Results 521 to 540 of 1019 for stemmed:let

TES5 Session 204 November 1, 1965 John Driscoll Dudley Elms companion

[...] I will let you all take a break. [...]

Let us suppose that you are watching a movie production.

It is possible, Joseph, that there could be this evening a change in Ruburt’s features, and we shall let this go at that, for we know him too well to say more.

There is more pertaining to our friend Philip, but for several reasons we shall let it lie for now. [...]

TES3 Session 132 February 15, 1965 Trainor Lepanto Elegy Father summon

(Rob suggested another possibility: that as a medium I am starting to learn to let others in contact with me speak out. Perhaps, because I knew Father Trainor, I let his voice come through as a starter.

TES4 Session 151 May 3, 1965 action limitless moment ego points

[...] It would be most unfortunate if either or both of you let physical action on the part of others stand in the way of beneficial action on your own parts.

[...] From talking to Jane, I gathered she felt we should watch our reactions to others, so I let it pass. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 8: Session 633, January 17, 1973 Augustus sirens thoughts perfect denied

[...] I am composing this note therefore to let you know that I hold you in my mind, and that energy is automatically sent out to you when your letter is received, and when this reply is sent. [...]

Now let us return to Augustus; for here we find again in one individual an excellent example of the way in which seemingly nonphysical thoughts and beliefs can affect and alter the corporeal image. [...]

TES4 Session 168 July 7, 1965 fate accent Lorraine sensation Jesuit

[...] Again, I will let you take a break, for I am dealing relatively easily with you this evening, and then we will again continue.

I will now let you take a break, or as you prefer you may close the session.

TES8 Session 404 April 8, 1968 plenty financial dwindling Maltz exercises

(“Let’s take a break.”

The point is to let, permit, allow yourself to forget, not force.

TPS7 Deleted Session October 25, 1983 belt motion move weightless hips

[...] Letting nature—her body—take its own course was just as good a way, I told her. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 17, 1983 denture pretty shoulders subdued Sharon

[...] I wanted to let you know of my presence, and I wanted to give you at least a brief answer to your question about units of consciousness. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 7, 1984 body negative priceless Dana knower

In the same way, simply and gently, let him address his legs, telling them his intent to walk again. [...]

TPS5 Session 886 (Deleted Portion) December 3, 1979 impulses zounds grist imposed ve

[...] This means that I sidetrack —but not try to repress—those cultural and learned beliefs I’ve let rule my life in large measure, instead of following the natural, creative dictates of my first, or primary man. [...]

TES7 Session 314 January 25, 1967 restraint err ailments pendulum discipline

[...] Now, this is the heart of the matter, and he would not let me give it earlier. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 9, 1984 circulatory temperature fever mucous blotchy

[...] She let me know when she was ready for the session. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session April 3, 1974 evidence smirk reviving beliefs Air

Ruburt has on several occasions, but each time let the physical data cow him. [...]

TPS1 Session 458 (Deleted Portion) January 20, 1969 uncle accidentally horses child sister

[...] Regardless of what you thought consciously therefore, you still inwardly blamed yourself for letting the child go, and therefore the difficulty with the womanly organs.

TES2 Wednesday, May 13, 1964 Callahan divan Miss tongue mouth

(On Wednesday, May 13, Miss Callahan’s relatives asked Jane if we could move Miss Callahan’s blue divan into our apartment, and in its place let them take a hide-away bed we had in storage; this bed to be used for a nurse who was to live with Miss Callahan when she was brought home from the Town House. [...]

UR1 Introductory Notes by Robert F. Butts volumes Unknown sections footnotes letter

[...] Let me here reinforce that validity. Let me reinforce my faith in your innate ability to find joyful acquiescence, and to rise above any problems that you have. [...]

[...] (See my notes at the end of the 610th session, in Chapter 1 of that book.) And concerning my objective observations of Seth himself, I’ll let my notes in the sessions build up whatever composite picture I’m able to construct.

[...] (A scientist doesn’t call an atom of oxygen, or one of any other element, alive, let alone conscious. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session October 19, 1983 leg tension dehypnotizing aspirin rotating

[...] She said she had to do something so as not to get discouraged, and I told her not to let herself get discouraged. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 7: May 13, 1984 parents illness youngster reward children

[...] In such cases, the ailing child is pampered far more than usual, given extra special attention, offered delicacies such as ice cream, let off some ordinary chores, and in other ways encouraged to think of bouts of illness as times of special attention and reward.

WTH Part Two: Chapter 11: June 8, 1984 suicide youngsters lowest upward escapist

First of all, let me make it clear that no one is “damned” for committing suicide. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 24, 1984 Jean Del hiking daughter paternal

[...] Have Ruburt remind himself again that it is safe to let go, and trust his own spontaneous rhythms, his own motion.

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