4 results for stemmed:dori

TES1 Session 1 December 2, 1963 Watts Yes Towson Frank Gratis


(“Where does your daughter Doris live?”)

(“Is Doris married?”)

TSM Chapter Twelve Doris Matt reincarnation Rev Jon

From what Rob said later, Doris sat there red-faced and somewhat embarrassed. [...] Seth went on citing examples from Doris’ early life of which Rob and I knew nothing. The entire session took up nine pages of single-typed copy, in which Seth analyzed Doris’ attitudes and traits, illustrating them with specific episodes formerly known only to her, and ending up with some excellent advice.

Doris was having all kinds of problems. [...] Doris was smart enough to see this, but each time she was certain that there was something about the new man that made him more eligible—or at least more liable to accept her advances. [...]

Seth emphasized that for his own reasons, Frank did not want a marriage relationship, and ended by telling Doris that she had chosen him for this reason—that she never saw the man as he was, but only the image she had projected upon him. He gave Frank’s name in a past life as Achman incidentally, and much later Doris learned that his present family has an Achman branch.

DEaVF1 Chapter 4: Session 895, January 14, 1980 David suffering illness science genetics

[...] Last Thursday morning, then, we were really shocked when Doris, who is also a teacher and a friend from those apartment-house years, called to tell us that David was in the hospital—that he was to undergo triple-bypass heart surgery the next day. [...] As he lay in the hospital, David asked Doris why this was happening to him, when he’d tried to take care of himself, help others, and “do everything right.”

TPS4 Deleted Session August 27, 1977 tooth Arizona Inn teeth fallen

[...] You cannot justifiably say, then “Had we not taken this route, everything would have been hunky-dory (loudly).” [...]