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ECS4 ESP Class Session, November 16, 1971 Gert Jason Phil Bette Alpha

[...] (Words lost) far as the inner self is concerned, for you must translate what you receive. [...] Because you give yourselves certain names does not mean that you are not one self. [...] It is the self that was familiar to you before you learned to speak. [...] The innermost portions of yourself that is indeed a part of all energy, must be sifted through the self that you now recognize, and your job is to learn how to receive the information and how to open and use the inner self. [...]

([Gert:] “When I do this mirror trance, I’m getting an image on the wall behind me of my ‘Golden Boy.’ Is that a projection of my inner self?”)

You are tapping the energy of your being, the inner self, with which you have not been familiar. You are picking up information, often of which you conscious self is not aware. [...]

TES4 Session 173 July 28, 1965 Watts solution dream spirals actions

[...] They affect the self sometimes to an even greater degree. The dream personalities are indeed fragments, projections of the self, all working out various roles, seeking various experiences, searching for solutions and gratifications.

It goes without saying that the dream universe is every bit as real to the inner self as the physical universe is to the conscious egotistical self. The physical universe is relatively (underline relatively) as unimportant to the inner self as the dream universe appears to be to the egotistical self.

The core of the self is obviously aware of all realities to some extent. If portions of the self did not coincide then it would be impossible for the whole personality to ever operate as a unit. Here we simply have spirals, so to speak, of evermoving actions that compose the whole self. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 11: Session 547, August 24, 1970 sneezed healers creators hay vocation

[...] A portion of you was earlier projected to the hospital where your father is. [...] In the very back of your mind you wondered if he knew, now, that he ever had hay fever, and it was that that triggered the unconscious projection.

You might say that the personalities then are but divisions of your self here. [...]

Your unconscious self is a strong portion of our sessions, and it was for this reason that Ruburt sensed this absence. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 8: Session 635, January 24, 1973 guilt violation shalt instinct Thou

To that extent natural guilt projected man into the future. [...] Unfortunately, artificial guilt takes on the same attributes, utilizing both memory and projection. Wars are self-perpetuating because they combine both natural and unnatural guilt, compounded and reinforced by memory. [...]

The “demons,” your projections, are then placed upon a national enemy, or the leader of another race; sometimes whole masses of population will project upon other large groups the images of their own unfaced frustrations. [...]

[...] You cannot inhibit one without similarly affecting the other, so under such conditions the docile loving child is usually projecting and expressing the restrained love for the family as a whole. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session December 15, 1981 ness singularity participation single child

At that point the us-ness is ever projected outward. The dimensions of the self begin to shrink enough, and it is at that point, in your terms, that the search for a private God or religion begins to emerge. [...]

[...] (Long pause.) I told you that at certain levels contradictions would certainly seem to appear, but the us-ness of the self represents an important psychic characteristic. [...]

[...] It is only when the us-ness of the self begins to fade that a sense of relative personal helplessness begins to mar the picture of subjective experience. [...]

TES3 Session 101 October 28, 1964 fifth dimensional dimensions midplane resistances

The relative, neutral passivity is attained as various portions of the whole self once more collect together. The acceleration, which is mental, begins as those divergent portions of the whole self interact. This is an electromagnetic sequence or action that will eventually help provide the impetus for projection of the whole self into another field of actuality, as the rate of acceleration increases and becomes more unified.

At this point of course the self moves beyond or through the particular midplane involved. [...]

[...] The personality, through the inner self, has indeed created or constructed the physical form, but the very material from which it was constructed also contains its peculiar consciousness, as you know.

TPS1 Deleted Session April 1, 1970 motion nonrunning mental spontaneity running

One reason, you see, that I suggest the running is that any running at all prevents him from projecting into the future a nonrunning self. [...]

[...] When this occurs and he sees himself for example running, to some extent this makes the mental image of a nonrunning self less vivid. [...] And the will, now, can be used to initiate a series of actions that will be spontaneous; and the motions now, the physical motions, in turn set up mental images of spontaneity that become self-generating. [...]

[...] The spontaneous self is being given more and more freedom, yet under a cautious eye, and with the symptoms in the background, again just in case.

TPS1 Session 478 (Deleted) April 28, 1969 pluck weeds pen desire sell

[...] He talked of selling the land and tearing down the terrace as a projected act of self-mutilation, mutilating something that he loved, to do penance for his sins, in his light.

[...] Minimize its importance, if necessary, rather than overstate a projected negative reaction to an already negative mood.

[...] Then self-pity enters in. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 9: Session 863, June 27, 1979 paranoid spider schizophrenic web values

What protection, then, but to effectively project these outside of the self — impulses of good as well as evil — and hence effectively block organized action?

[...] You will see no value in the life of a mouse sacrificed in the laboratory, for example, and you will project claw-and-fang battles in nature, completely missing the great cooperative venture that is (underlined) involved.

[...] They have been taught that energy is wrong, that power is disastrous, and that the impulses of the self are to be feared.

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