Results 21 to 28 of 28 for stemmed:"befor birth"

NotP Chapter 8: Session 786, August 16, 1976 contours intrusions bombarded events raindrops

[...] Event-making begins before your birth, and the dreams of unborn children and their mothers often merge. [...] In fact, towards death a great dream acceleration is involved as new probabilities are considered — a dream acceleration that provides psychic impetus for new birth.

TSM Chapter Twenty supraconscious clumps medium perception independent

[...] But animals, as far as we know, do not anticipate their own death, or wonder about their status before birth. [...]

We are aware of past, present, and future—a series of moments strung out, it seems, one before the other. [...]

[...] Each sensation we have received since our birth is still intact in the subconscious. [...]

[...] I had to learn to handle more stimuli than ever before, and to maintain overall stability as I learned to develop latent abilities. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, January 25, 1972 Bette Rachel Sumari dumpy campfire

[...] There is (word lost), there is knowledge and in all ancient things there are beginnings before births, there are images before thoughts, there are gods within gods, there are paths that you (words lost). [...]

[...] It was a split gourd and I offered her this drink before she had to leave.”)

UR2 Introductory Notes by Robert F. Butts Volume Unknown reader ideal sections

[...] They are means of recognition that stand for something else, a reality; signs that stand for words, spoken before the birth of words; words imprinted in molecules; words that were imprinted in other ways before the birth of molecules; and yet (to class members) words that echo within your own individual psyches. [...]

[...] He hadn’t been delivering “Unknown” Reality for long, then, before I realized that I’d have to devise a system of presentation that would handle his material, my own notes (which I could see were going to be considerably longer than they are in Seth’s other books, Seth Speaks and The Nature of Personal Reality), excerpts from Jane’s ESP classes, appendixes, and anything else that might be included.

[...] I also want to present a few passages from both regular and private (or “deleted”) sessions that were held before, during, or after Seth-Jane’s actual production of “Unknown” Reality in its entirety. [...]

TES2 Session 64 June 24, 1964 bug construction hose cat insect

He actually creates his own environment, but this environment is created by him according to conceptions received telepathically now, in childhood, in infancy, and even before birth.

[...] It can be categorically stated that neither Jane nor I had any knowledge that such an investigation was underway involving Elmirans, before Seth mentioned it last week.

[...] It is easier, perhaps, to understand if we first consider the difference between the bug’s construction of the cat, and the cat’s construction of the bug, before we go on.

[...] As he has done before occasionally, he gave a loud cry and jumped at Jane’s ankles as she paced back and forth. [...]

UR2 Appendix 22: (For Session 724) Roman soldier tower Jerusalem Peter

[...] It seems to me that no matter what role in any life the individual decides upon before birth (to incorporate Seth’s ideas here), that individual will carry consciousness’s innate drive toward personal expression — but still within the protection furnished by social organization. [...]

(The day before the 724th session was held on December 4, I had another experience involving internal perceptions of myself as a Roman soldier in the first century A.D. As far as I can tell, however, this latest episode was not a continuation of my three visions of last October, in which I saw the end of my life while I was an officer in the armed forces of Imperial Rome1 — yet this time also I confronted circumstances surrounding my own death. [...]

[...] I experienced two long-lasting mental images before I slept. [...]

[...] I kept this second image in mind for some time before allowing myself to realize that the victim fell amid a group of his fellows. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 9: Session 931, July 15, 1981 sinful overlays journal church bonding

[...] Mainly he’d discussed one’s choice of genetic defects before birth, but to me portions of his material are very reminiscent of Jane’s situation:

[...] Many of his fears originated long before the sessions, of course, and before he realized that there was any alternative at all between, say, conventional religious beliefs and complete disbelief in any nature of divinity.

[...] This is the last major stage we’re concerned with before a book is printed, other than okaying routine components like frontmatter proofs—meaning the table of contents, dedications, quotations from Seth and Jane, and so forth—and the index.

[...] His information on the sinful self opened up a very important development in Jane’s [and my own] search for an understanding of her symptoms, and I’m presenting excerpts from that session in Note 9. [Before long, I realized that I could use notes to carry portions of several more sessions on the sinful self.]

UR2 Appendix 18: (For Session 711) appendix Jung excerpts animus particles

Yet, we fully agree with Seth — that like any other personality Jane chose her physical environment before birth, planning to meet certain challenges within that setting.

[...] This system automatically makes room for any references in Volume 1. In actuality the chronology begins long before “Unknown” Reality was started, and continues well beyond the date of its ending, in April 1975. [...]

Also, Ruburt has experienced and used dissociation, though to a lesser degree, before our communications — that is, in his work — and knows how to handle it.

We have gone into this before, and I have no doubt that we will on endless occasions. [...]

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