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(A brief account for possible future use: Around November 17 we received a postcard from Carlos from his winter mooring berth in Alicante, Spain; card dated November 10. On Thanksgiving day, November 24, Carroll Stamp called us to tell us that she’d met Burt Ryerson, who had just returned from Spain. She didn’t know where; but Ryerson told her that while over there he’d heard that Jane and I had bought a house in Spain and were moving over there. I found this all quite unbelievable. We don’t know whether Carroll’s story is distorted, whether Ryerson may have things confused, or what. Evidently Ryerson was in Spain at the same time Carlos was, [and is, of course]. If Ryerson met anyone over there who knows us, we are quite unaware of it. I note these items in case something further develops out of Framework 2.
You were quite correct: it was not coincidence, for example, that you heard from Bill Macdonnel just after the Burt Ryerson story. The Spain connection with your friend the traveler, Carlos (Smith), and with the question of foreign translation of the books. There are obviously many patterns—some prominent and some subordinate, but they all work, often invisibly, adding up to seeming coincidences.
(Carlos Smith’s card from Alcanti, Spain.)
(It may simply be that Seth was referring to a foreign publisher in any European country, as one of the ingredients in this story of the workings of Framework 2. Card from Carlos attached to this session for reference if needed.)
[...] For myself, I wanted Seth’s comments on the Spanish Framework 2 connections that he detailed last session, re Ryerson, Macdonnel, our books being translated, and the card from Carlos Smith; I wondered what had initiated any Framework 2 connections for us via Spain, since we had no interests of note there.