11 results for stemmed:joan

TPS7 Deleted Session November 4, 1983 milligrams Joan dosage birthday Lorrie

(4:20 PM. That was it for the day, although we weren’t sure of it at the time. No sooner had we stopped the session than Joan came in to give Jane eye drops. She gave me also our copy of our medical records, but we were so busy I barely looked at them. I did think to ask Joan about what she’d told us a couple of weeks ago when Jane’s Synthroid dosage had been cut down by Fred Kardon. She wasn’t sure without looking at the chart, Joan said, but she thought the dosage had been cut from 0.2 milligrams twice a day to 0.3 milligrams once a day—a reduction of 0.1 milligram daily, as I figure it. We’d been thinking somehow that the dose had been cut in half, but it’s been cut by a quarter. It’s a start, I told Jane.

ECS1 ESP Class Session, February 8, 1968 Lillian Clifton Bonnie Indian Arc

[...] Also, Joan of Arc has figured rather prominently in her life; in school for instance she was called Joan of Arc, witch, etc.)

[...] (Pause) Some connection here with the first historical personality whom we have run across: a very far distant connection to Joan of Arc, on the mystic’s father’s side, twice removed. [...]

TES8 ESP Class Session February 8, 1968 Lydia Kluft Indian Connie Arc

[...] Also, Joan of Arc has figured rather prominently in her life; in school for instance she was called Joan of Arc, withch, etc.)

[...] A very far distant connection to Joan of Arc, on the mystic’s father’s side, twice removed. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, March 9, 1971 secrets Valerie Maggie clouds agony

(During break Maggie gave her impressions of Joan Grant.)

Now my young friend, and all my dear young friends, first of all Joan Grant is a highly intelligent and very gifted woman. [...]

Now you may think that Joan Grant has formed a far more splendid reality than you have, and yet none of you would live in her shoes for an hour. [...]

TSM Chapter Thirteen Conz Dean illness Joan headache

[...] Joan literally disliked everyone with few exceptions. [...]

[...] I can almost see Joan sitting there, legs crossed, before the session. [...]

Joan sat tapping her foot nervously. [...]

TES8 Session 376 October 30, 1967 table sitters field sensitive Sheryl

For Ruburt’s class try the following combinations with the large table: Venice, Paul and Sheryl; Shirley, Venice and Sheryl; Ruth, Joan and Paul. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session December 20, 1983 Kim Pete Evans Fred Infirmary

(When Joan, an RN, came in to see Jane today for eye drops, she at once noticed the improvements in my wife’s condition. [...]

TES9 Session 471 March 31, 1969 Ace Wollheim Doren desolations evil

[...] (An autobiography by Joan Grant is referred to here.)

TPS1 First Hypnosis Session, Jane February 12, 1968 Florida induced relaxed hypnosis hypnotized

(Joan Grant is evidently a well-known English medium, and her husband, Denys Kelsey, a practicing psychiatrist who tells of some remarkable successes in treating patients, while keeping in mind the role reincarnation can play in present “living” personality patterns.

TSM Chapter Twelve Doris Matt reincarnation Rev Jon

[...] Some connection here with the first historical personality we have run across: a very distant connection to Joan of Arc, on the mystic’s father’s side, twice removed. [...]

[...] Then she really blushed and told us that she’d always been terrified of fire, and that her nickname in high school had been Joan of Arc or The Witch.

TES3 Session 104 November 4, 1964 Jimmy sale warning dump rush