Results 1 to 20 of 39 for stemmed:arnold

ECS2 ESP Class Session, October 27, 1970 Florence puzzle leash degradation segment

([Arnold:] “We have existed an infinitely long time and will continue for an infinitely long time. On a scale which extends infinitely in both directions the positions of individual points becomes rather meaningless. I suppose we are all pretty equal but each of us is a portion of a larger identity which may not be equal to others.”)

([Arnold:] “But we do advance don’t we?”)

Now, the closest answers so far to the last question that you asked was given (to Arnold) over here. Now that is only natural since we have an old African god amongst us. You need to exercise your own intuition to some extent. You need to vocalize them because by hearing the words you realize what you actually feel and believe. Therefore, I would like our Lady from Florence to ask her question again, and I would like the people in class to give an answer.

ECS3 ESP Class Session, February 23, 1971 hooded Wally Arnold tribute hungry

(Arnold related his dream.)

([Arnold:] “Yes, I do.”)

([Arnold:] “Does this mean subconsciously then I am afraid to go into these changes by developing my psychic ability?”)

ECS3 ESP Class Session, January 5, 1971 nonintervals nonmoments Arnold spices Rachel

Now, I am speaking to our friend over here (to Arnold Pearson, a scientist,) because he may, perhaps, have a dim comprehension of what I am trying to explain, because of his background, that many of you may not have. [...]

([Arnold:] “Are these pulses extremely fast in our terms of time?”)

([Arnold:] “Is this nonmoment a moment of this existence?”)

ECS3 ESP Class Session, March 2, 1971 Ned sad Gert secrets sensitive

(To Arnold.) You have been hiding in concepts but amoeba-like. [...]

(To Arnold.) Concepts will not shield you and true concepts will lead you toward feeling, and the feeling will lead you to intuitional truths that have no need for concepts. [...]

([Arnold:] “I have been stressing the concepts far too much, haven’t I?”)

ECS2 ESP Class Session, May 5, 1970 Gert Florence Arnold Doug Brad

(To Arnold.) (Words lost) he gets confused, but I do not get confused. [...]

([Arnold:] “From another realm, I meant.”)

([Arnold:] “Oh!”)

ECS2 ESP Class Session, August 18, 1970 Sharon stacks vulnerable yourselves Arnold

(To Derek.) I was talking to you, and that is why this one (referring to Arnold) began to cough. [...]

([Arnold:]“No, I didn’t.”)

([Arnold:] “If we were two-dimensional and were one of a stack of cards placed in the middle of the deck, we would not be aware of those above and below, but if we could pull ourselves out of the stack we would be able to see that which was above and below?”)

ECS2 ESP Class Session, December 29, 1970 fish violence cannibals tribe kill

([Arnold:] “We don’t really do violence against an identity or whole self, but only against a self-created camouflage system.”)

([Arnold]“Do the animals that we know have a creativity in their actions as we do?”)

([Arnold:) “The thought of not being able to do anything violent, as these people were, lead me to think of the opossum, that play opossum when violence appears.” [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, June 23, 1970 couch transpose solid organization assumptions

[...] I look now between the two of you (looking at the couch where Natalie S. and Arnold were sitting). [...]

([Arnold:] “Do we all create the same organization and see the same couch?”)

([Arnold:] “Then we need those beliefs as part of our development even though we cast them off later?”)

ECS4 ESP Class Session January 11, 1972 chant Valerie reclaim Sumari anymore

(Sumari came through with a chant for Gert—then discussion, then a chant for Arnold. [...]

([Arnold:] “That’s a negative attitude.”)

ECS2 An Aid in Visualizing Time as a Dimension By: Arnold Pearson, Member of Jane’s ESP Class. stack fourth card dimensional dimension


ECS4 ESP Class Session, January 25, 1972 Bette Rachel Sumari dumpy campfire

(Arnold told of a repeated scene he has had.)

(To Arnold) And you have closed your mind to your own role, but we will get to it as far as our African god is concerned. [...]

([Arnold:] “Was I involved in this episode?”)

ECS2 ESP Class Session, November 17, 1970 Rachel accident Ned Dennis hunting

(To Arnold.) Now our fine, spiritual physicist. [...]

([Arnold:] “You mean consider technical problems that I have at work?”)

([Arnold:] “What different spirit do I have?”)

ECS4 ESP Class Session, July 20, 1971 Hess baiting fun Let vitality

[...] And let it above all, also arouse questions as it has with you (Arnold) and with you (Tom D.) but realize again that this vitality that rings through this voice rings through your own identity and yours. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, January 12, 1971 Joel Daniel violent Ned wring

Now the atoms and molecules also, my dear scientific friend over there (Arnold), these atoms and molecules, minute as they may appear to you, also carry their burden of consciousness and a responsibility, yet there is a portion of consciousness that can joyfully perceive in a different manner that is not forced to perceive by its nature, but that can playfully perceive as a creative aspect of its being and without responsibility. [...]

([Arnold:] “This dispersion of consciousness, is it the whole entity or just this portion of it?”)

(To Arnold.) Even as our African God over there can remember his past lives if he will only allow himself to do so. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, July 6, 1971 Joel Bette divinity listen Astor

“But I would think that Arnold as much as anyone else has been browbeaten by the stereotype. [...]

([Arnold Pearson:] “I agree with your first statement.”

([Arnold:] “Which I don’t agree.”

ECS2 ESP Class Session, November 10, 1970 flute Louise music tale wink

(To Arnold.) Even to this one over here. [...]

([Arnold:] “Even to me?”)

([Arnold:] “Seems as though it was undeserving praise though.”)

ECS4 ESP Class Session, June 15, 1971 Ellen Florence Alpha Joel sedate

(To Arnold.) You can experience it, and then let the intellect figure out what the inner self has learned. [...]

([Arnold:] “If our intellects are capable of it.”)

ECS3 ESP Class Session, March 16, 1971 Eva Alpha press loyalty grandfather

(To Arnold.) And for our friend here, some concepts that you can understand in Alpha I and II because you will be able to experience their reality. [...]

([Arnold:] “Concepts are a crutch I hope I can get over.”)

ECS4 ESP Class Session, September 14, 1971 acceleration crocodile piggyback Gert daydream

(To Arnold.) And my congratulations here to our African God for the dream which was indeed quite significant. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, January 4, 1972 Sumari proceed Bette gift Richelieu

(To Arnold) And some information that will be particularly of interest to you in terms of concepts and I thoroughly expect you to rise to the bait. [...]

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