Results 201 to 220 of 374 for (NOT book:wth AND stemmed:exercis)

TPS7 Deleted Session December 14, 1983 exuberant dietary Misnick healthy obedient

[...] Exercises and heavy breathing—head and shoulders, left foot and right foot. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 16: Session 565, February 1, 1971 probable act validity infinite selves

[...] This is a simple exercise that can be tried in almost any circumstance, although solitude is important.

TES3 Session 99 October 21, 1964 cellar vessel Tubbs furnace collaborate

[...] He should faithfully continue the back exercises, which he usually resumes and then forgets. [...]

[...] The back exercises will help it also. [...]

TES7 Session 310 January 9, 1967 Keck Caroline Pomerantz Louis Brooklyn

[...] The yoga exercise for the sinuses substituted largely, though not necessarily exclusively, for his medication. [...]

[...] Some window open during the yoga exercise.

TPS3 Deleted Session December 17, 1973 symptoms Picasso price extraordinary isolation

[...] Because of your time concepts and beliefs, the examples from the future even in this exercise will not appear as clearly as those of the past. [...]

[...] At same time I think you should go out each day, exercise, see people, do other things for balance, but this is later stuff? [...]

UR2 Section 4: Session 709 October 2, 1974 orientation disengagement cellular faster Unknown

Much of the remainder of “Unknown” Reality, then, will deal with an inside look at the nature of reality, and with some exercises that will allow you to see yourself and your world from another perspective. [...]

This also has to do with pulsations of energy in which consciousness as you know it, now, exercises itself, using native abilities that cannot be expressed through physical orientation alone.

TPS3 Deleted Session August 11, 1975 halfhearted psyche poverty couch advocating

[...] These were learning exercises of a kind Ruburt would not allow himself before.

TPS3 Deleted Session September 3, 1975 safe impulses biological dead animal

[...] His body, mind, spirit, will all exercise themselves together. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session January 1, 1984 cans Cardwell fever Maude Betts

[...] An excellent exercise, I told her, very positive. [...]

TSM Chapter Eleven Sally Jon Ann Jim Lindens

“The husband should follow this exercise three times a day: He should imagine the energy and vitality of the universe filling his wife’s form with health. [...] If possible, he should touch her during this exercise, and it should be done morning, evening, and night.

[...] You can partially make up for this by your own attitude and the exercises I have given you. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 6: Session 909, April 21, 1980 deformities genetic evidence encounters volumes

[...] The very utilization of those senses, however, is dependent upon the nature of your consciousness itself, and that consciousness is aware of its power and action through the exercise of its own properties.

TPS2 Session 627 (Deleted Portion) November 13, 1972 cold symptoms sinus antibodies autobiography

[...] Such an exercise will also clear up other issues, and in areas that you do not suspect. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session November 22, 1978 Jones Jonestown suicide temple quickie

[...] Tonight, using the typing table as a “walker,” she walked the fastest yet during her exercise period with it. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session November 7, 1977 Keefe resources Ms Framework renewing

Each creature in its way is born with great expectations, and attempts to use whatever abilities it has to the fullest, to exercise them, and simply to thrill in their use. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session August 27, 1977 tooth Arizona Inn teeth fallen

[...] The legs will want then to exercise. He can stand up and hold on to something, and exercise them, even if he has had to have chairs about while walking from place to place. [...]

TSM Appendix: Session 506, October 27, 1969 polarity units poles intensity aligns

[...] He has been exercising spontaneity, and paradoxically enough, it is upon spontaneity that the regularity of our sessions depends. [...]

TPS5 Session 877 (Deleted) September 3, 1979 sperm order eggs spontaneous apelike

[...] They left her feeling quite relaxed, so that she took her nap earlier than usual, and passed up her exercise period. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session June 4, 1981 rollers cushion services absolute Frank

Such a mental exercise, done in a light manner, can be highly beneficial, and serve as excellent impetus. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session December 24, 1983 McClure Christmas Madeline Sullivan ragged

(Jane did not exercises today. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session September 18, 1972 Susskind negotiating congratulations show excuse

[...] That will also be one of the exercises I will give in my book to others.

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