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NotP Chapter 1: Session 755, September 8, 1975 psyche canvas brushstroke artist greater

[...] This applies equally to Ruburt and Joseph (Seth’s entity name for me). Thus far, my books have included Joseph’s extended notes. [...] Joseph is even now involved in typing my previous manuscript (The “Unknown” Reality). It was written in such a way that it tied the personal experience of Ruburt and Joseph in with a greater theoretical framework, so that one could not be separated from the other.

[...] The psyche’s production, in other words, has escaped practical, physical bounds, so that from my level of reality I can no longer expect Joseph to do more than record the sessions. [...]

[...] Physically, however, Ruburt and Joseph take many hours in its production. [...]

TES3 Session 145 April 12, 1965 hate evil ego roles assimilate

This, temporarily, is something like what happened to you, Joseph. [...]

There are many freedoms, Joseph, that you will learn to allow yourself.

Your personal potentials, Joseph, are excellent. [...]

TES3 Session 102 November 1, 1964 Gallery Bill Macdonnel doubter Cameron

Joseph is committed to these sessions. [...] You, Joseph, make these sessions possible. [...]

For once Joseph will not have to take notes.

[...] Notes are not particularly necessary to what I have to say; and Joseph, you should enjoy the rest.

TES4 Session 158 May 30, 1965 Trainor voice features badger indeed

[...] Nevertheless, we do here find a personality who has been, in this life, from an early age, involved in a most complicated network of emotional involvement, concerning both mother and father—and do I speak too quickly for you, Joseph?

I want here, Joseph, to make one note for our own benefit, that should be included with our material on the nature of action, if indeed our two visitors will for a moment forgive me. [...]

An aside here: the incident involving the woman had mainly to do—I suggest here, my esteemed Joseph, that perhaps you watch Ruburt’s features. [...]

TES7 Session 326 March 15, 1967 projection levitations remember easiest occultists

[...] Joseph will find himself more likely to remember simple projections that do not involve any featured levitation. These will be the easiest for you, Joseph, to recall.

[...] In one legitimate projection of yours, Joseph, you formed a vehicle, I believe. [...]

TES1 Session 30 February 27, 1964 refrigerator kitchen iceboxes sanitary chiropractic

[...] Joseph’s gumboils are infections directly connected with the proximity of the refrigerator to more personal cleansing centers, and these centers should certainly be divided.

[...] A tree is a living symbol to you Joseph, but I certainly do not insist that the tree be left uncovered though personally I see no reason why any other changes have to be made in the kitchen, except for the addition of the refrigerator. [...]

Do you have any questions, Joseph?

TES4 Session 168 July 7, 1965 fate accent Lorraine sensation Jesuit

We will not involve ourselves with any deep and weighty matters this evening, and you may slow me down, Joseph, when you prefer. [...]

[...] You are not unfamiliar with this program, Joseph, nor indeed is Ruburt. [...]

You can also be of aid, both of you, as far as your brother Bill is concerned, Joseph, and I suggest that you take steps to speak with him, and if necessary we will hold a session, if the circumstances are correct for our purposes.

TPS7 Deleted Session June 3, 1982 cost medical St bill dollars

(As noted in the private session for May 22, I brought Jane home from her overnight stay at St. Joseph’s hospital the day before. [...]

[...] The cost of that little operation would also probably be astronomical—well over a thousand dollars, I’d say at a guess, so in light of the present bill from St. Joseph’s I doubt if we’d opt for it anyhow. [...]

Now: we will call this a very brief Seth visit—for which there is no charge (with much humor, referring no doubt to the bill from St. Joseph’s). [...]

TES6 Session 246 March 30, 1966 pointer Wyoming Jimmy young Marilyn

You have no idea, Joseph, of your effect upon the young people with whom you come in contact, at your place of employment in particular. [...]

[...] To some extent you are a teacher in your painting, Joseph. [...]

You made rather too much of a point of our location in Wyoming, Joseph. [...]

TES1 Session 6 December 11, 1963 Gratis levitation board aggressions Fragment

Also have Joseph try to answer questions. [...]

[...] He reminds me of Joseph. [...]

(After thinking a bit, I told Jane I had the thought that Ruburt was once Joseph.

TES3 Session 116 December 21, 1964 censorship props procedure replenish proceed

[...] For future reference, Joseph, and I repeat future, you should not probably need this for awhile, the words “All right Jane, you’re back now,” will always suffice to return Ruburt to his more usual condition.

[...] If at any time Joseph, you do not agree with any particular procedure or condition or situation, you may immediately speak the words that I have given you, and the situation or condition will become the normal one.

[...] I ask you now if you give your consent, Joseph.

TPS4 Deleted Session January 21, 1978 disapproval labels storm identification loyal

[...] Joseph deals in details. [...] Joseph is not. [...] You, Joseph, are spontaneous. [...]

You, Joseph, are making gains as you know—again, because you minimize self-disapproval, and therefore bring into the range of your attention abilities of your own that before you quite inhibited

TES7 Session 332 April 5, 1967 wipe Johnny misbehave despair replace

A preliminary note, Joseph. [...]

Joseph: Slow me down when necessary.

[...] If Ruburt is weary, my friend Joseph, I indeed am feeling fine.

TES8 Session 360 August 16, 1967 Fell Merle Burke August York

[...] I do suggest, Joseph

[...] (Brief pause.) These are impressions, Joseph… There seems to be a trip with a stopover, a place stopped at for a short time before another destination is reached. [...]

[...] RFB.) …I will at all times —and this is for your benefit, Joseph—I will protect your Ruburt, as I saw to it that he did not appear on the program. [...]

TES1 Session 36 March 18, 1964 distortions choice arrived ache meddling

[...] And you, Joseph, would be much less enthusiastic even than Ruburt. [...]

[...] I truly have never seen such panic in such an instance as I saw on your face, dear Joseph.

[...] Also on checking wait for a few minutes, Joseph, and then ask the doubtful question again, or rephrase the statement into a question. [...]

TES9 Session 442 October 14, 1968 circle triangle vortex spirals Freudenberger

(To me.) I speak to you as Joseph, and all unknowingly you react as Joseph; (leans forward) for Robert F. Butts alone, or Jane Roberts alone, would never have met me.

[...] In terms then of vision, I see Joseph rather than Robert. [...]

[...] One of these developments will occur in our sessions, one in particular through Ruburt outside of a session, I believe, and another should take place initially Joseph through you. [...]

UR2 Section 5: Session 721 November 25, 1974 king Roman counterparts soldier Jamaica

Lately Joseph has found himself embarked upon a series of episodes that seem to involve reincarnational existences. [...] He previously had experience that convinced him that he was a man called Nebene.9 All of this could have been accepted quite easily in conventional terms of reincarnation, but Joseph felt that Nebene and the Roman soldier had existed during the same general time period, and he was not sure where to place the woman (but see Note 1).

Joseph was “picking up” on lives that “he” lived in the same time scheme. [...]

[...] So Joseph “was” Nebene, a scholarly man, not adventurous, obsessed with copying ancient truths, and afraid that creativity was error; authoritative and demanding. [...]

TES1 Session 12 January 2, 1964 wires cubes plane board female

[...] (Pause.) Only who is reluctant now, Joseph?

[...] This certainly must hint at some conscious control, Joseph, and should make you feel more confident about our sessions, not less. [...]

[...] When I say as I have that the overall entity is neither male or female, and yet refer to various entities such as Joseph and Ruburt, which are definitely male names, I merely mean that in the overall essence the entity refers or identifies itself more with male characteristics, or so-called male characteristics, than with the female.

TES3 Session 132 February 15, 1965 Trainor Lepanto Elegy Father summon

You were quite correct, Joseph, in cautioning Ruburt against the poetry session the other evening. [...]

[...] The people, the young people with whom you work, Joseph, are very good guests for you to have. [...]

[...] Your uneasy period, Joseph, or the period in which you have a tendency to become so, has passed. [...]

TES4 Session 161 June 9, 1965 ulcer ego permanence rejects sham

I would suggest for the psychological time experiments, fifteen minutes to begin with, along the lines of the directions which Joseph has given. [...] I would suggest that the directions, Joseph, be more specific. [...]

[...] And Joseph, oh dear Joseph, I would even now, but for your natural reticence, really speak out.

[...] Joseph and Ruburt, I know, will be glad to take the few moments necessary to explain them.

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