Results 1 to 20 of 46 for stemmed:anyway

TPS6 Jane’s Notes March 8, 1981 stories Suzie damnation doll tale

Part of me doesn’t want to contend with this material at all but last night I had one of the strangest, quite frightening experiences—all the odder because there are so few real events to hang on to. Anyway early after we went to bed I realized I was in the middle of an odd nightmarish experience, one terribly vivid emotionally, yet with no real story line. I only know that the following were involved: a childhood nursery tale or/and a childhood toy like the cuddly cat doll I had as a child named Suzie that I thought the world of. Anyway, the point was that the story.... and there I lose it; I don’t get the connections. All I know is that I awakened myself crying, my body very sore, sat on the side of the bed and made the following connections from my feelings at the time:

ECS4 Jane Roberts’ ESP Class, August 31, 1971 helper class Alright appendage gal

Anyway, we do different things in that class and one of the things that we did, you know how we in this class use the pyramid at the top of the head to contact other probable selves? [...]

[...] You can look at this, the whole phenomena, anyway you want. [...]

TPS5 Jane’s Notes March 26, 1979 Moonies dissatisfied superimpose Anyway Jonestown

[...] (There was some other stuff I got but I’ve forgotten it already.) Anyway the chapter was to be followed according to what I got, by one on frightened people who suddenly break out of old ideas, open their mental environments, and seemingly work miracles in their lives; like the old man, the old woman....

TPS6 Jane’s Dream July 27, 1981 vaccine shot nightmare ok medicine

[...] Anyway a group of us were to be given a pill or some such that was actually a vaccine against some disease—perhaps polio. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, June 1, 1971 Joel Bette Indians kids didn

([Jane:] “She also took the first shot at you guys, but that didn’t mean much because you were going to kill them anyway.”

([Joel:] “Well, it may be completely resolved on all levels but you recognize the intellectual first anyway.”

TPS2 Deleted Session February 26, 1972 repressed release ambiguous conscientious Elgersma

[...] You could not do it anyway. [...]

[...] And often says “No sex anyway. [...]

TPS1 Session 583 (Deleted Portion) April 21, 1971 excitement feeds preponderance rouse silent

It is the habit, to one extent self-examination carried too far in that respect, of too much concern with the problems of the self anyway. [...]

TPS3 Session 769 (Deleted Portion) March 29, 1976 impulses bathroom issues risqué conflict

To some extent he knew this, but felt defiant enough to try it anyway. [...]

TES7 Jane’s Notes Monday, September 26, 1966 Barb Greenwich Connecticut stingers Rob

[...] Rob shook his head and I didn’t particularly want to get involved anyway so I said no mentally. [...]

[...] Anyway Barb said she lived there some years back. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 10, 1984 antibiotic urine heparin sample temperature

[...] “Then if nobody comes in, I’ll start the session anyway. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 5: Session 904, February 27, 1980 choices Eden neurological free Garden

[...] I feel it’s good, anyway….”)

WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 16, 1984 boxcar Sue chassis trinkets kitten

[...] Then I thought that anyway, I could have a kitten here. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session October 28, 1983 motion head bet torso groaned

[...] “What was I doing, anyway? [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session September 18, 1972 Susskind negotiating congratulations show excuse

[...] Beliefs: you felt that the discussion was needless because Ruburt could not make it anyway, physically. [...]

TSM Chapter Nineteen: Inner Vibrational Touch Polly flashlight vibrational paths Senses

[...] Naturally, she didn’t want anyone to know about the child, who had been put up for adoption (and it was none of my business anyway). [...]

UR1 Appendix 4: (For Session 685) sidepools neurological bypass Saratoga linear

[...] Anyway, I was getting too much of it at once. [...]

TES9 Session 465 February 17, 1969 prophet background painting lips figure

(Jane didn’t feel particularly like having a session, but decided to anyway. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 6: Session 844, April 1, 1979 nuclear Harrisburg Island Mile smarter

One is that because objects just originate in man’s imagination anyway, there’s always a strong connection between objects and man’s dreams. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session April 3, 1978 toe Rockefellers mark unconscious Walt

[...] He would do what he would do anyway, protecting himself as he thought fit. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session October 29, 1977 ligaments faith knees Rubin lubrication

[...] Sometimes, perhaps, when Ruburt is listening to music he likes on his radio, let him try to get the feeling of Framework 2 again, without trying too hard, and imagine himself dancing, anyway he likes. [...]

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