8 results for stemmed:catherin

TES6 Session 270 June 22, 1966 oriented survival nightmare Catherine ego

(“Is Catherine a male or female cat?”

(We named our second cat thinking it a female, but now have strong reason to believe we made a mistake. Male or female, the cat is now called Catherine, and answers to it. Jane laughed briefly, eyes closed.)

(End at 10:14. Jane was dissociated as usual. Seth didn’t say so but she received from him the definite feeling that Catherine is a male. Jane was concerned about blocking the nightmare data, wondering if it was perhaps clairvoyant. Seth returned briefly at 10:15.)

TES8 Session 350 July 6, 1967 jealousy Catherine temperas oils lingering

(There was an interruption while I let Catherine in; he had been scratching at the door. Yes, Catherine is a male cat.)

One note: Ruburt felt guilty over your second cat (Catherine) initially, feeling you did not want him. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session December 16, 1983 Pete Fife Hagen Infirmary insurance

[...] It was Catherine Murdock from social services. [...] Catherine said names could be moved up and down the Infirmary’s list—evidently Jane’s had been shifted several times when it was determined she was too ill to be moved. [...]

TES7 Session 316 February 1, 1967 mother identification Saratoga sensitivity attack

[...] (Our cat, Catherine, has recovered from his broken hip.)

TES8 Session 362 September 11, 1967 Bernard mirage stocky Sarah John

(John also told us now that his wife has an Aunt Catherine who fits Seth’s description of a stocky woman in her fifties. [...]

TES9 Session 501 September 17, 1969 Adam bridge Tam rfb Eve

[...] I am not sure here, the name of Catherine comes to mind.

TES6 Session 276 August 1, 1966 Masonite lumberyard Wellsburg worker Glen

(Shortly after this our new cat, Catherine, fell ill with distemper, and received a shot at the veterinarian’s Friday evening, July 29, along with some pills for subsequent days. [...]

TES7 Session 300 November 7, 1966 page article sheet Seminary torn

(We found our cat, Catherine, in a next-door backyard after dark on Sunday evening. [...]