Results 61 to 80 of 689 for stemmed:framework
[...] In the larger scheme of reality, this provided a framework for individuals to taste infancy or childhood without growing to maturity. [...] And yet that can be said, for the framework worked, individually, and fit in with the goals of the species. [...]
[...] You both let Framework 2 slide in your thoughts—generally speaking. [...] You can each remind the other when you feel low, at least to read those statements, for the work is easily done there, in Framework 2.
[...] Three: he should remind himself that his desire and intent are impressing Framework 2, and that as much as possible he should relax his efforts here.
Try to do your mutual suggestions when you feel you have a good rapport with Framework 2. You were wise not to do so today. [...]
[...] When did the two of us make our own pacts in Framework 2 (or other frameworks), and how will they work out in Framework 1? [...]
[...] In Framework 2, for example, Marie, pregnant with Jane, could have decided with her daughter-to-be upon certain sequences of action to be pursued during their lives. Or in Framework 2 the two of them could have cooperated upon such a decision before Marie’s birth, even. [...]
[...] Not even when I play around with his ideas relative to quantum theory can such proof be found—yet I let Jane’s “amazingly strong” will be the measuring and observing device that automatically causes “waves” of knowing or consciousness—in Framework 2, for example—to coalesce into the “particles” that make up the physical forms she perceives as her reality in Framework 1, either psychically from a distance or right here.
[...] Traditionally we’ve cast that feeling or knowledge in religious terms, for want of a better framework, but I think that more and more now the search is also on within science for a theory—even a hypothesis—that will lock up our often subjective variables into what might be called a more human equivalent of the still-sought-for unified theory in physics. [...]
[...] For centuries Christianity served to preserve old frameworks while still allowing for transforming elements and symbolic activities that allowed individuals to assert some independence and originality by moving from one religious symbol, say, to another—still, however, within that larger framework. [...]
(8:44.) In terms of reincarnation, Christianity in numberless cases even served as a uniting framework connecting lives: you could for example theoretically move from one century to another, and while there were social and political changes, the overall cultural framework might well be the same. [...]
Now: Ruburt’s paper was well done, and is important to an understanding of what has been happening in his own life, as well as indicating the larger social framework. [...]
Religion still serves within your time as such a uniting and also “disruptive” framework. [...]
[...] Whenever you come into difficulties, it is because you are still relying upon Framework 1’s authority, in which normal cause and effect operates, in which problems are solved by exaggerating them, and in which magical changes or alterations are considered out of context to normal living. [...] Your very existence is proof of that, for it is a mystery to Framework 1’s understanding. Framework 1 looks to time, and particularly the past, as authority.
In a manner of speaking, the stability of that authority, however misguided, provided a relatively safe framework in which you could both grow into maturity. [...]
Now in our sessions I must unfortunately try to explain the greater aspects of reality in terms of a Framework 1 culture, with its psychic conventions. [...]
Ruburt’s condition can change overnight, in literally dazzling improvements, if only the “authority” of Framework 1 is forgotten—as it is so often in your creative lives.
You have created the framework, and you can remove the framework, as he has created the framework within which an ulcer can have reality.
[...] He is only aware of the interior time element as it appears within the framework of his dream. [...]
First, problems are worked out within the dream framework. [...]
Such suggestions will serve to protect the integrity of the physical organism, for these suggestions also have an electrical reality and a chemical reality, as your fear of cats has a chemical and an electrical reality that forces you to act within that framework.
[...] There will also be days when it is quite obvious that the framework provides only for your own inconvenience and discomfort—but the fact that it is a framework, created and maintained, is important. [...]
[...] The framework was loosely set up back in that time, however, when for a while, again, you toyed with the idea, for such symptoms would “justify” your staying home even part- time to paint. [...]
The important lessons have never really appeared in your societies: the most beneficial use of the directed will, with great expectations, and that coupled with the knowledge of Framework 1 and 2 activities. [...] Then you drop it like a pebble into Framework 2, forget about it as much as possible for a fortnight, and do this in a certain rhythm.
“Three: I will remember the creative framework of existence, in which I have my being. Therefore the possibilities, potentials, seeming miracles, and joyful spontaneity of Framework 2 will be in my mind, so that the doors to creative living are open.
[...] All That Is seeks all possible experience, but in such a larger framework in this case that questions of, say, pain or death simply do not apply, though [certainly] they do on the physical level (all quite forcefully).
[...] It is very difficult to consider its experience outside of the framework familiar to you. [...]
[...] People who believed such things were considered sane — and were sane, for the accepted framework of events was far different from your own. [...]
[...] Since your activities physically must be fitted into a space-time framework, only a minimum of those probable events will physically occur.
[...] To a certain extent they become the invisible medium of experience from which your own specialized activities emerge, so that their nature is implied in your own life — and so that your life is implied in those other frameworks.
[...] They still provide however in one way or another a framework in which the personality feels itself free to pursue its goals. [...] When the new sensed reality is strong enough to provide not only greater comprehensions but also to construct a new framework, then the old framework is seen as limiting, and discarded.
It might take you years, possibly, to thoroughly discuss all of the ramifications of that insight, but the original creation comes from Framework 2 into your time. [...]
[...] Regular working hours can give you a time framework you need, in which those ideas can appear, but the ideas themselves, and the insights, often come to you particularly when you are not thinking of work. [...]
Each physical moment is literally filled to the brim with the unceasing vitality of Framework 2. Regardless of what you are doing at any given time, the creative abilities are always active, and they seize upon the most mundane circumstances as well as the most profound, seeking to bring to the surface of consciousness the greater dimensions of awareness that are possible. [...]
[...] Left alone, your creativity knows its own rhythms, and drinks at the springs of Framework 2 at its own delightful leisure. [...]
Now: In your terms, speaking more or less historically, early man was in a more conscious relationship with Framework 2 than you are now.
[...] They realized they were mortal, and must die, but their greater awareness of Framework 2 allowed them a larger identification, so they understood that death was not only a natural necessity, but also an opportunity for other kinds of experience and development (see Note 1 for Session 803).
They also felt that they were themselves, however; that as humans [they were] the manifestation of the larger expression of nature that was too splendid to be contained alone within nature’s framework, that nature needed them — that is, men — to give it another kind of voice. [...]
[...] In that light, and with that understanding, nature’s disasters do not claim victims: Nature and man together act out their necessary parts in the larger framework of reality.
(Then, in a private session held on the evening of September 17, 1977, Seth came through with a very exciting concept called “Framework 1 and Framework 2.” [...] Briefly and very simply, Seth maintains that Framework 2, or inner reality, contains the creative source from which we form all events, and that by the proper focusing of attention we can draw from that vast subjective medium everything we need for a constructive, positive life in Framework 1, or physical reality. We’ve already made known to Seth our desires that he go into his Frameworks 1 and 2 material much more extensively in Mass Events, since those concepts are so closely involved with the individual and collective experiences surrounding the lives of everyone.3
3. I should also note that Seth has made one short, rather mysterious reference to the existence of Frameworks 3 and 4. Two days after he’d first talked about his concept of Frameworks 1 and 2, he came through with the following statement in another private session. Jane and I have yet to ask him to elaborate upon it: “There is, incidentally, a Framework 3 and a Framework 4, in the terms of our discussion — but all such labels are, again, only for the sake of explanation. [...]
In your present framework, because of the male-female specialization — the male orientation, the implication that the ego is male while the psyche is female — you force upon yourselves great divisions in which operationally the intellect seems separate from the intuitions, and you set up a situation in which opposites seem to apply where there are none. [...]
Generally, reason and intellect are then considered male qualities, and the frameworks for civilization, science, and an organized world. [...]
[...] This kind of realization is necessary if you are to ever transcend the framework of seeming opposites in which your world is involved.
There were frameworks that could have offered help, but he saw that they were not intrinsically valid and so did not depend upon them. There are spiritualistic frameworks. [...]
Ruburt, in those terms, started from scratch as a member of your society who had finally thrown aside, as you had, the current framework of belief. [...]
[...] They dealt with a different framework of consciousness—one that is somewhat now out of character with your kind. [...] Those Italian villages exemplified really a kind of consciousness, or an orientation of consciousness, that existed before modern psychology and Darwinian belief: a framework of consciousness and experience that was overall similar in the recent past and in the time of the Romans—one, in other words, that existed up into the present. [...]
This provided them with a different kind of time framework psychologically—one that any peasant could relate to. [...]
[...] Such a framework may have been filled with potential problems, but there were usually ways in life to get around those ways that were specified according to religion or culture. [...]
(Long pause at 10:25.) Nebene had a scholar’s distaste for the peasants, but he also possessed a solid respect for the overall framework of their existence. [...]
Ruburt found great comfort in the church as a young person, for if it created within its members the image of a Sinful Self, it also of course provided a steady system of treatment—a series of rituals that gave the individual some sense of hope the Sinful Self could be redeemed, as in most of Christianity’s framework through adherence to certain segments of Christian dogma. [...]
He began to search actually from childhood in a natural fashion toward some larger framework that would offer an explanation for reality that bore at least some resemblance to the natural vision of his best poetry. [...]
[...] Ruburt’s creativity broke through those frameworks to provide our sessions and to release the psychic abilities that had earlier been nearly but not completely repressed. [...]
[...] Now to some extent it was that poor, unhappy Sinful Self, a psychological structure formed by beliefs and feelings, that was also seeking its own redemption, since even it had outgrown the framework that so defined it. [...]
(Long pause at 8:15.) With some people (long pause), such bindings are so secure that in one way or another they provide an overall, fairly permanent inner and outer framework. The people within that framework will stray only so far from conventional beliefs. [...]
The time would come, however, when the old bondings had to be encountered, for they simply could not hold the newer frameworks of understanding which were larger than they were. [...] The personality is now trying to assimilate a greater framework to become bonded to a higher sequence of knowledge. [...]