Results 201 to 220 of 297 for stemmed:hall

TPS4 Deleted Session November 28, 1977 ethics Protestant gifted inspirations work

[...] Actually, it was a note from him to Prentice-Hall, asking for review copies of the Seth books, and that his note be forwarded to Jane. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session April 3, 1978 toe Rockefellers mark unconscious Walt

[...] I mailed them to Prentice-Hall this morning.

TPS2 Deleted Session October 2, 1972 Seagull Aerofranz Dick Bach Eleanor

(Tam Mossman, Jane’s editor at Prentice-Hall, is to visit us tomorrow.)

SS Part Two: Chapter 9: Session 536, June 22, 1970 Moses Allah hallucinations Arab guide

[...] Jane sat waiting half in trance — a feeling she later described as “weird” — while I followed the cat down the hall. [...]

NotP Introduction by Jane Roberts psyche Cézanne sexuality bisexuality view

That book, The World View of Paul Cézanne, was published by Prentice-Hall in 1977. [...]

TES9 Session 462 February 3, 1969 mathematical perception clairvoyant medium pessimistic

[...] The series was built around the acceptance of the first book of the Seth material by Prentice-Hall.

TES1 Session 22 February 4, 1964 woodcarvings kiddo Joseph chickadees taunted

[...] The curtains were open, it was still light out, we could hear people talking downstairs and in the hall outside our door. [...]

NoME Part One: Chapter 2: Session 806, July 30, 1977 memory events past floating future

(On July 9 we received from Prentice-Hall our first press copies of Volume 1 of “Unknown.” [...]

TES9 Session 437 September 18, 1968 notime painting blaring foreground segments

Say that you are going to try to see Prentice-Hall’s reaction—will they accept the manuscript or not? [...]

TES6 Session 243 March 21, 1966 receipt handstamp motor bottom March

[...] A hall opens off this and leads back to the kitchen. Other rooms open off the hall on either side. [...]

TES3 Session 119 January 6, 1965 outer ego Jung subconscious animus

[...] She is also not so aware of outside distractions, such as traffic passing the house, people in the hall outside our door, etc.

TPS6 Deleted Session February 25, 1981 insight relax volition lax paranoid

[...] Jane and me, Prentice-Hall, the world, critics, the post office?”

ECS1 ESP Class Session, April 8, 1969 courage Florence Lo Brad flower

[...] You have seen our dweller in the hall here (Theodore) use his abilities—and he does not need to look for wonders because he is experiencing reality. [...]

UR1 Section 2: Session 690 March 21, 1974 Christ architect species religious Jehovah

Jane dealt with some of her own concepts of time — one of them being, for instance, that the past has its own past, present, and future — in her novel, The Education of Oversoul Seven, published by Prentice-Hall, in 1973.

DEaVF2 Chapter 9: Session 922, October 13, 1980 Helper knower protection dams artistry

[...] I wrote Tam this morning, asking questions about what long-range plans Prentice-Hall may have for the 15 books Jane and I have sold to the company. [...]

TES3 Session 97 October 14, 1964 fixture Macmillan October Fleeting cycles

[...] At noon someone in hall. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session September 17, 1977 Framework paperback detailed operate suggestions

[...] We are also waiting for the September royalty payment from Prentice-Hall, due probably next week. [...]

NotP Chapter 1: Session 755, September 8, 1975 psyche canvas brushstroke artist greater

[...] Jane was really charged up from the day’s events: She’d received the first six copies of her poetry book Dialogues of the Soul and Mortal Self in Time, which was just off the press at Prentice-Hall, and during break we discussed that book.

TPS3 Deleted Session July 4, 1977 waking sleeping rational prime Dialogues

[...] Had you at the same moment instead thought, for example, about Prentice-Hall in a negative way, or about any other negative event of the past or probable future, you would have responded to an event that in an important way was not immediately a part of the facts of the natural world.

TPS7 The Fred Conyers Story Sunday, October 17, 1982 Fred police Denver coat Pittsburgh

[...] Fred also handed me a thick, neatly tied package of brown paper and yellow string—The Christ Book, he said, which was for Jane and me, and for Prentice-Hall. [...]

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