7 results for stemmed:derek

ECS2 ESP Class Session, November 24, 1970 crossroads Derek soul Rachel flower

(To Derek.) And I have a comment to the young man in the mirror and it is this. I have lived many lives and I cannot prove, in your terms, my own existence. The fact that you are worrying about proving your own existence, however, proves that you exist. Now, I do not want to deflower your ego. However, a flower has better sense than to ask whether or not it exists. It accepts what comes to it. It takes joy in the vitality that belongs to it.

(To Derek.) You will find your own ways, but trust your own inner voice. If you do not trust what Ruburt would call the establishment, then trust the inner voice that is yourself and follow it. You do not need trust me, but you must, indeed, trust yourself. I have always trusted myself so I do not see why you would not trust me.

(To Derek:) And be careful of those associates that you make if they have a strong feeling also of meaninglessness. You can come and each of you in this room have come or will come to a dark corner. And the dark corner will seem to you that only desolation exists, and you will look into the faces of your fellow men and find only emptiness. And you will look into the faces of your brother and your father and your mother and find no meaning. You will see that they see meaning, but you will not experience their meaning, and so their faces may seem empty to you, and you will look outward into the world and find no meaning in it, only desolation and cruelty. And you will see at the end of a life only death and annihilation and wonder what the life was for.

ECS2 ESP Class Session, June 30, 1970 guilt Derek guilty props penance

(To Derek Pearson.) Now, I did not mean to ignore you, and I give you my most hearty welcome. [...]

([Derek:] “Is consciousness overriding our natural subconscious?”)

([Derek:] “While we are sleeping, you will instruct us?”)

ECS4 ESP Class Session, December 21, 1971 revelations scrambled labels Florence Sumari

[...] Derek presented an idea about cordellas. [...]

(To Derek.) You are on to a clue, but you made an error. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, August 17, 1971 Edgar harshly misshapen autograph judges

(To Derek.) And from you also a more relaxed attitude. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, March 30, 1971 ant revelant relevant cop answer

([Derek Pearson:] “Was the word relevant or revelant?”)

([Derek:] “How do we get you to help us?”)

ECS4 ESP Class Session, June 15, 1971 Ellen Florence Alpha Joel sedate

([Derek:] “Is Mark’s problem his trying to project? [...]

([Derek:] “I usually get tied up with my breathing. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, August 18, 1970 Sharon stacks vulnerable yourselves Arnold

(To Derek.) I was talking to you, and that is why this one (referring to Arnold) began to cough. [...]

([Derek:] “Earlier today I was working on some clay work I was doing for someone else. [...]