Results 1 to 20 of 33 for stemmed:nightmar

TES6 Session 270 June 22, 1966 oriented survival nightmare Catherine ego

(Besides involving Jane and me, the nightmare also involved members of both our families. Jane was now surprised to learn it had been necessary for me to shake her out of the nightmare last night; she had thought she came out of it spontaneously.)

(“Well, can you say a few words about Jane’s nightmare?”

(Referring to a very vivid nightmare Jane had last night; she has complete notes on it.)

TPS6 Jane’s Dream July 27, 1981 vaccine shot nightmare ok medicine

In the AM the dream instantly reminded me of an almost completely different opposite dream, a nightmare that I had just about the time my eye troubles and other difficulties began in earnest: It was in the spring when I was doing James. [...] In the nightmare a doctor said I’d have to get a certain shot or vaccine as preventative medicine though he regretted having to do it. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session March 11, 1981 church Normandy grandfather heresy nightmare

Ruburt’s nightmare experience (of March 8) is a beautiful example of the kind of explosive emotional content that many people carry, fairly hidden, representing certain taboos, translated of course in individualistic manners. [...]

[...] All of those factors were involved in one way or another in the fabric of Ruburt’s nightmare material. [...]

Some of Ruburt’s short notes, written after the nightmare experience (and which I’ve asked Jane to copy for this record), show that he is beginning to put that material into its proper reference. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 10: Session 639, February 12, 1973 Rooney puddle nightmares lsd creature

(A one-minute pause at 9:21.) In normal daily life, considerable natural therapy often takes place in the dream state, even when nightmares of such frightening degree arise that the sleeper is shocked into awakening. [...] The nightmare itself can be like a shock treatment given by one portion of the self to another, in which cellular memory is touched off much as it might be in such an LSD session.

Other dream events, though forgotten, may also cushion the individual to withstand the effects of such “nightmare therapy.” In the same way that some LSD treatment finally results in a feeling of rebirth (that is often only temporary, however), so a period of such nightmares often leads quite naturally to dreams in which the self finally makes new and greater connections with the source of its own being.

Nightmares in series are often inner-regulated shock therapy. [...]

TPS6 Jane’s Nightmare April 30, 1981 shooting hulk lunge robbery policeman


NoPR Part Two: Chapter 20: Session 669, June 11, 1973 comma punctuation landscape indicia peacock

(For some of Seth’s earlier material on dreams, dream symbols and healing, nightmare therapy, etc., see sessions 639–41 in Chapter Ten.)

TPS6 Jane’s Notes March 16, 1981 Mafia gangster nightmarish Burnett kid

[I] am writing down two dream experiences, each with some nightmare elements, though not too intense. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 8: May 23, 1984 merry round horses youngster ride

[...] That event may turn up as one uncomfortable nightmare in another existence. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session December 27, 1983 Andrew Sue steak evolution endorsed

[...] The person hesitates, perhaps falters, and may feel as if overtaken by a nightmare. [...]

He functions in a nightly dream world in the same fashion, and only when or if you begin to distrust dreams do you hesitate or falter, or feel afraid to move, and also feel as if you are caught in a nightmare. [...]

TPS6 Jane’s Notes March 8, 1981 stories Suzie damnation doll tale

At the same time I can’t remember the events connected with the nightmare that gave rise to the feelings.... [...]

TPS3 Session 753 (Deleted Portion) August 4, 1975 femininity Education hostile slants tool

[...] He awakened from the nightmare of immobility, and found himself on “the road to freedom” with you. [...]

UR2 Section 6: Session 733 January 27, 1975 massive jigsaw greed counterparts utter

The infinite ranges possible to human capabilities would be explored — and those who chose that route said, quote: “We will trust that our creativity will find its own way, and if there are nightmares we will waken from them. [...]

The petty wars, even those still to be fought, are but dim memories, once vital but lost as nightmares in greater awakenings. [...]

TES6 Session 265 June 6, 1966 Marilyn ceramic bricks Wilburs object

In somewhat the same manner, a nightmare will run its course and lead you into terror unless you realize that the nightmare is self-created. [...]

You are familiar, all of you, with subconscious fabrications as they exist in the nightmare condition. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 10: Session 540, July 6, 1970 ghosts apparitions repetitive pseudoappearance rewashing

[...] The personality itself seems to be having a nightmare, or a series of recurring dreams, during which it returns to the physical environment. [...]

TES9 Session 446 November 6, 1968 lessons system training polls ideals

[...] A vivid nightmare is also sorely felt, but quickly over. [...]

NotP Chapter 2: Session 756, September 22, 1975 drama program Trek station waking

[...] When you are in the middle of a frightening physical experience, however, or caught in the throes of a nightmare, then you wish you knew how to “change the station.”

TES1 Session 15 January 13, 1964 Willy fragment dominant plane cat

[...] It is as though one of the wild images of a nightmare emerged with full physical power into the world of the day.

Nightmares represent only possibilities of disintegrations that rarely occur in actuality. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 10: Session 934, August 10, 1981 herbs tribal global dreams leaders

[...] One person might, because of his or her own interests, seek largely from dreams warnings of difficulty or trouble, and therefore be the family’s dream watchguard—the one who has, say, the nightmares for everyone else. [...]

TES9 Session 492 July 7, 1969 Pietra heightened thrashing period barrier

[...] It was almost a nightmare—in fact Jane woke me out of it to prevent this seeming reaction on my part, I was fairly sure the dream concerned my father’s approaching death, but certain elements in it were similar enough to Seth’s suggestions about contacting Dr. Pietra, above, to make me tell Jane about it—on the off chance the dream had been more than it seemed.

SDPC Part Three: Chapter 12 dream recall locations investigation recorder

[...] Most of the dreams I’d recalled until then had been nightmares — the self gone mad, I thought — so I wasn’t prepared for Seth’s emphasis on the importance of dreams.

[...] Then she added dubiously, “I only recalled nightmares in the past. [...]

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