14 results for stemmed:"coordin point"

SS Appendix: Session 593, August 30, 1971 hole coordination black entropy points

(Pause at 10:45.) These coordination points also serve to give your system additional sources of energy. The law of entropy does not apply, therefore. The coordination points are actually, then, sources of additional energy. They only open however when concentrations of energy build up within your system. I would like to make the idea clearer. A physical vehicle, a spaceship, for example, could never survive that kind of exit and reentry from your system.

In Atlantis there were those who utilized this knowledge, accelerating certain thoughts through concentration, emphasizing certain feelings so as to send them through these coordination points. Great stability was therefore achieved as far as roads, buildings, and the like were concerned. Such projects were carried out with great consideration for their position between various coordination points.

With the intent in mind, you will find your inner vision inclining toward a particular direction of the room, and even your thoughts will seem to follow in the same direction. An imaginary line will help you properly identify the place, in any given location, closest to any given coordination point. Imagine a line drawn from the point of your inner vision, coming from the inner eye you seem to be using, outward. Let it be joined by an imaginary line from the top of your skull, following the same direction in which your thoughts seem to flow.

SS Part One: Chapter 5: Session 524, April 20, 1970 subordinate coordinate angles points units

These points are not recognized as such, but they are points of what you could call double reality, containing great energy potential; coordinate points, indeed, where realities merge. There are main coordinate points, pure mathematically, sources of fantastic energy, and subordinate coordinate points, vast in number.

(Long pause at 9:29.) There are four absolute coordinate points that intersect all realities. These coordinate points also act as channels through which energy flows, and as warps or invisible paths from one reality to another. [...]

[...] They occur within certain angles made by coordinate points. The points obviously are not themselves physical — that is, they are not visible, though they may be mathematically deduced. [...]

SS Part One: Chapter 5: Session 525, April 22, 1970 coordinate emanations Coast Utah revamping

[...] These coordinate points themselves activate the behavior of atoms and molecules as, say for example, the sun aids the growth of plants. The coordinates activate the generating behavior of atoms and molecules, and greatly encourage their cooperative abilities; their tendency to swarm, so to speak, into organizations and structural groupings.

The coordinate points magnify or intensify the behavior, the latent spontaneity inherent within the properties of physical matter. [...]

Now, this is not to be a technical book, so this is not the time nor place to discuss thoroughly the action, behavior or effects of these coordinate points; nor of the electromagnetic energy units — those natural emanations of consciousness of which I spoke. [...]

UR2 Section 4: Session 713 October 21, 1974 Perspective program screen jacket hat

[...] Since your scientists have themselves given these labels, then using those terms I will say (with much gentle humor) that there are red, green, orange and purple holes — that is, the so-called black holes and white holes only represent what physicists have so far deduced about the deeper properties of your universe, and the way that certain coordinate points in one world operate, as providing feed-through into another.

[...] I [recently] suggested a project to Ruburt’s class — one that will ultimately illuminate many of the points I am making in “Unknown” Reality. I suggested that Ruburt’s students create a “city”9 at another level of reality. [...] A psychic marketplace, for example, where ideas are exchanged, a place of psychic commerce, a pleasant environment with quite definite coordinates, established as an “orbiting satellite” on the outskirts of your world.

(Slowly:) The simple picture of the universe that you see on our screen, therefore, represents a view from your own now perspective — but each star, planet, galaxy or whatever is made up of other reference points in which, to put it simply, the same patterns have different kinds of reality. True space travel would of course be time-space travel,5 in which you learned how to use points in your own universe as “dimensional clues” that would serve as entry points into other worlds. [...]

UR2 Section 4: Session 712 October 16, 1974 planet beam space clusters speeds

3. Seth began discussing coordinate points in Chapter 5 of Seth Speaks. See the 524th session: “Other kinds of consciousness coexist within the same ‘space’ that your world inhabits. [...] This is a general statement, however, for various points of your realities can and do coincide … points of what you would call double reality, containing great energy potential … where realities merge.”

[...] He was beginning to recognize another synapse [neuronal] pattern not “native”; he was familiarizing himself with perceptions at a different set of coordinate points. [...]

Give us time … There are, again, inner coordinates having to do with the inner behavior of electrons. [...] The coordinates that link you with others who are more or less of your kind have to do with psychic and psychological intersections that result in a like space-time framework.

SS Appendix: Session 591, August 11, 1971 engineer highlighted sixth minister biblical

[...] It includes additional information on several topics already mentioned in the book proper, such as coordination points, biblical times and records, objects as symbols, reincarnation, and expansion of consciousness. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 15: Session 657, April 18, 1973 reinforce past beliefs current mercy

(A note: My own hunch is that there’s a good connection between Seth’s reincarnational points of power, cellular memory, and the coordinate points he discusses in Chapter Five of Seth Speaks: “These coordinate points act as channels through which energy flows, and as warps or invisible paths from one reality to another. [...] These points impinge upon what you call time, as well as space….” [...]

[...] Imagine your future from the power point of the present. [...] In this period concentrate upon the fact that the point of power is now. [...]

In a way that will be explained in another book for those interested in such matters, there is a kind of coincidence with all of these present points of power that exist between you and your “reincarnational” selves. [...] There is a constant interaction in this multidimensional point of power, therefore, so that in your terms one incarnated self draws from all of the others what abilities it wants, according to its own specific, localized beliefs.

SS Part Two: Chapter 17: Session 569, February 24, 1971 Speakers dreamers eeg rules foods

(10:19.) These are called coordination points, where one camouflage merges into the other. [...]

[...] The “absent” portion of the self cannot be traced through brain patterns, though the point of its departure and the point of its return may show a particular pattern. [...]

(9:30.) The symbolism of the gods, the idea of the gods on Olympus, for example, the crossing-over point at the River Styx — that kind of phenomenon was originated by the Speakers. [...]

ECS4 Jane’s Exercise in Class August 31, 1971 pyramid flash gladly Return freedom

Seth has gone into these coordination points, and told... [...]

SS Part One: Chapter 5: Session 523, April 13, 1970 speech convey unselfconsciously transmitted words


TPS7 Deleted Session December 29, 1983 fund Maude climbed rarefied enterprise

[...] The letter I’d had published recently in the November issue of Coordinate Point International, describing Jane’s challenges, had come to the attention of the reader in St. Paul, MN, who had called Maude with the idea of a fund. [...]

[...] The fund idea is an ideal case in point, being quite unexpected. [...]

UR2 Appendix 19: (For Session 712) hole sound massive particles atom

In closing: See the 593rd session in the Appendix of Seth Speaks for Seth’s material on black holes, white holes, and coordination points: “A black hole is a white hole turned inside out … The holes, therefore, or coordination points [points of double reality, or where realities merge], are actually great accelerators that reenergize energy itself.” [...]

(These two ideas from Seth, which came through in connection with his data on moment points, are to me very suggestive of the concept of long sound. From the 681st session:) In your terms — the phrase is necessary — the moment point, the present, is the point of intersection between all existences and reality. [...]

(Jane said the high-voiced, rapid delivery reminded her of Seth Two, then mentioned a point I’d forgotten: She’d experienced a similar effect once before — last month, while writing poetry, and only mentally. [...]

TPS2 Session 604 January 12, 1972 Sumarians Sumerian carving Baalbek instrument

The pyramids, the huge boulders etched out (I think Seth refers here to Baalbek; I didn’t interrupt to ask), all of this was done in one way or another through the use of, a knowledge of, both coordination points in space (described by Seth in his own book) and the use of sound. [...]

(Thus, all of these points came together tonight and resulted in the session. [...]

[...] There were three or four beginning points. [...]

UR2 Section 5: Session 721 November 25, 1974 king Roman counterparts soldier Jamaica

(She enjoyed the exchange a great deal, she made sketches while speaking on such subjects as the many facets of the electron and its behavior; time and its variations; gravity, its changes with motion, and its attributes in the past, present, and future; the velocities of light; mathematical equations; astronomy, including perceptions by telescope of the future as well as of the past; the structure of the earth’s core; earthquakes and “black” sound/light; language, including glossolalia and her own Sumari; pyramids, coordination points, and so forth. [...]

8. See the quotations from Seth about the moment point in Note 11 for Appendix 12. One of the references also included in that note can be traced back to his material on reincarnation, moment points, and dreams in the 668th session for Chapter 19 of Personal Reality.

[...] At this point you will understand the fact that the play, while seeming quite real, is to a certain extent hallucinatory. [...]