4 results for stemmed:cadillac

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 17, 1984 Bactrim joyride car Cadillac maintenance

(3:08. Jane had a smoke while I read her the session for February 1, after she’d put on lipstick and looked in the mirror. Then I read her several other good and later sessions. Next, I described my vivid dream of last night: Jane and I were still driving our old yellow Cadillac convertible. She was walking normally. While we were in a local bar, two youths stole the car, which was parked nearby, and went for a joyride. I went outside to get the car to take Jane home, and found it gone. I called the police. I also found a young man in the bar who knew the two who had taken the car, but he was afraid to tell me who they were. Eventually the police found the car, abandoned some distance away, but unharmed. I was very angry about the whole thing and vowed to find out who had taken it. I told Jane the dream almost sounded like an exercise in exploring a probable reality.

(“Yes. How about my dream of last night — about the old Cadillac being stolen?”)

TPS5 Deleted Session November 8, 1978 taxes complacency contemptuous Edgecomb alike

[...] The same street does not suddenly become gold beneath the foot of the rich man and woman—and potholes in city, state, or government roads are felt alike by the tires of the Cadillac and the lowly Volkswagen.

TPS1 Session 367 (Deleted) October 1, 1967 overconscientious success Crowders unworthy spontaneous

[...] Since the old Ford—1955—was in the garage with gas tank trouble over the weekend, we were given a ride to Sayre and back from Elmira by the Crowders in their Cadillac. [...]

TPS1 Introduction By Rob Butts Laurel Ed hawk Walt wife

[...] We thanked him, said good-bye to him and Boo and headed north with Mischa in my ancient Cadillac. [...]