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TES7 Session 330 March 27, 1967 Pat sitter Norelli lbj sweaters

(This session was also a short one, primarily because Jane still had her cold. The cold, however, did not interfere with her giving a long and very successful session last Saturday evening for Claire Crittenden and Pat Norelli. See the 329th session, and our notes.

In the future perhaps we can give you some other details concerning your friend’s existence, and daily environment. (Meaning Pat Norelli.)

TES9 Notes by Jane Butts About Sessions 449 and 450 Roger Sullivan Pat copies Thanksgiving

(Intrigued by giving such different and difficult material, Jane checked a few reference books before Pat Norelli’s Thanksgiving visit from Boston. [...]

TES8 Session 358 August 2, 1967 Pete Boston Marilyn rugs sister

(Recently our friend in Boston, Pat Norelli, had visited a female medium who told her that she was under the influence of an evil eye, and would never have a happy day as long as she lived. [...]

(The conference to take place on Star Island, off Portsmouth, NH, on Saturday, August 12, 1967; in the company of Pat Norelli and Dick Reed.)

[...] A package did arrive for Pat Norelli, containing her new glasses, however. [...]

TES7 Session 328 March 22, 1967 weekend vibrations attuned reception Crittenden

[...] Jane had a head cold, and we had a session scheduled for the weekend for Claire Crittenden and Pat Norelli.)

TPS5 Jane’s Dreams June 11, Monday, Nap 1979 ledge Pat amphitheater companion bum

[...] After though, Pat Norelli (I think it was her, though she didn’t look like Pat particularly) myself and two young men were climbing along a high ledge toward the top of the gigantic theater. [...]

TES8 Session 340 May 10, 1967 headache Greek despondency chorus dragons

[...] Aside here: (Jane’s eyes closed) Pat Norelli. [...]

[...] In a letter received today, Pat Norelli had this to say pertaining to the material given by Seth concerning her in this session:

TES7 Session 329 March 25, 1967 chase Pat counterfeit Claire excitement

(A very successful session was held this evening for Claire Crittenden and Pat Norelli. [...]

(First section, concerning Pat Norelli and Brian Houlihan.)

TPS5 Deleted Session June 11, 1979 ideal define executor contraption Yale

[...] Ruburt appeared as himself, and as Pat Norelli. [...]

[...] The brave portions of your personalities went on helping each other, as per the dream, until Pat Norelli, as Ruburt, easily working through belief systems stands center stage, ready to speak to other frightened portions of yourselves still on a high ledge. [...]

TES7 March 27, 1967 Notes on Seth Session Held Saturday, March 25, 1967 Pat sitters critically classroom clicks

MARCH 27, 1967

TES8 Session 337 April 26, 1967 war peace battle outcome argued

A man with balding, very dark hair and dark brows who did have or has a mustache, belongs to Pat Norelli’s family. [...]

TES8 Session 381 November 24, 1967 table Carl pressure floor Claire

[...] Claire Crittenden, Carl Watkins, Jane and I, along with Pat Norelli, from Boston, were joined by Bill and Peg Gallagher,Doug Hicks, Danny Stimmerman, Curt Kent and Peg’s brother Dick and his wife Carol, for an even dozen present, at our apartment.

[...] At the table were Bill Gallagher, with beside him Pat Norelli. [...]

TES9 Session 440 October 7, 1968 joy preoccupation Pat life conditions

(This afternoon Jane received a letter from Pat Norelli, in Boston. [...]

I wish you then a hearty good evening, and to your friend, our present beloved young woman, Ruburt’s Pat Norelli, my best wishes for a beginning now, of vitality and joy, as you throw aside all conditions, and accept your life for what it is and will (underlined) be—a joy, an exaltation to yourself, and a help to all those you will still contact.

TES8 Session 334 April 12, 1967 row Pat tape seat Adrian

(“How did the tape of the 329th session for go over for Pat Norelli’s class in Boston?”

TES8 Notes by Peggy Gallagher table circulatory Danny graphics complacency

(Later talking to Bill Gallagher: He and Pat Norelli stood at one side of the table, exerting strong pressure to force third leg to floor. Never did get it down. [...]

TES8 Session 342 May 17, 1967 action sparked nonfact event intensity

(We received a letter from Pat Norelli today in which she substantiates some clairvoyant material concerning her, given by Seth in Session 340. [...]

TES9 Session 449 November 18, 1968 integers Roger zero math minus

(Below is a copy of three questions sent to Jane by Roger Sullivan, a friend of Pat Norelli; both live in Boston. [...]

(Pat Norelli is to visit us over Thanksgiving. [...]

TES8 Session 353 July 17, 1967 cupboard slept Peter Wisconsin laundromat

In like manner, the visit of your young friend will also be beneficial (Peter Murtough, from Chula Vista, CA) and the visit of your Boston friend (Pat Norelli). [...]

TES8 Session 419 June 26, 1968 entity prisms coordinates limp transparent

(Pat Norelli of Boston witnessed the session. [...]

TES9 Session 425 July 31, 1968 Boston stabbed Van warmth neurobiological

[...] The above paragraph refers to Pat Norelli in Boston; she telephoned Jane earlier this evening.

TES9 Session 456 January 8, 1969 approach restricts portrait potato technique

I also suggest that when we are holding regular sessions, then for one session a month we deal with a session for someone like your Pitre, Norelli, or whoever needs such a session at any time. [...]

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