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TES5 Session 238 March 4, 1966 Peggy Wilburs unscheduled circulation witnesses

(We now come to a surprising development. Seth proceeded to tell Peggy that she was doing her yogic neck rolls much too fast in the morning. This is an exercise, Peggy told us at break, that she does each morning. Like Jane, she works out with yoga each day, but rushes the exercises in the morning while dressing for work. Jane did not know this, and Peggy said she had never mentioned it. Seth was right here, according to Peggy, for lately she felt she had been hurrying the exercises too much. Seth told Peggy the rapid neck rolls, which are an exercise supposed to be done slowly, were actually being detrimental to her. In addition, Peggy should be careful at the end of this exercise, when she drops her head forward, supposedly in a relaxed manner. Seth said the sudden dropping put a strain on the third to fifth vertebrae. Peggy agreed that she ended the exercise in this manner; and again, she had not thought to mention this to Jane previously.

(Seth proceeded to suggest several things Peggy might do; if she followed the suggestions the trouble should disappear. She should give herself suggestions before sleep that she not sleep on her left side, but her right side instead. This would remove the pressure on the afflicted side of the body. Peggy said she didn’t think she slept on her left side; Seth said she did after going to sleep, and that suggestion would prevent this. Seth told Peggy not to lean on her left elbow during the day, especially at work. Even as he spoke, we saw Peggy leaning on her left elbow. Peggy said she may have the habit of leaning on her desk at the newspaper office with her left arm or elbow; she will check.

(Peggy Gallagher has been bothered in recent weeks by what she calls bursitis in her left shoulder. In the last few days the discomfort has moved down into her left arm; periodically she said the arm tingles, in a sensation similar to that felt when a limb has gone to sleep. The feeling is not that drastic though. Seth, without being asked, told Peggy that she had a disturbance in the area of the third to fifth vertebrae, and that this, basically, was the cause of her back and arm disturbances. Peggy had thought circulation was at the seat of the trouble. Seth said the circulation was healthy, but interfered with somewhat by tension.

TES6 Session 244 March 23, 1966 Peggy locations photograph envelope switch

[...] See the notes again on pages 30, and 50, concerning Peggy’s failure to appear as scheduled to photograph Jane during the 242nd session. [...] Peggy did not appear because she was given an out-of-town assignment for Wednesdsay evening. [...] On page 30 it is stated Peggy does not recall the exact time she was told about the assignment except that it was not too late in the afternoon. Seth had mentioned 3 PM during the 242nd session, and Peggy said it was possible. [...] Peggy is sure however that she was given the assignment no later than 3 PM.)

(The connection with the envelope object is that the object concerns an investigation of Seth’s data on page 32; this data involves Peggy’s involvement in a crisis at her place of employment. The change of plans came about when Peggy was ordered out of town on assignment for March 16,1966, Wednesday night, the time she had planned to photograph Jane during the 242nd session. Peggy was given this change of plans on Tuesday, March 15, and as shown Seth mentions March 15 in the data this evening.

(Bill and Peggy Gallagher were due to witness the session. Peggy was going to take flash pictures of Jane while she was in trance; Jane’s publisher had asked to see some material of this kind. [...]

TES5 Session 218 December 15, 1965 Priestley Peggy Dunne San seminar

(Seth gave data on Peggy’s trip in the 214th and the 215th sessions, December 6 and 8. He also gave some preliminary data on the trip during an unscheduled session held on December 3; Peggy took a copy of these predictions with her to Washington. Seth listed nine predictions and Peggy verified three of them. Seth gave them in Peggy’s presence; his score in the two sessions held while she was in Washington was much better.

(As soon as we realized that Peggy’s trip would furnish a good opportunity for another test, we asked her to say no more about it. By then we knew she was going to Washington, but Jane does not believe Peggy told her specifically, for instance, that Peggy was to cover a seminar on poverty. [...] Peggy herself did not know about the trip until a few days before she left.

([Peggy:] “Yes.” Seeing the above word in the material caused Peggy to say that it was quite unusual. At the seminar Peggy was surprised to hear the name of Secretary of Defense McNamara brought up rather strongly in connection with Sargent Shriver and the poverty program. [...] Peggy said the point was hammered at more than once during the seminar.)

TPS7 Deleted Session November 8, 1982 Roe bedsores Peggy nurse Kardon

(On her regular Friday-afternoon visit, Peggy and Jane and I waited for Roe, who was scheduled to visit—but Roe, mysteriously, never showed up. [...] When Peggy came on Monday afternoon. Roe didn’t show up either, and Peggy didn’t mention it, nor did Peggy dwell on Jane’s bedsores. [...]

[...] A note about the bedsore suggestions given by our nurse, Peggy J: Last Wednesday afternoon during her regular visit Peggy told us she’d talked to her boss, Roe—also a nurse—and that Friday Roe would meet her here to look at Jane’s bedsores. Peggy talked about being relieved of the “responsibility” for the bedsores, which obviously worried her. [...]

[...] I also stressed how important it was for us not to be bothered by, or even respond to, any negative suggestions unwittingly given by the nurse, Peggy. [...]

TES4 Session 182 August 28, 1965 Bill hay kill fever mother

[...] Bill and Peggy Gallagher visited us unexpectedly at about 8:30 PM. [...] The details given by the entity were however not overtly familiar to Bill or Peggy. [...]

(I made no attempt to take notes, nor did Peggy. [...] Peggy and Bill did most of the talking during the session. [...]

(Possibly Peggy and Bill could dream about events of interest to them, that were discussed this evening, if they used suggestion. [...] Seth repeated often that Peggy and Bill should read more of the material.

TES4 Session 187 September 13, 1965 electrical Peggy ulcer toothbrush Jesuit

(Bill and Peggy Gallagher were witnesses for tonight’s session, and the session was held in our large front room. [...]

[...] He said he has been aware of this since the first session he and Peggy witnessed, the 158th.

(Jane was now speaking to Peggy.)

WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 18, 1984 Shawn mood quicken Peggy Peterson

(Then as I was fixing the tray for lunch, Peggy Gallagher, our friend who is a reporter for the Elmira Star-Gazette, visited and stayed through most of the meal. [...] At the same time, I couldn’t help wondering why Peggy had chosen this day to visit us, of all days. [...]

One point I wanted to mention: Peggy Gallagher telepathically picked up your moods, and felt the impetus to visit.

(4:38 p.m. As noted, I’d wondered myself about the timing of Peggy’s visit. [...]

TES4 Session 197 October 11, 1965 electromagnetic test Peggy identity dog

(It might be interesting to note here that Peggy was hypnotized by Dr. Milton Erickson in late March of 1959, during a meeting of the Finger Lakes Clinical Hypnosis Association at the Mark Twain Hotel in Elmira. Peggy attended the meeting in her role of reporter, and volunteered as a subject. Before about twenty people Dr. Erickson put her into a deep trance quite easily, with the result that Peggy had complete amnesia for a ten-minute period. After she learned of the Seth sessions Peggy searched the files of the newspaper for a copy of her article on the experience. [...]

[...] Bill and Peggy will be leaving next week for a vacation in Puerto Rico, and the four of us have already made plans to try some telepathic/clairvoyant communications. The plans are simple; at session times next week Bill and Peggy will attempt to concentrate on Jane, Seth and me, with a view to seeing what Seth can pick up.

(In the 63rd session of June 17,1964, Seth said that Peggy Gallagher’s subconscious abilities were well developed. Peggy is a feature writer for the local paper. [...]

TES8 Session 395 February 26, 1968 muffled transposition Peggy breakthrough chin

(Peggy Gallagher witnessed the session. [...]

([Peggy:] “Good evening.”)

(Seth to Peggy.) My apologies. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session October 21, 1983 Fred Georgia Lorrie doughnut swelling

[...] Jane now said that her reference yesterday to an unexpected visitor probably referred to Peggy G’s visit today. [...] Of course: Peggy had not only visited unexpectedly, but she’d brought a letter from a fan who wanted to visit us from New York City. I’d scanned the letter while Peggy was present, but hadn’t made the rather obvious connection then, nor had Jane. [...]

(Jane ate very well—her appetite is much better now—and after lunch Peggy Gallagher visited. [...]

Peggy Gallagher is subconsciously aware of your new beginnings, and when she comes she does bring with her a positive energy that is very supportive. [...]

TES5 Session 215 December 8, 1965 candle flame Roy height test

[...] We have now obtained a written detailed report on Peggy Gallagher’s trip to Washington, as compared to Seth’s material on Peggy in the last two sessions. [...] I am leading up to the statement that Peggy detected a very clear example of bleeding through of data in the 214th session. She states that the material at the beginning of the Dr. Instream test data, on page 113, applies to a cocktail party she attended in Washington on Monday, December 6. Peggy states Seth’s description here of the cocktail party is quite correct, even to the fact that a woman was the main hostess, and that a man, her husband, was present with her. [...]

(During this break Jane said she had the feeling the pocketbook data, given at the end of Peggy’s test, might not refer to Peggy at all, but to “something or someone else.” [...]

(See the notes on page 120, dealing with the data in Peggy Gallagher’s test, concerning a misplaced pocketbook of the shoulder variety. As stated, Jane at the time of the Gallagher test said she believed this information did not refer to Peggy. [...]

TES5 Session 214 December 6, 1965 discotheque napkin Washington dancers ultraviolet

(Apropos of Peggy’s Washington trip, Seth gave predictions when asked to during Friday’s unscheduled session. [...] I took no notes Friday evening, but Peggy did. [...] There follows a copy of Seth’s material on the trip, as noted down by Peggy:

[...] Bill and Peggy Gallagher were present, and Ann Diebler, and Don and Marilyn Wilbur. [...]

(Peggy Gallagher, a feature writer for the Elmira Star-Gazette, is in Washington DC for a few days this week on business. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 10, 1982 chair scared crying leaned tv

(Peggy and I had a couple of hurried conversations this afternoon, concerning Jane’s condition, and before leaving Peggy had her say to Jane as we sat at the card table. [...] I told Peggy I’d think it over, and we’ll probably make a decision this weekend. [...]

(“This thing has almost got the best of me,” I’d told Peggy this afternoon, “after 15 years.” [...] I explained to Peggy our insurance options. [...]

[...] I also raked leaves for an hour and helped Peggy, our nurse, with Jane. [...]

TES5 Session 203 October 28, 1965 Peg Rhine Rico Puerto Duke

(Bill and Peggy Gallagher visited us this evening, and Seth came through later in the evening. [...]

[...] The Duke physiotherapist had told Peggy that Dr. Rhine answers each letter he receives personally, “even those from crackpots.”

(Peggy and Bill met the woman from Duke in Puerto Rico.)

TES6 Session 256 May 4, 1966 Berry Mrs photo article antidote

[...] We had discussed it at supper, and also noted that Peggy Gallagher had written it. [...] At the time I prepared the envelopes I thought of including the photo with Peggy’s article, but decided against it at the last minute.

[...] One was by Peggy Gallagher and this is the one used as envelope object. Just above Peggy’s article the other article was printed. [...]

[...] It was a newspaper article by Peggy Gallagher, published in the Elmira Star-Gazette and Advertiser on May 4,1966; today. [...]

TES6 Session 243 March 21, 1966 receipt handstamp motor bottom March

(We checked with Peggy this weekend. [...] Peggy was given the assignment in the afternoon, she said, and it could have been around 3 PM; she does not know the exact time. [...] Peggy was given the out-of-town assignment one day earlier, Tuesday, March 15.

(At supper time this evening we were notified that once again Peggy could not appear tonight. Since we do not have a phone, she called a neighbor who relayed the information that Peggy could not come because “something urgent” had developed.

(We did not know who they referred to particularly, but thought of the Gallaghers, since Peggy had canceled her date for tonight’s session because of “something urgent.” Peggy’s first name is Margaret, incidentally, rather than Marguerite.

TES5 Session 226 January 24, 1966 John Cleveland McKeown Searle Hilton

(Nor was Peggy able to speak during her first session and left the state when Jane began to ask her questions. [...] She did not ask Peggy questions this time. Peggy attained a deep enough state to show no reaction when Jane placed our cat, Willy, on her stomach as she lay on the divan. Peggy has a deep fear of animals in general and cats in particular, this being why Seth calls her the cat lover.

(Friday evening, January 21, Jane had some success hypnotizing both Bill and Peggy Gallagher at their request, separately. [...] Peggy has been hypnotized twice—one of these times by Dr. Milton Erickson—but this was Bill’s first experience. [...]

[...] Seth said Peggy used rationalization in saying that she stood for Willy’s proximity because she thought Jane touched her instead of the cat. Peggy, Seth said in high good humor, had actually achieved an excellent state of deep hypnosis when Jane used the more authoritative approach; otherwise she wouldn’t have permitted the cat’s presence.

TES7 Session 288 September 26, 1966 birthday poem cake wavering swirling

[...] Jane at once interpreted this data as referring to the staircase she must climb in order to reach Peggy Gallagher’s office, on the second floor at the newspaper office where Peggy works. Peggy of course was present at the small birthday party we gave Bill on the evening of July 1.

[...] Present were Bill and Peggy Gallagher, Barbara Ingold, Jane and myself. Jane has written up an account of her experience, and Peggy took partial notes. [...]

[...] The Jesuit (Bill Gallagher) and the cat lover (Peggy G.) were balancing factors. [...]

TES4 Session 170 July 19, 1965 Footage dear display prove doctor

[...] Peggy also made some, and what follows is taken from these two sources; nothing is included here that is not touched upon in the notes. Seth talked at a normal rate, and neither Peggy nor I made a serious effort to get it all down. [...]

[...] The following Seth session, number 170, is being recorded at the home of Bill and Peggy Gallagher, Pine City, NY, with them as witnesses.

[...] Peggy Gallagher also took notes. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session April 29, 1982 Israel anguish Golda heavily Jowett

(Most interesting, and perhaps a significant breakthrough, Jane felt better by the time Peggy Jowett came at 1:45, and we explained the situation to Peggy. [...]

[...] I’d placed the goose-down pillow under her knees, following the suggestion given us yesterday by nurse Peggy Jowett. [...]

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