3 results for stemmed:josef

TPS2 Deleted Session December 4, 1972 Josef paintings fake channel underlined

You wanted to express ideas in paintings that do not come in youth, and to merge a particular kind of understanding with a particular kind of form. You had an existence in which your art matured early, as Josef in Ruburt’s Seven. You dealt with emotion unrestrained by discipline, and with the feelings of a young man. Josef was not able to paint anything worthwhile past the age of 40, and he turned to a land-owner’s province.

You wanted to express now the fuller inspirations that come later, and with an exquisite sense of form that Josef never learned. The sense of form incidentally will, mark my words, emerge in a new way for you, but even the information given that so upset you had its purpose in your whole plan.

TPS2 Deleted Session July 17, 1972 Nebene Josef details suspicious purified

Now I will tell you that Ruburt’s Josef, in Seven, is a very good approximation of another quite different life of yours, in which the emotions were given the fullest of sway—and you also have those characteristics to draw upon. [...]

For other reasons, for one because Josef was undisciplined, you have not spontaneously given expression to that portion of you. [...]

[...] Jane said she remembered little of the delivery, except that Josef was modeled after a life of mine. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session August 30, 1972 Ottoman Christendom Richard Empire Nebene

At the same time, the existence of the Nebene characteristics served to bring to your attention the Josef characteristics. [...]