sue if she was in it. [...]

(Sue replied: “No.”

Jane asked Sue. [...]

([Sue:] “I had a feeling when you first started getting those impressions on her that I was in on this in some capacity. [...]

ECS1 Session 494, ESP Class Session, July 15, 1969 Bega Theodore Ned portrait Brad

[...] Why is it that I must tell you what vitality is when, in your terms, I am a gray ghost that flits through the darkness of the night—a face that peers through second story windows (in reference to Sue’s being frightened by a face that appeared at her window recently) and meets with no response but a sigh of horror. [...] (Sue apologized.) Apologies always come later. [...]

[...] On July 16, Ned and Sue Watkins bought the oils of Charlie Painter, the dream hands, and Moses. [...]

[...] You (Jane and Sue) used your energy like a ball that a child plays with, both you and Ruburt. [...]

You (Sue) lost some good bets this evening. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, July 20, 1971 Hess baiting fun Let vitality

(To Sue.) Let it bring you, as it did you this week, to escape from ordinary ideas of time and limitations. [...]

([Sue:] “Then the dream was valid?”)

NoME Part One: Chapter 2: Session 806, July 30, 1977 memory events past floating future

[...] In mid-July our friend Sue Watkins1 began typing the rest of the final manuscript for Psyche; Jane had managed to help me out by finding the time to prepare the first five chapters for the publisher, but since we were both so busy we asked Sue for assistance. [Sue is a writer also, and knows about things like manuscripts.] Then by the time this 806th session came about, Jane estimated that she was practically through with the first handwritten draft of James. [...]

1. Sue Watkins has been mentioned, and at times quoted, in a number of Jane’s books: The Seth Material, Seth Speaks, Adventures in Consciousness, Psychic Politics, and both volumes of “Unknown” Reality. [...] We met Sue in September 1968; she began attending class a month later, and did so more or less regularly until the end of class in February 1975. At this time Sue is working on a novel of her own and co-editing a weekly newspaper in a small town some 50 miles north of Elmira, New York (where Jane and I live).

ECS1 ESP Class Session, January 14, 1969 Rachel Daniel Florence intellects Theodore

Now these two (Sue and Daniel’s)—I’m getting to them at a fairly young age in this life. This one (Sue) has abilities from past lives to deal with and to use—and a greater responsibility to use them. [...]

[...] And (to Sue) that is also your own fear. [...]

You (to Sue) willsurvive adulthood—many adulthoods. [...]

[...] All of you, you see, with two exceptions—these two (Sue and Daniel)—youhave been so caught in organizational realities and daily practicalities that you have leashed your intellects. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 8, 1984 Helen Bowman Park Danny strings

(While I was on the phone an attendant brought us a letter from Sue Watkins. [...] It turned out that the Helen Park who had written had read Maude’s article in Reality Change, and sent the check to Sue to forward to us, to make sure we’d get it safely. [...] I may call her tonight, and Sue also. [...]

(Then I called Sue in Dundee to thank her for forwarding the check, and we talked for at least half an hour. [...]

ECS4 Jane Roberts’ ESP Class, August 31, 1971 helper class Alright appendage gal

[...] I’m sorry to say that Florence will not be able to come to class next week, so I suggest that we take Sue, instead of Ron or Florence, and all work on Sue this week. [...]

[...] Okay about sending it out to Sue and showing it how to do things or telling it how to do things and it learns as it goes along. [...]

TES9 Session 458 January 20, 1969 uncle bridgework available teacher accidentally

(Sue Mullin was a witness to the session.

[...] Sue told us she had no specific questions. [...]

As I have told you, to some extent then projection is involved, both on my part and on Ruburt’s. The question, am I always available to you when you want me, is based upon the old limited concept of personality (pointing to Sue, humorously), for even our friend here can be in two places at the same time—and I have had more training.

(This is a reference to Sue’s projection experiences.)

SDPC Part Three: Chapter 21 astral snoring projection bed park

[...] Right then, Sue Mullin [later Carl’s wife] now appeared, out of thin air. When I saw her, I suggested that we both go to Jane’s house to let her know we were out-of-body, but Sue wanted to talk instead. [...] When I turned around to Sue again, she was gone.

On several occasions Sue found herself in an out-of-body state, explaining the facts of death to the newly dead who did not realize their condition. [...] Like mine, Sue’s records are full of notes concerning the effort needed to maintain consciousness at the required level and to prevent falling off into a regular dream state.

From the Records of Sue Watkins

I had a long series of projections in which I talked to Sean [Sue’s son] about his health in the physical environment, and suggest that he will find health easy to maintain. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session December 2, 1978 Bryant Anita Zandt Dickie Rick

[...] And when each person feels and releases their own creativity, (to Sue) there will be no need for books about Seth classes, but now there is such a need.

([Dickie:] “Sue, what is greatness?”

(Seth:) Sue is greatness. [...]

(Sue was concerned about the reaction of people in Dundee, NY to her book.

TES9 Session 503 September 24, 1969 astral fetus Midge burned encourage

You have indeed allowed yourself to meet with your friend Sue, and to operate within the apartment in a projected state. [...]

(To resume: Sue Watkins, one of Jane’s ESP class members, left three questions last night for Seth to answer when possible. [...]

(“Can you say a little bit about Sue’s first question, about the astral body of the fetus?” Jane didn’t know I was going to ask this question.)

(“Does it project when Sue does, for instance?”)

TPS5 Notes on Session 844 Continued message item questionnaire magnitude devised

(1. Sue has to do a considerable amount of research for Conversations with Seth, incidentally, especially locating, then interviewing—in person, by telephone or by mail, as the case may be—numerous class members. [...] Sue has also devised a very helpful questionnaire to be filled out by those cooperating in her study.

UR2 Appendix 25: (For Session 732) counterparts Norma Herriman Peter Granger

[...] Jane’s feelings were pretty similar to mine, when Seth named three students as her counterparts: Sue Watkins, Zelda, and “the young man from Maryland….”

(Jane’s own counterparts, Sue, Zelda, Alan Koch, “Maryland,” and myself are all committed to the dissemination of Seth-type ideas, either through professional writing, classes, and/or lecture appearances that extend from one end of the country to the other.

[...] See the material on the double dreams of Sue Watkins, Lee R. Gandee, and myself in Session 692, with its Note 2, for Volume 1 of “Unknown” Reality.

ECS4 ESP Class Session, December 28, 1971 Sumari Lawrence Mu Chet ancient

(To Sue.) Now you were quite correct, and if you will forgive me, you are in this room now all Sumari. [...]

(To Sue.) Did we have a question from the blue couch? [...]

([Sue:] “This just refers to some dreams I’ve had, this circle ceremony. [...]

([Sue:] “Should I try to explain this to Leon?”)

ECS1 ESP Class Session, September 16, 1969 Matt Areofranz Mimi Rachel palm

There will be some more travel on your part (Sue and Ned). [...]

(Present: Rachel C, Matt and Emma Adams, Theodore and Vera, Lydia, Sue and Ned, Florence, Brad, Amelia, and Florence. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, July 27, 1971 Maria Edgar scanned shove hypnotized

[...] You especially over there (Sue) and you (Maria) and you (Joel), and you all know to what I am referring. [...]

([Edgar:] “What is the attraction between us two [meaning to Sue]?”)

[...] This also has to do with other feelings on your parts here (Sue) and here (Maria), to some extent over there (Joel). [...]

[...] I was pointing at you and at you (Sue) and at you (Maria). [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, January 21, 1969 violence curse justification honor Presbyterian

[...] Sue and Ned of the younger generation were proponents of “pro “ and others were either “con” or neutral or philosophical.)

[...] It is up to you now (Sue and Ned) whether or not you listen. [...]

UR2 Appendix 23: (For Session 724) Warren histories elite primitive gurus

(Fortunately, class member Sue Watkins managed to tape all but the first few paragraphs of the session, but even the sense of those was taken down in longhand by another student while Sue got our recorder going. [I really enjoyed letting someone else do all the work for a change!] Later that week, Sue transcribed Seth’s material, wrote all of the notes for the session, and prepared mimeographed copies for everyone. Only portions of the session are given here, and I’ve rearranged them — and Sue’s notes — a bit for convenience’s sake. [...]

10. In terms of linear time, and in keeping with Seth’s material in this session, Jane and I obviously think his concepts are both old and new — while being “totally original,” as Sue Watkins noted.

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