4 results for stemmed:ryerson

TPS4 Deleted Session November 26, 1977 Ryerson Spain Carlos associations Carroll

(The next day, November 25, Bill Macdonnel called. I told him the Ryerson story. Bill knows Ryerson, and sees him rather often. Bill, Ryerson, and I are artists, of course. Jane also knows Ryerson, much better than I do. Ryerson lives within a couple of blocks of us.... I did think it a Framework 2 operation when Bill called us the day after Carroll told us the Ryerson news, but Jane didn’t credit the events like I did, for whatever reasons on her part.

(A brief account for possible future use: Around November 17 we received a postcard from Carlos from his winter mooring berth in Alicante, Spain; card dated November 10. On Thanksgiving day, November 24, Carroll Stamp called us to tell us that she’d met Burt Ryerson, who had just returned from Spain. She didn’t know where; but Ryerson told her that while over there he’d heard that Jane and I had bought a house in Spain and were moving over there. I found this all quite unbelievable. We don’t know whether Carroll’s story is distorted, whether Ryerson may have things confused, or what. Evidently Ryerson was in Spain at the same time Carlos was, [and is, of course]. If Ryerson met anyone over there who knows us, we are quite unaware of it. I note these items in case something further develops out of Framework 2.

You were quite correct: it was not coincidence, for example, that you heard from Bill Macdonnel just after the Burt Ryerson story. The Spain connection with your friend the traveler, Carlos (Smith), and with the question of foreign translation of the books. There are obviously many patterns—some prominent and some subordinate, but they all work, often invisibly, adding up to seeming coincidences.

TES2 Session 63 June 17, 1964 antimatter perspective ball interval Philip

(Then again, later yet, I heard myself asking: “What’s your name, little girl?” This time a voice, it could have been my own, answered from offstage to my right: “I’m Bonnie Lou Ryerson.” [...] There was more, but I believe that by this time I was coming out of the desired state and was consciously connecting the name Ryerson with a local teacher by that name whom Jane sees occasionally in connection with the art gallery where she works. [...]

[...] Leonard knows Mr. Ryerson, and said that he did have a daughter, who was he thought possibly about seventeen. Her name, Leonard speculated, not knowing Mr. Ryerson too well, was Julie or Kathy, or something like that. [...]

TES7 Session 298 October 31, 1966 teaching Piccadilly teacher object school

[...] Jane said this is a valid reference to Bert Ryerson, superintendent of art in the Elmira school system. [...]

(Two male teachers and a female were involved with Jane while she sought work as a teacher—Mr. Don Hennigen and Mr. Albert Ryerson. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session November 28, 1977 ethics Protestant gifted inspirations work

[...] For myself, I wanted Seth’s comments on the Spanish Framework 2 connections that he detailed last session, re Ryerson, Macdonnel, our books being translated, and the card from Carlos Smith; I wondered what had initiated any Framework 2 connections for us via Spain, since we had no interests of note there.