5 results for stemmed:jamaica

TPS3 Deleted Session November 18, 1974 ape instincts identification pygmy grandfather

(“Well, do you want to say something about my Jamaica thing?” Of Saturday, November 16, 1974.)

(10:45 PM. Jane was obviously very tired; she wanted only to sleep. In our casual conversation I happened to remark that I now had three things going reincarnationally: The Nabene thing, the Roman thing, and the Jamaica thing, toward my chronological “list” of “past” lives.

UR2 Section 5: Session 721 November 25, 1974 king Roman counterparts soldier Jamaica

(“Jamaica” took place on a Saturday, and Seth referred to it briefly in the next session, on Monday night. [...] Seth came back to Jamaica in Jane’s ESP class the next evening [on November 19]; at the same time he began discussing his concept of “counterparts,” which he formally introduces in tonight’s [721st] session for “Unknown” Reality. [...]

[...] This one wasn’t a “Roman,” though, but a series of very vivid impressions of myself as a black woman on the island of Jamaica, in the Caribbean Sea. [...]

1. The series of visions that made up my overall perception of the black woman in Jamaica were the most vivid I’ve experienced yet. [...]

UR2 Appendix 22: (For Session 724) Roman soldier tower Jerusalem Peter

[...] A student I’ll call Mary told me about just having met a black woman [in a most prosaic night-school class] who looked “exactly like” my drawing of Maumee,14 the woman in my Jamaica experience of three weeks ago. [...]

5. I experienced much stronger thrilling sensations two and a half weeks ago, during my perceptions of myself as Maumee, the black woman who lived in Jamaica in the early 1800’s. See the opening notes for the 721st session, with its Note 1. In Appendix 21, Seth remarked that those suffusing feelings are my personal sign that I’ve made a “neurological changeover.” [...]

UR2 Section 5: Session 724 December 4, 1974 counterparts personage races century personhood

[...] My Jamaica experience of November 16 is also referred to by another student.

UR2 Appendix 21: (For Session 721) counterparts Florence Maumee androgyny Appendix

(In our private session, Seth commented on my “quite legitimate” reincarnational data involving the black woman, Maumee or Mawmee, who’d lived on the Caribbean island of Jamaica early in the 19th century. [...]