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TPS6 Jane’s Notes April 14, 1981 Ethel April Tam till tackle

April 14 Rob decides we really have to do something to tackle my difficulties which have been more than considerable lately, he suggests I call Tam to see when Events is out; or if it is, since April 13 is date of arrival. Oh, wait; it was that same day, the 13th that I called. Tam said he’d call back; no books had come yet but should, as far as he knew. Then on April 14 Ethel Waters calls from Production at Tam’s insistence saying that after Events was delayed till May 14 because of the disclaimer problems; so it would come out the same month as God of Jane.... but that there were 10,000 back orders for Events, so I’d say that my dream probably gave me that indication, that something was held up.


TES2 April 10, 1964 April 12, 1964 branch anvil notepaper diameter asleep

(Last night, April 10, 1964, just before I fell asleep, I had the following experience: My eyes were closed but I saw a sheet of paper filled with script that I recognized to be the handwriting of Dee Masters, my supervisor at the Arnot Art Gallery where I work in the afternoons.

[...] I had forgotten the incident completely until this afternoon, April 11, 1964.)

(Last night, April 12, 1964, I had a brief but very vivid dream, in which I saw one of the big branches of the tree in front of Stamp’s house, around the corner from us, fall to the ground.

TES6 Session 251 April 15, 1966 Diebler apparition exhibitionism unscheduled Ann

(As suggested by Seth in the last regular session for April 11, Monday, Jane decided to skip Wednesday’s session for April 13, and possibly the following Monday’s for April 18. [...]

(A partial copy of the article from the Elmira newspaper for April 18,1966, used as the envelope object in the 48th experiment, in the 252nd session for April 20,1966.)


TPS5 Deleted Session April 30, 1979 Yale Moorcroft ld relaxation Professor

(What I’m trying to do is to let the information Seth has given in the last several deleted sessions for me, starting with that for April 4, sink in so that I can achieve a synthesis of it all both consciously and unconsciously. I think the material is very perceptive, and that I may have begun achieving some kind of equanimity between the two men, or opposing sets of belief, that Seth so aptly described in the deleted session for April l8. [...]

[...] I’ve had several lesser encounters with relaxation effects since the massive one of April 24—the last one being last night. [...] The line that’s most impressed me in all of this, perhaps, is Seth’s quote to me from my own body, given by him in the deleted session for April 18: “You worry too much. [...]

APRIL 30, 1979 10:15 PM MONDAY

TES9 Session 481 May 12, 1969 April destruction construction imagine pricking

473 - April 7, 1969

474 - April 9, 1969

475 - April 14, 1969

TPS6 Jane’s Dream/Notes April 12, 1981 adulteress disclaimer ok liar wicked


April 12 have a “dream” that a man is talking to me about Mass Events primarily, saying that he’s seen a copy and there is nothing about the disclaimer to anger me, that it’s ok, and then mentioning God of Jane. [...]

TES7 Jane’s Handwritten Note, Relating to Seth’s Comments in Session 313 Mossman McGraw Schaefer February Doubleday

On April 2, 1968—I sent it to Prentice Hall

On April 17, 1968—I got request from a Tam Mossman to do a book on Seth Material, using portions of the best chapters from dream book that deal with Seth.

TES6 Session 254 April 27, 1966 kettle Lilliard teapot gliddiard looming

[...] Bill Gallagher, who has ulcers, drinks either coffee or tea on his visits, and he was present on April 15. [...] Our kettle was in use therefore on the evening of April 15.


[...] The object was a sheet of yellow paper upon which our young friend Don Wilbur doodled various numbers and words on the evening of Friday, April 15. [...]

TES6 Session 265 June 6, 1966 Marilyn ceramic bricks Wilburs object

[...] The picture was taken by Don Wilbur on April 4,1966, as noted on the back. Don and his wife Marilyn were due to witness the 248th session on April 4, but last-minute developments prevented them doing so. [...]

[...] On the back of the object Marilyn Wilbur had written April 4, 1966, as well as the name she had given her ceramic sculpture. [...] April is the fourth month; the number four also shows; and the number 1 in 1966. [...]

[...] As stated, Don took the picture for specific use as an envelope object in the 248th session, due April 4,1966. The projected meeting would thus involve four people; the Wilburs could not attend at the last moment, but Don delivered the object personally on April 4, so there was an actual meeting of three.

TPS2 Session 656 (Deleted Portion) April 16, 1973 youth subterranean deny unbridled equating

APRIL 16, 1973

(This material is from the 656th session for April 16, 1973.

TPS1 Deleted Session April 15, 1969 buyers intelligence infinite subconscious perfect


(April 15, 1969. [...]

(April 15, 1969. [...]

TPS2 Session 654 (Deleted Portion) April 9, 1973 courageous cents ignore brilliance beautifully

APRIL 9, 1973

(This material is from the 654th session for April 9, 1973.

TES2 Wednesday, May 13, 1964 Callahan divan Miss tongue mouth

[...] 1. On March 9, 1964, Seth said that April 15 would be a day of crisis for Miss Callahan in the hospital. [...] On April 15, Seth stated during the 44th session that Miss Callahan would undergo brain damage. [...]

[...] On April 18 Miss Callahan was moved to a local rest home, the Town House.

(On April 22, 1964, Seth stated that May 23rd would represent another and possibly the last crisis as far as Miss Callahan is concerned. [...]

TPS5 Session 846 (Deleted Portion) April 4, 1979 side supermarket prominence exotic instincts


[...] In the first (on April 3, 1979), you are with an exotic move star, who would not ordinarily appear in a grocery store or a supermarket (actually a five-and-dime in the dream). [...]

In the second dream (on April 4, 1979), Bill Macdonnel, whom you do not consider an excellent artist, reflects your own sometimes confused feelings about what might have happened had you devoted your work primarily and exclusively to art, or played the artist, as Bill does. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 6: April 22, 1984 protected association tears pregnant wouldn

(No session was held today, April 21, 1984, but we did do some free associating, so I’ll present a summary of that material here, and follow it with a session and more free association whenever they come through.

(A session obviously was held the next day, however, on April 22, 1984. [...]

(I read parts of the session for April 18 to Jane — wherein Seth had said she’d become extremely frightened. [...]

TPS2 Session 657 (Deleted Portion) April 18, 1973 satisfactory ashes Cybernetics Psycho diverts

APRIL 18, 1973

(This material is from the 657th session for April 18, 1973.

TPS5 Session 850 (Deleted Portion) May 2, 1979 stress unpleasant reconcile affectionate potent

[...] At this writing I still feel an occasional, if mild, return of the first massive relaxation of April 24: very pleasant. I’ve also developed the habit of repeating Seth’s quote from my own body, as he gave it in the deleted session for April 18: “You worry too much. [...]

DEaVF1 Essay 9 Monday, May 31, 1982 essay Mandali aspirin thyroid April

The quotation from Seth just presented will certainly lead the reader to wonder about additional sessions we may have acquired from him since April 16, and from Jane since April 20 (see the essays for those dates). [...]

[...] What they really signify for the long term is (as I wrote in the essay for April 16) a continuing program of intense study for Jane and me—and yes, for Seth, too—as we seek to better understand our chosen commitments in our present physical lives. [...] The anger I’d felt at Jane and myself when she began recording her sinful-self material (see the essay for April 16) has long since dissipated. [...]

[...] Seth put it beautifully a couple of months ago in the session for April 12—the first time Jane spoke for him since leaving the hospital—and I return to it again and again. See the essay for April 16: “The entire issue (of Jane’s living) had been going on for some time, and the argument—the argument being somewhat in the nature of a soul facing its own legislature, or perhaps standing as a jury before itself, setting its own case in a kind of private yet public psychic trial. [...]

TPS2 Session 653 (Deleted Portion) April 4, 1973 navigate belabor deluged straits Amen

APRIL 4, 1973

(The following material is from the 653rd session for April 4 1973.

TPS1 Session 581 (Deleted Portion) April 14, 1971 success guilty overexaggerated disloyal happily

APRIL 14, 1971

(This material is deleted from the 581st session for April 14, 1971.

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