Results 281 to 300 of 374 for (NOT book:wth AND stemmed:exercis)

TPS3 Deleted Session December 3, 1973 money beliefs concentrate financial complexion

[...] But the real realizations will come as the exercises and their personal comprehension merge with what is written in my book.

TPS4 Deleted Session July 12, 1978 Emir Eleanor conservative weight truth

[...] Some additional arm exercise, for example, will also help, for the muscles simply then demand more food.

DEaVF1 Essay 6 Tuesday, April 20, 1982 candidate joints hospital surgical replacement

It seemed to me that once medical science got hold of you it wanted to justify its existence, to exercise its wonders for those fortunate or unfortunate enough to be considered “proper candidates” for its full ministrations.

TPS4 Deleted Session May 8, 1978 scorn tapes Meredith authorities grassroot

[...] In his particular case, as mentioned, the knees and legs are allowed far greater exercise than before, while the body is in a more or less normal position.

TES9 Session 503 September 24, 1969 astral fetus Midge burned encourage

The relaxation exercises that he spoke of are good, if they are done in a playful manner. [...]

NoPR Introduction by Jane Roberts Sumari guide spirit Cyprus Speakers

[...] He stresses the individual’s capacity for conscious action, and provides excellent exercises designed to show each person how to apply these theories to any life situation.

UR2 Section 6: Session 743 April 21, 1975 unknown ufo Atlantis Bermuda entices

[...] The best I can do is to point out areas that have been relatively invisible, to help you explore, actually, different facets of your own consciousness.2 To some extent this book has been written to help you exercise your own intuitive and mental capacities from a different viewpoint.

TPS3 Deleted Session July 25, 1977 future compliment equated confidence uncreative

[...] He should make an honest attempt at those walking exercises. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session May 15, 1978 timeless truth quandary daffodils fleeting

[...] It can be a joyful exercise of the body, the natural life being reinforced, and it can also provide feelings of timelessness, so that in that regard your love of timelessness can be combined with your love of the moment.

TPS4 Deleted Session June 14, 1978 impulses interview welm Village library

8. Your impulses will automatically provide you with the proper balance of solitude and company, private and public activity, exercise and rest—for you!

TPS4 Deleted Session June 28, 1978 extremist Emir Eleanor screenwriter Townsend

The soreness that he does experience sometimes at night is of less intensity than before, and it happens when the body is in the middle of one of those overall processes, so that a large number of muscles and joints are being exercised at one time.

TPS4 Deleted Session August 28, 1978 authority authoritative Atlantis crazy professor

Religious authority, when completely exercised, can be disastrous, for it sets up an unyielding set of principles as absolute truth, and any dissension is considered dangerous. [...]

TES9 Session 422 July 10, 1968 protein poem spontaneous overtime reserves

In all relaxation exercises he should imagine himself as fluid, as wind or water, and not as a statue. [...]

TES1 Session 16 January 15, 1964 plane enzymes Malba saucer ectoplasm

[...] In this state the attention is focused inward rather than outward, and it is the inner senses more than the outer that are being exercised. [...]

[...] She suggested Rob do same back exercises I am doing since they teach concentration. [...]

TPS5 Session 843 (Deleted) March 28, 1979 Patterson Mrs Johnson corruption cult

[...] Then a little later she picked up some more material while doing her exercises. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 15: Session 656, April 16, 1973 loneliness robbers age convictions unhealthy

For an exercise, sit with your eyes wide open, looking about you, and realize that this moment represents the point of your power, through which you can affect both past and future events.

TES3 Session 146 April 14, 1965 ego action field personality stability

A thorough study of the personality will be an excellent exercise, and will lead you close to the nature of action itself. [...]

TES7 Session 317 February 6, 1967 Healy Blanche Price Ann Miss

[...] The exercises, the way Ruburt has adapted them recently, are excellent. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 7: Session 632, January 15, 1973 cells memory twenty reborn body

[...] The body may of itself begin to crave certain foods, for example, or fresh air or exercise. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 7: Session 848, April 11, 1979 tornadoes nuclear reactor exterior Island

[...] (Loudly:) Various — this is the beginning of the next chapter (7) — the headings were given — various kinds of governments represent the exercise of different aspects of consciousness.

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