2 results for stemmed:monchuco
Now the grass is growing here but it is turning brown. There is a brown high grass in this one area and the bottom of the trees is black and there are large berries. This is a particular area, a waste area, that has been somehow ravaged and perhaps, once burned, you see. It is ringed in by trees and the historical and psychic connections there are not good, having to do with sacrifices. Monchuco (Rob’s interpretation)—the Monchuco. (My interpretation is that two words may have been meant; more like Monchu chu? Mon choo choo?)
The Monchuco were here and worshipped a half- bull, half-woman deity and the bull was a black one and sacrifices were thrown into the sea. There is this spot where a thatched temple once stood and in a more distant past a connection, strange as it may seem, with an offshoot of the Inca civilization. This spot is on the third island and this island itself will be involved in a disaster within a short time. It will be, to all intent and purposes, wiped out.