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ECS4 ESP Class Session, October 5, 1971 Phil Janice baby goddess Persia

[...] It was a national holiday, sacrificial day ...something that we would translate into atonement but that wasn’t the word at all ...where children were sacrificed, so that the earth would grow ... [...] It was supposed to do all kinds of fantastic things; and it didn’t, it didn’t, it didn’t! ...And you didn’t have the guts to go back ...and you wandered, and you wandered alone, because you didn’t have the guts to go back. And all you had was a cut—a wound in your left thigh. [...] It was just this fantastic mob ...and those kids were cooked...and it was all in the name of religion and in the name of all this stuff except that out of it you hoped to get wealth ...and all she [Janice] had was a woman’s common love for the child. [...]

[...] Of all people, why couldn’t you tell her after all this time?”

Now I am going to do something here if you want to do it, and you must be brave and adventurous, and I am sure that you all are (much laughter). [...] Therefore, let me know what you are, and let me become a part of all that I am. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 20: Session 580, April 12, 1971 unending inhumanity suffering portray misdirection

[...] (Long pause.) All That Is is alive within the least of itself, aware within for example the molecule. It endows all of its parts — or its creations — with its own abilities that then act as inspiration, impetus, guiding lines and principles, by which these parts then seek to further create themselves, their own worlds and systems. [...]

[...] A great painting of a battle scene, for example, may show the ability of the artist as he projects in all its appalling drama the inhuman and yet all-too-human conditions of war. [...]

[...] Or to put it another way: If we are constantly creating, how can All That Is exist as complete now?”)

ECS4 ESP Class Session, December 7, 1971 Sumari language Janice Bette seed

Now if you were not the Sumari you would not be here at this particular time, and if all of you did not know what it was to be Sumari you would not be here at all. [...] I would not have you stew over that with all of your other problems (to Bette). [...]

([Bette:] “All right, so we go from the seed to the tree to the leaves. Now the leaves fall off and eventually—I know that it’s the same thing like I said with our lives,  that all are going on at the same time. It’s a cycle but does it eventually all go back to the seed?”)

You are all in at the start of something, and surely you do not want it all explained for you and written out in black and white. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, May 26, 1970 god joyful browbeat takers commandments

[...] You can blame him for all your misfortunes. [...] I tell you to look inside for the one road to All That Is within you. [...]

When you are joyful, and I know in spite of the serious faces that you are indeed joyful, then you have some idea of All That Is. [...] When you perform some task without effort and take joy in the task, you will have some slight idea of All That Is. [...]

[...] You have made God responsible for all of your (words lost). [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 14: Session 560, November 23, 1970 drama Christ twelve disciples God

This awareness gives personal experience with the multidimensional richness that exists not apart from but intermingled with, within, through, and all about your physical world of sense. To say that physical life is not real is to deny that reality pervades all appearance, and is a part of all appearance. In the same manner, God does not exist apart from or separate from physical reality, but exists within it and as a part of it, as he exists within and as a part of all other systems of existence.

[...] It shares in those abilities that are inherent within All That Is. It must, therefore, create as it is created, for this is the great giving that is behind all dimensions of existence, the spilling-over from the fountain of All That Is.

God, therefore, is first of all a creator, not of one physical universe but of an infinite variety of probable existences, far more vast than those aspects of the physical universe with which your scientists are familiar. [...] He is a part of all probabilities.

ECS1 ESP Class Session, October 8, 1968 bell task Lafinda ring brandy

[...] As long as she is certain of your loyalty and support, then she is a firm foundation upon which you may all build. [...] —However, I will say here that large portions of her energy are diverted to provide supportive help physically for all members of the family. [...] She is intuitively aware of her position with All That Is, and she does not need to rationalize it. [...]

[...] I speak to you all individually and individually you all know me, so while you all hear the same words individually they mean something different to each of you. [...]

[...] You all travel far beyond the confines of the world that you think you know, and you waken in the morning with little memory of where you have been. [...] That is perfectly all right, you go where you go and you travel where you travel, and if you want to tear your tickets up in the morning and forget where you have been, that is your own privilege. [...]

TES3 Session 128 February 3, 1965 electrical intensity shape dissection field

All depths here, and all dimensions here in the electrical system, are all in terms of intensity alone. [...]

[...] Basically and ultimately, all pathways and all journeys and all experience are electrical.

[...] If all of this sounds farfetched, then remember that the shapes that you perceive meaningful, many other species within your own field cannot perceive at all.

ECS4 ESP Class Session, January 25, 1972 Bette Rachel Sumari dumpy campfire

[...] Symbolic indeed of an absence in the past and a journey of which you are all aware. And a journey you have in one way yourselves all taken. I have been speaking Sumari English to you all along. [...] All of you. But if you want to know what we are doing with the Sumari language, my dear cousin of Richelieu, we are taking away your ball and that is why you all feel so uneasy. And suspense is the spice of life, so do not go looking for all the answers in one moment. [...] All chases are merry. [...]

[...] And so as all things that have come and gone already begun and in their beginning they change and alter, creativity once more arises and you play your part in it and you find yourselves embarked in a new world, in new sensations, in new encounters with self, even though the sense even now passes away and you know where the future is behind you and the past that is yet to come for the past is forever as new as the future and in all things are there beginnings without endings and even your ideas of endings rouse themselves and can never pass away. [...] You are bony structures momentarily looking out through eyes and seeing through pulses, yet you form the eyes and the pulses and the worlds that make them possible and the dramas that so intrigue you from the past and the present and the future, and yet in all of these there are doorways, there are beginnings. There is (word lost), there is knowledge and in all ancient things there are beginnings before births, there are images before thoughts, there are gods within gods, there are paths that you (words lost). [...] The selves are new but you have sat here for centuries, and in your aliveness springs the creativity from which all things are born and the joy and vitality that gives life to all worlds. [...]

[...] After I said that this one [Mary Ellen] told me something that she has been thinking all week and all I did was mouth her words for her again.”)

ECS2 ESP Class Session, August 18, 1970 Sharon stacks vulnerable yourselves Arnold

He is doing very well, but in the case of children, in most but not all, they are able to handle their fears. [...] You have all the energy, all the ability, all the power and all the strength you will need within you to face each and every situation and be the selves you want to be. [...]

All existence is vulnerable for vulnerability is the framework and the sensitivity that makes existence possible. All That Is is vulnerable to All That Is and the possibilities and probabilities of creation that dwell deeply within it. [...]

[...] I wish you all, therefore, a hearty good evening, and remember that the dead have a vitality that would put you to shame and allow your own parents to smile when they visit you. My heartiest regards to you all and a fond good evening. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, June 1, 1971 Joel Bette Indians kids didn

[...] Somehow I always managed to get the Indian into the argument so evidently I have forgiven all that they did to me until l saw Joel, and then it all came back.”

([Jane:] “I suggest for now we will let it ride although I don’t think we have really gone all the way out of it. I don’t think we got it all. [...]

[...] It wasn’t necessary at all, but I guess we didn’t know that then.”

WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 21, 1984 movie Cecce animals Georgia unicorn

The environment, man, and the animals were all characterized as ferocious, hostile to each other, each one determined to attain survival at the expense of the other. [...] Despite any other theories to the contrary, the world, all of its physical aspects, and all of its creatures, depends upon an inborn cooperation. [...]

[...] All exist (long pause) in an inner webwork, and are held in the memory of an overall earthly knowledge — one that is biological, so that each smallest microbe has within it the imprinted biological messages that form each and every other microbe. The existence of one presupposes the existence of all, and the existence of all is inherent in the existence of one.

Even biologically on the most microscopic of levels, there is a vast inbred network of cooperating activity, and these unite the animal and mineral kingdoms with all the other aspects of earthly existence. Each organism has a purpose, and it is to fulfill its own capabilities in such a way that it benefits all other organisms.

ECS2 ESP Class Session, May 5, 1970 Gert Florence Arnold Doug Brad

[...] All That Is is not male or female, and I am sorry to upset anyone. All That Is is indeed energy and yet all energy is individualized so you are not dealing merely with impersonal energy but neither are you dealing with a personality in the terms usually used. For you do not understand as yet what personality is, and when you understand what you are, then you will have some small glimmering of what All That Is is and basically you will find All That Is within yourselves. [...]

[...] All That Is is within you. [...] The inner voice is the voice of All That Is and that voice speaks through the tissues of your body and the cells and atoms and molecules that compose your physical image. The inner voice speaks through All That Is. [...]

[...] You are to cooperate with all life and all life is a part of All That Is and every animal has consciousness and you will realize this or you will destroy your planet. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, March 2, 1971 Ned sad Gert secrets sensitive

Now our friend, Ruburt, is not about to go for all this sexual hanky-panky that is described in this precious book, but the man who wrote the book picked up his information from the inner self and then he made a story about it. And when you come to class from now on I will expect to find you all here, not just the physical self, not just the intellectual self, not just the portions of yourself that you term, psychically inclined, but the emotional self. [...]

[...] You listen to the words and that is all, but the power behind the words, and the power behind the voice, is emotional power and emotional energy and it represents, again, energy that is within each of you and there is no need to be afraid of it. [...] And why should you try to be psychically educated while closing yourself off emotionally from the others who come to class for you all have put up barriers between yourselves. [...]

Now there is a point within each of you, at this moment, in this room at this time, that is a connection with all of reality that you can ever know and this point is a point of feeling. Not of words, not of concepts, not of trial and error, but the point of existence within you that is now present and of which you are all aware. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, August 17, 1971 Edgar harshly misshapen autograph judges

And do not pay any attention to Ruburt when he chews you all out. [...] My book is finished so I will have plenty of energy left to deal with all of you, and to send you on whatever adventures you are willing to pursue—even our friend, Edgar, over here. [...]

Ruburt gave you some idea of some events that in all probability will occur. [...] I have more confidence than Ruburt has and before I begin my next book, I will let you all know. [...]

[...] And this applies to all of you. [...]

TES7 Session 309 December 14, 1966 structure yous psychological selves step

The next step is taken when identity is able to include within itself the intimate knowledge of all incarnations. [...] Each of these steps of consciousness involves identity with the inner recognition of its whole identity with All That Is.

As each separate identity then seeks to know and experience its other portions then All That Is learns who and what it is. [...] All That Is can never know itself completely, since action must always act and each action creates a new unknown.

[...] Yet all of you are psychologically connected. [...] All of you did not have the same parents, for example, and these are portions of probable situations existing in your own parents’ separate lives, as you think of their lives.

ECS4 ESP Class Session, November 23, 1971 Sumari guises lona dena Sheila

[...] And all of you have your masks and guises that you wear and have worn. [...] And all of these guises are myself, and all of your guises are yourselves. [...] I am aware of all your activities. [...] We are all Sumari. [...] But we are all Sumari, and if you are all Sumari and never forget that you are all Sumari, and you have always been Sumari. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, December 28, 1971 Sumari Lawrence Mu Chet ancient

I bid you all then a hearty good evening, but all of you will be working while you sleep. And I hope you all keep tabs so that you are aware of your dream activities. [...] (Very loudly.) And so I bid you all a fond good evening, and again, I let you know that the vitality that sings through this form sings also through your own. [...]

[...] But what is happening in this room happens all the time unconsciously within all of you. [...]

Now, you have all been involved in an experiment, and I hope that you all profited. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, April 8, 1969 courage Florence Lo Brad flower

[...] And you all know that there is fondness behind my severity. And you all know I would not huff and puff and blow your door in unless I gave proper warning—and I am giving proper warning! Now, there is joy in all this—and there is spontaneity—and you do not have to think in terms of walking into the inner self in a sack of ashes and crying repentance. [...]

Now you are all getting it this evening, but it is long due—and it is for this reason that our friend Ruburt did not welcome me with open arms at your last class, for he knew what I was up to. [...] Is the journey, after all, that frightening? [...]

[...] If all of you did not have abilities that you were not using, I would leave you alone. [...] The search upon which you have all embarked can only be begun from the center of your own reality. [...]

TES8 Forward by Rob Butts Rick Laurel Volume Elmira Early

“Now,” I mentally said to my departed loved one in all sincerity, “if we had the chance to do it all over again, I’d suggest that we dispense with all divisions—that we regard the Seth material as a great whole, any part of which, public or private or in between, has the creative power to help not only us but many others. Let all of it be available to all.” [...]

How long would it take to publish all of those categories? I don’t know who would have the patience to read them, but I’d really like to see all of them out there, on the record. [...] All I’d need is the “time” to do that while overseeing the projects already listed. [...] In all modesty, I think that my art and its subject matter are unique; that for each one of us dreams are an original and unending source of inspiration and knowledge.

[...] After all, in the conventional sense what was one to do with personal material from whatever source but keep it personal? [...] It wasn’t until after Jane’s death in 1984 that I took the “time” to understand that Jane’s Seth material—her great passionate body of work—really didn’t need to be categorized as public or private—that all of it was simply one multifaceted creative entity.

TES9 Session 489 June 23, 1969 pyramid gradations interwoven faint diversities

[...] Consciousness of itself forms all of these realities and systems. It does not forget as you forget, that you form all the dimensions within your own system. [...]

Even physically you have not categorized all of the life-forms, and there are many co-inhabiting your system that you will never physically perceive. [...]

[...] There are gradations in matter as there are gradations in your color, realities that blend one into the other, and probable systems in which various representations, reflections, shadows and echoes, all probable creations of any given self, mature.

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