16 results for stemmed:"inner sound"

NoPR Part One: Chapter 5: Session 623, October 25, 1972 sound assessment Speakers glasses inner

The same kind of sound built the Pyramids, and it was not sound that you would hear with your physical ears. Such inner sound forms your bone and flesh. The sound exists connected with but quite apart from the mental words you use in thinking.

The inner sound value of the countering suggestion automatically begins to refresh the body. It is fashionable now to think about noise pollution, yet the same kind of circumstances occur with inner sound, particularly when your inner thoughts are self-contradictory, scrambled and random.

(Adding to the 11:05 note on sound: The 1971-72 sessions mentioned there also contained much about the inner meanings of sound and Jane’s development and use of Sumari — and once again I refer the reader to her Introduction. As Seth told us, “Sumari effectively blocks the automatic translation of inner experience into everyday verbal stereotypes.” One of its services will be to teach Jane to free her inner cognitions enough so that she can translate Speaker manuscripts without distorting them out of all proportion.

NoPR Part One: Chapter 5: Session 625, November 1, 1972 interior sound composed electromagnetic nerves

These sound values are literally interwoven in an electromagnetic pattern. The sounds weave (gesturing) themselves through, and help form this pattern. The activity of cells within the body also causes what you might call minute explosions of interior sound. (Long pause.) The electromagnetic and inner sound patterns are impinged upon by certain kinds of light. [...]

Dictation: The body reacts not so much to physical sound as to the interior sounds into which the physical sounds are translated. As mentioned (in the last two sessions), it also reacts to sounds that have no physical “counterparts.”

There are chains of influence that are actually composed of inner values of sound that thread together, as it were, the complicated interweavings of both the genes and chromosomes.

NoPR Part One: Chapter 5: Session 624, October 30, 1972 patient disease sound doctor beliefs

The unharmonious sounds have become a part of that portion of the body as a result of the inner sound of your own thought-beliefs. That is why it is vital that you not reinforce these inner sounds through repeating the same negative suggestions to yourself. Verbal suggestions are translated into inner sound. [...]

As I mentioned (in the last session), inner sounds are extremely important. Each of the atoms and molecules that compose your body has its own reality in sound values that you do not hear physically. Each organ of your body then has its own unique sound value too. When there is something wrong the inner sounds are discordant.

Mental images therefore are extremely powerful, combining inner sound and its effects with a clear mental picture which will seek physical form. Your imagination adds motivating and propelling power to such images, and so you will find that many of your beliefs are entertained by you in an inner visual manner. [...]

TPS2 Session 602 January 5, 1972 cordellas sound language sh onomatopoeia

Sounds obviously existed before language. There is a pattern of sound beneath all languages, a bed of vocal communication that lies behind all language and alphabet. The vocal sounds of the Sumari language and characteristics as they are presently apparent to you will, hopefully, lead toward these clearly understood but logically unstructured sounds that are recognized by the organism and by the inner self, but ignored by the reasoning conscious mind that focuses upon the logical language.

[...] The word, onomatopoeia (there is a chance the first letter should be A instead of O) comes closest to explaining the inner nature of such sounds.

The body’s feeling, the sound of the words, convey(s) the message. So independently of any language there are sounds that in themselves convey such messages, that act upon the physical system. [...] What is felt by the organism approximates the meaning of the sounds, and to some extent is the meaning of the sounds.

NotP Chapter 6: Session 776, May 17, 1976 language molecular sounds amplification identification

To some extent punctuation is sound that you do not hear, a pause that implies the presence of withheld sound. To some extent, then, language is as dependent upon the unspoken as the spoken, and the rhythm of silence as well as of sound. In that context, however, silence involves merely a pause of sound in which sound is implied but withheld. Inner sound deals primarily with that kind of relationship. [...]

Now: Regardless of the language you speak, the sounds that you can make are dependent upon your physical structure, so that human language is composed of a certain limited number of sounds. Your physical construction is the result of inner molecular configurations, and the sounds you make are related to these.

(Long pause at 11:26.) There are “inner sounds” that act like layers between tissues, that “coat” molecules, and these serve as a basis for exterior sound principles. [...]

TES1 Session 20 January 29, 1964 camouflage outer neurotics senses inner

[...] In the same manner the ears hear sounds that are distant from the body. In fact, and this is a rather important point, the ears ordinarily hear sounds outside the body more readily than sounds inside the body itself. Since the ears are in the body more or less, and of it, it would be logical for an open-minded observer to suppose that the ears would be well attuned to the inner sounds to a high degree. [...]

[...] The ears can be trained to some degree by neurotic individuals into a sound awareness pertaining to the body itself. [...] But as a rule the ears neither listen to nor hear the inner sounds of the body.

When I speak of the subconscious in this manner, I speak of course of that larger portion which deals with the inner realities. I want to give you more detailed information about the inner realities themselves. Actually they do not parallel the outer senses, and this will sound appalling to you I’m afraid, simply because there is nothing to be seen, smelled, heard or touched in the manner in which you are accustomed. [...]

UR2 Section 5: Session 723 December 2, 1974 language rock sounds Neanderthal prehuman

Underneath this, however, there are basic inner sounds upon which all language is based, in which certain images give forth their own sound, and the two together portray clear, precise meaning.2 A long time ago I said that language would be impossible were it not for its basis in telepathic communication3 — and that communication is built up of microscopic images and sounds. [...]

2. In Chapter 5 of Personal Reality, sessions 623–25 all contain Seth material on inner sound, light, and electromagnetic structures of the body that ordinarily we do not perceive. From the 624th session, for example: “I told you that thoughts are translated into this inner sound, but thoughts always attempt to materialize themselves also. [...]

[...] From the 600th for December 13: “Each symbol in an alphabet stands for unutterable symbols beneath it … Sound itself, even without recognizable words, carries meaning. Oddly enough, sometimes the given meaning of the word does battle with the psychic and physical meaning of the sounds that compose it … The [Sumari] word ‘shambalina’ connotes the changing faces that the inner self adopts through its various experiences. [...] And from the 602nd for January 5, 1972: “In your language there are words that sound like the reality they try to represent. [...]

TPS2 Session 600 (Deleted Portion) December 13, 1971 cordella Alphabets language shambalina impressionism

The sounds used in the language have their own importance, and will be in their own way representative or suggestive of feelings that have been largely unconscious, generally speaking. The feelings however are the tail end of inner cognizance, and we will use the sounds to carry us further and further into those inner landscapes where both objects and their representatives must finally desert us.

[...] Use of it however will allow you to more clearly perceived your own inner reality, your physical and psychic experience. You will no longer translate inner experience with the same automatic glibness into stereotyped verbal patterns of images, but will be far better able to experience it for itself.

[...] Sound itself, even without recognizable words, carries meaning. Oddly enough, sometimes the given meaning of a word does battle with the psychic and physical meaning of the sounds that compose it.

SDPC Part Two: Chapter 7 camouflage Malba instruments Decatur senses

[...] In the same manner, the ears hear sounds that are distant from the body. In fact, the ears ordinarily hear sounds from outside the body more readily than sounds inside the body itself. Since the ears are connected to the body and part of it, it would be logical for an open-minded observer to suppose that the ears would be well attuned to the inner sounds to a high degree. [...]

[...] The inner senses deal with realities beneath camouflage … and deliver inner information. These inner senses, therefore, are capable of seeing within the body, though the physical eyes cannot. As the senses of sight, sound and smell appear to reach outward, bringing data to the body from an outside observable camouflage pattern, so the inside senses seem to extend far inward, bringing inner reality data to the body. [...]

The ears can be trained to some degree into a sound-awareness pertaining to the body itself. [...] But, as a rule, the ears neither listen to nor hear the inner sounds of the body.

UR2 Section 4: Session 714 October 23, 1974 snapshots tone postcards sound Politics

“I say ‘sounds’ — yet these inner body sounds can only be compared to an interior body situation where sound operates as light. [...] Sound has light value, and light has sound value. [...]

[...] During the session Seth discussed inner sound in connection with Jane’s own physical symptoms. (In Volume 1 of “Unknown” Reality, see the 679th session before 10:31, and Note 8. The quotations below are also related to the material on inner sound, light, and electromagnetic values in Chapter 5 of Personal Reality.) Seth, at 11:07 P.M.:

[...] I think that her experience with inner sound after the session represented her interpretation of the information Seth gave on feeling-tones, some two years ago; see the 613th session for Chapter 1 of Personal Reality. [...]

TPS2 Session 605 January 17, 1972 pyramids chanting sound gong bleed

[...] Let various inner sounds, memories of sounds, enter your consciousness, that may or may not be familiar to you. Try to think of the sounds of images. Think specifically of pyramids and see what sounds come to you.

[...] She had the feeling that “heavier sounds were at the bottom. [...] It was all important, she said, that the heavier sounds were at the base of the structures. Like the musical scale, she felt that the sounds used in building the pyramids “made steps in the air that you couldn’t see. Certain sounds went up—certain sounds bound things together—they all had purposes....”)

[...] The symbols upon them often were meant to be sounded, the sound setting up reverberations. Some of these would automatically open up many doors, leading to as yet undiscovered secrets—but only for those who understood the use of sound.

UR2 Appendix 19: (For Session 712) hole sound massive particles atom

10. Sound, and various symbolic attributes of that phenomenon, are uniting factors in back of much of Seth-Jane’s material, and I could list many instances. I’m not referring here only to “outside” developments like Jane’s powerful Seth voice, her speaking and singing in Sumari, or her slow and fast sounds as produced for this session, but to inner, audible and inaudible manifestations or translations of sound.

In the 24th session for February 10, 1964, Seth explained how a recent vision I’d had, involving a ladderlike series of heads opening and closing their silent mouths, had really been my attempt to cast inner data into a more familiar outer-sense kind of perception. “You felt sound,” Seth told me. After my initial unease over this new type of experience, I found it most intriguing; I’ve had my own little adventures embodying that feeling perception of sound ever since. In the same session, Seth discussed Jane’s periodic feeling of sound; in her case, she often hears music internally.

[...] Besides Jane’s material in appendixes 4 and 5 for Volume 1 of “Unknown” Reality, see Seth’s deliveries on inner sound, light, and electromagnetic patterns in the four sessions (623–26) making up Chapter 5 of Personal Reality.

TPS3 Deleted Session October 20, 1975 unsafe Bantam realistic Pocket safe

I say “sounds”—yet these inner body sounds can only be compared to an inner body situation where sound operates as light. [...] Sound has light value, and light has sound value. [...]

[...] The movement of the joints makes sound. The sounds are messages. When hormones are released they make sounds. Those sounds are messages.

[...] As inappropriate as this might sound, thoughts of your own fortunate financial situation help you increase that abundance—but it also helps to increase the abundance of others.

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 10: Session 640, February 14, 1973 therapeutic therapy illumination grace chemicals

Music is an exterior representation, and an excellent one, of the life-giving inner sounds that act therapeutically within your body all the time. (See Chapter Five.) The music is a conscious reminder of those deeper inner rhythms, both of sound and of motion. [...]

These organizations then serve as awakeners or stimulation to inner portions of the self, always providing it with fresh experience. The inner self responds through the richness of its own psychic fabric, sending up, so to speak, ever-new particularized abilities to meet the exterior circumstances.

[...] On the other hand technology brings within your reach the great therapy of music; this activates the inner living cells of your body, stimulates the energy of the inner self and helps to unite the conscious mind with the other portions of your being.

TPS3 Session 741 (Deleted Portion) April 21, 1975 unlisted input mail fresh phone

[...] Ruburt will be involved in a different kind of inner listening, and so will you, although yours will be concerned with translating inner sound into image.

UR2 Section 4: Session 708 September 30, 1974 sleepwalkers hibernation flesh code secondary

4. The sessions in Chapter 5 of Personal Reality, referred to in Note 2, contain information on the functions of the body’s inner sound, light, and electromagnetic values. [...]

[...] The cellular comprehension8 provides all kinds of inner therapeutics that operate quite naturally. There is a physical give-and-take between the body and environment beyond that which you recognize; an inner dynamics here that escapes you, that unites the health of plants, animals, and men. [...]

12. And added two weeks or so later: I see connections between the “centuries of inactivity” that Seth describes in this (708th) session, and certain unique psychic abilities of Jane’s — namely, those involving “massiveness” and “long sound.” In Volume 1, see not only Session 681 between 10:22 and 11:47 for data on one of her massive experiences, but that session’s accompanying Appendix 3. Then in this section of Volume 2, see both Note 9 and Appendix 19 for the 712th session, concerning material on Jane’s long-sound trances; during one of these it could theoretically take her a week — or a century — of our time to pronounce just one syllable of one word.