6 results for stemmed:andrea

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 11: Session 643, February 26, 1973 Andrea inferior beliefs aggression opposing

Over the phone Ruburt reminded Andrea of her own basic uniqueness, and also of the fact that she was creating her reality through beliefs. Ruburt reinforced other ideas that Andrea had momentarily forgotten — the fact, among others, of her own true worth; and because Ruburt believed in Andrea’s worth, and because Andrea knew it, this more positive belief rose up to shove the others aside.

During the day, Andrea was able to look at both beliefs and see them as opposing ideas that she had held about herself. She believed she was unique and good — and also that she was inferior and bad. At various times one belief would color her experience nearly to the exclusion of the other. Just before this session Andrea called back. She realized that she had indeed set up the situation by not dealing honestly with her own conscious ideas.

Ruburt advised Andrea to accept the validity of such feelings as feelings — not to inhibit them, but to follow their flow with the understanding that they are feelings about reality. As themselves they are real. They express emotional reactions to beliefs. The next time Andrea feels inadequate, for example, she is to actively experience that feeling, realizing that even though she feels inferior this does not mean that she is inferior. She is to say, “I feel inferior,” and at the same time to understand that the feeling is not a statement of fact but of emotion. A different kind of validity is involved.

ECS1 Session 386, ESP Class, December 7, 1967 Andrea Bergere transcends Myshurek Warsaw

[...] There were three witnesses present: Andrea Bergere, Rose Cafford and Florence McIntyre. [...]

[...] The last few lines above refer to Andrea Bergere’s deceased son.)

[...] Seth resumed at about 10:15, briefly, addressing a little reincarnational data to Andrea.)

ECS1 Session 386, ESP Class, December 7, 1967 [Florence McIntyre’s Version] Poland McIntyre Andrea Majurak Florence

[...] Attending were Andrea, Rose Cafford and Florence McIntyre. [...]

[...] You (pointing to Andrea), in 1572—Poland, what is now considered Poland, a boy—relatives from Russia. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, December 28, 1967 boy died water teach death

(Session addressed to Andrea Bergere, whose adopted son died by drowning last summer.)

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 11: Session 644, February 28, 1973 emotions beliefs refute revengeful hateful

(10:12.) As with Andrea (see the last session), you must accept the validity of your feelings while realizing that they are about certain issues or conditions, and are not necessarily factual statements of your reality. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 11: Session 645, March 5, 1973 core bridge beliefs invisible sensual

Andrea never doubted the “fact” that life was more difficult for a woman than for a man. [...]