Results 161 to 180 of 297 for stemmed:hall

TPS1 Deleted Session April 1, 1970 motion nonrunning mental spontaneity running

(In my original and unpublished notes in Session 520 in Seth Speaks I listed three chances for the fruition of Seth’s prediction: The mention in Cosmopolitan of Jane’s ESP book for April 1970; Tam’s news about New American Library being very interested in the Seth material book; or Jane’s contract for the dream book being in the mail from Prentice-Hall.)

NoME Part Two: Chapter 3: Session 817, January 30, 1978 myths mythical disaster factual manifestations

[...] (Jane has been told that everyone at Prentice-Hall, her publishing house, “just loves” Emir.) A couple of weeks ago Sue Watkins delivered the last two chapters of the manuscript for Psyche that she’s been typing for us; we still have to check that book and finish the notes for it. [...]

TES4 Session 175 August 4, 1965 Oswego paperweight enlargement quiet indecision

(At Oswego, I was awakened by a party of college students in a nearby residence hall. [...]

TES8 Session 409 May 1, 1968 coordinates rascal cohesiveness boundaries intensity

[...] The data was to the effect that she’d hear from Prentice-Hall within three or four days; but she didn’t voice it because she had been distorting predictions recently, and didn’t want to do so again now.)

TPS5 Deleted Session December 10, 1980 villages Roman soldier Nebene peasants

[...] In the short run, our troubles with Prentice-Hall lately, especially those revolving around Tam’s decision to leave Prentice full time, have touched off Jane’s latest poor reactions re her hips and legs. [...]

TES9 Session 498 August 25, 1969 Aerofranz Adam race overstimulation quotes

(This afternoon Jane’s editor at Prentice-Hall, Tam Mossman, called her re the Seth book Jane is completing for P/H. Tam also had a couple of questions, which Seth begins to answer in this session.

TPS6 Deleted Session May 5, 1981 panic superself dj poohed Sinful

(Today Jane called John Nelson and Tam, and learned where I am to sign the Seven contract, and that Prentice-Hall would be receptive to her third Seven novel. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 5, 1984 Jeff talent Karder poets fix

[...] There was noise in the hall, but Jane continued:)

DEaVF1 Chapter 5: Session 901, February 18, 1980 optometrist lenses snake glasses waken

[...] On that day Tam Mossman of Prentice-Hall called Sue Watkins to ask her permission to publish Conversations With Seth in two volumes; Sue’s account of Jane’s ESP classes is now too long for a single book. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session April 11, 1978 overemphasis pendulum lifework career triggers

[...] [Tam is Jane’s editor at Prentice-Hall.]

TPS2 Session 632 (Deleted Portion) January 15, 1973 sell financial marketplace Nebene eat

[...] After all, we do have money; money also is due from her father’s estate, royalties, Rich Bed eventually, and the sale of paperback rights by Prentice-Hall; ESP class also helps—Jane said she enjoys the class. [...]

TES9 Session 425 July 31, 1968 Boston stabbed Van warmth neurobiological

[...] The info above covers Dr. Gene Bernard’s recent letter on our behalf to Prentice-Hall, and Raymond Van Over’s telepathic understanding of same.)

TPS1 Session 598 November 24, 1971 Sumari Rob guilds chant speakers

(A reduced version of the on-the-spot drawing I made of my vision after 10PM on Tuesday, November 23, 1971, as I sat typing in our second apartment across the hall from where Jane was holding her ESP class. [...]

[...] In our second apartment across the hall? [...]

DEaVF1 Preface by Seth: Private Session, September 13, 1979 Iran animals Mitzi religious Mass

[...] At the same time, Tam Mossman, Jane’s editor at Prentice-Hall, is trying to find out whether the Dutch edition of Seth Speaks has been published. [...] As soon as Prentice-Hall receives its shipment of books from the Netherlands, Tam will forward the copies due us. [...]

[...] Prentice-Hall will publish it. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session August 20, 1979 fundamental Vallee repudiation alternatives upsurges

(Jane received about 50 letters, forwarded from Prentice-Hall today. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 13: Session 651, March 26, 1973 black age races sleeping white

[...] To them are assigned creative musical abilities, for example, but for a long time these were “underground” activities: They gave birth to acceptable musical productions but were not admitted themselves into the concert halls of the respectable nation.

DEaVF1 Chapter 3: Session 892, January 2, 1980 composition tree creatures units potency

Over the weekend we’d signed the contracts with our publisher, Prentice-Hall, for Mass Events and God of Jane, and I mailed them this morning. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session December 3, 1973 money beliefs concentrate financial complexion

(For the record: This last material may have come through because I got angry yesterday when I discovered that Prentice-Hall had run a two-page ad in the NY Times Book Section, for Sunday, December 2, without mentioning any of the Seth books. [...]

TPS2 Session 600 (Deleted Portion) December 13, 1971 cordella Alphabets language shambalina impressionism

[...] Now the phone began to ring in Jane’s workroom, across the hall. [...]

NotP Chapter 10: Session 795, February 28, 1977 sex feedback dreams slate species

(Jane and I have been reviewing the original manuscript for Volume I of “Unknown” Reality, which was returned to us for this purpose by Prentice-Hall after the editor and copyeditor had gone over it. [...]

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