11 results for (stemmed:"differ atom" OR stemmed:"atom differ")

UR2 Appendix 19: (For Session 712) hole sound massive particles atom

Atoms combine to form molecules. If the assembled atoms are all alike, an element results; if two or more different kinds of atoms combine into molecules, a compound is created.

“Speaking of the dead hole in a galaxy, say ours, it emerges in what would be to us an atom of fantastic size, but the same thing happens on a different scale as far as the creation of matter is concerned within our own system.”12

In conventional terms, atoms are regarded as the submicroscopic entities making up all objects and substances in our world. Each atom consists of a nucleus of protons, neutrons, and other subatomic particles, around all of which move a complicated system of much lighter electrons. (An atom of hydrogen, however, is made up of but one proton and one electron.) All is in balance: The number of positive charges on the nucleus equals the number of negatively charged electrons. Note 24 for Appendix 18 contains a short discussion of the particle-wave duality involving the components of the atom. In Note 35 for the same appendix, I quoted Seth from the 702nd session in Volume 1; he advanced his own idea of interrelated fields versus particle-wave theory.

NoME Part One: Chapter 1: Session 803, May 2, 1977 chair sculptor die disasters patterns

[...] The atoms and molecules within those chairs and couches are quite alert, though you do not grant them the quality of life. [...] The atoms and molecules that make up a chair play a different kind of ring-around-the-rosy, and are involved in constant motion, forming a certain pattern that you perceive as a chair.

[...] It does not bother you one whit that the physical substance of your body is made up of completely different atoms and molecules than it was composed of seven years ago, [say], or that your familiar hands are actually innocent of any smallest smidgen of matter that composed them [even in recent times past].

The differences in motion are so divergent that to you the chair, like your body, appears permanent. The atoms and molecules, like the children, enjoy their motion — solidly sketched in space from your perspective, however, with no “idea” that you consider that motion a chair, or so use it.

ECS2 ESP Class Session, May 5, 1970 Gert Florence Arnold Doug Brad

You have a different form every seven years. The atoms and molecules of your body have completely changed. [...] Your forms are completely new and different, and yet I see that you carry on quite effectively and it does not seem to bother you. [...]

[...] The inner voice is the voice of All That Is and that voice speaks through the tissues of your body and the cells and atoms and molecules that compose your physical image. [...] The very atoms and molecules in the air give blessing. [...]

The atoms and molecules within your bodies and the consciousness within them have dwelt as flowers in the field. The actual atoms and molecules that are within your arm at this moment have been within the cows that you have eaten and the flowers upon which you now walk. [...]

TES2 Session 64 June 24, 1964 bug construction hose cat insect

The physical matter that is the chair, or rather Ruburt’s chair, is formed as I explained, and no atom in it is the same today and tomorrow. [...] You construct your own chair in the same manner, using different energy; and again no atom of your chair is the same today and tomorrow.

Your cat is also different, a completely different construction, for each of you. It is easier, perhaps, to understand if we first consider the difference between the bug’s construction of the cat, and the cat’s construction of the bug, before we go on.

[...] The bug that he saw was a different construction from the bug that was seen by either of you, and all three constructions were different from the bug’s physical construction of himself. [...]

TES3 Session 137 March 3, 1965 action identity electrical perceived vitality

[...] Within the physical field these perceivable symbols are composed of matter, which is a conglomeration of atoms and molecules. Each individual, creating, say, his version of any given chair, uses entirely different atoms and molecules in his subconscious construction of it.

[...] Basically, for any duplication to appear, the exact atoms and molecules would have to be used, and this is obviously impossible.

The chair is an identity, and yet at no given moment is it the same chair, for already the atoms and molecules that compose it have changed, and been replaced by others. [...]

TES7 Session 331 April 3, 1967 project form Lizzie dead mac

[...] This is however much more difficult, and of a different nature entirely. The consciousness that ordinarily projects in an out-of-body experience could not practically project into one atom. The realities are too different.

[...] In Ruburt’s experience three different forms were used. [...]

[...] There is nothing so strange at this, since in physical life there is the definite difference between the body form of the child, the young adult, and the old man. [...]

UR2 Section 5: Session 725 December 11, 1974 strands identity mountain invaded rocks

[...] Atoms and molecules will sometimes form trees; sometimes they will become parts of couches. [...] They combine to form cells and organs, and through all of these events they obtain different kinds of experience.

[...] These mix psychically with other strands, as physically atoms and molecules are interchanged. So there are different organizations of identity in which you play a part.

[...] Atoms and molecules build blocks of matter, in your terms, even while the atoms and molecules remain separate. [...] For that matter (amused), if you will forgive me for that old pun, the atoms and molecules that form the table today did not have anything to do with the table five years ago — though the table appeared the same then as now.

UR1 Section 1: Session 682 February 13, 1974 units propensities unpredictability probable selection

(Long pause at 11:29.) While words are difficult to use here, again, what I am saying applies, in different ways perhaps, to the behavior of worlds, atoms, and psychological structures. [...]

[...] I feel like I’ve had three or four drinks, or as though I’m in a different state of consciousness already — and here I haven’t had anything except this apricot juice …”

[...] There is a basic unit of consciousness that, expressed, will not be broken down, as once it was thought that an atom was the smallest unit and could not be broken down. [...]

UR2 Section 4: Session 712 October 16, 1974 planet beam space clusters speeds

Now: Electrons themselves operate at different “speeds.” The structure of the atom that you recognize, and its activity, is in larger terms one probable version of an atom.11 Your consciousness, as it is allied with the flesh, follows the activity of atoms as far as it is reflected in your system of reality.

What he was sensing, however, was an entirely different kind of reality. He was beginning to recognize another synapse [neuronal] pattern not “native”; he was familiarizing himself with perceptions at a different set of coordinate points. [...] That particular type of consciousness operates “at different speeds” than your own. Biologically, your own physical structures are quite able to operate at those same speeds, though as a species you have disciplined yourselves to a different kind of neurological reaction. [...]

Ruburt is learning to minutely experience — change that — Ruburt is learning to minutely alter his experience with the probable atomic correlations that exist quite as validly as does the particular kind of atomic integrity that you generally recognize. When he does so, in your terms, he alters atomic receptivity. [...]

TES2 Session 66 June 29, 1964 construction overlapping continuums glass Voghler

These constructions exist definitely in terms of atomic structure, but of such different densities and speeds that you are unaware of them though they are perceived by the inner senses, and utilized by the subconscious and inner self as a very important reality.

I have mentioned that each physical construction is composed of atoms and molecules, which also possess a generalized consciousness and capsule comprehension. [...]

[...] The pulsations inherent in the atoms and molecules of the constructions are, of course, picked up by others. [...]

TPS2 Session 605 January 17, 1972 pyramids chanting sound gong bleed

[...] Something about these instruments making atoms and molecules denser, somehow—doing different things with them....”

[...] You simply choose various kinds of organizational structures and different root assumptions—all however within the general root assumptions used for physical existence.

[...] The sound instrument had a fantastic cohesive effect that bound atoms and molecules together.”